>Walk in to gym
>"Squat 300 or die"
wat do
Walk in to gym
Puts 300 oz on bar like a boss
my man doesnt even have the bolt in his ak
ask for a warm up set
and then squat 300
thats it? ok
>Why the fuck are you in my basement?
Ask him where he left the other parts to his rifle.
I am not going to take off wait for your sorry ass.
If you wanna work in, you gotta work hard.
>"Squat 300 or die"
Laugh and do 500.
With what ammunition?
Given under the circumstance of you potentially dying and finding that adrenaline, is this possible if you have a 1.5 pl8 squat for 8?
Fine, but I'm only going parallel
epic win
>Squat 300 atg
because that’s bitch weight
Rep it, I've been lifting over two years it should be possible.
>he guns you down for disobeying orders
>you cum when you die
Squat your mum for reps
Fucking easy brah
Do zercher.
I've actually walked into the gym and squatted 320lbs for 5 as my first set of warm ups.
Didn't want to deload the barbell, and the other power rack didn't have one at the moment.
Wtf is this guy doing in my garage with an ak-47
>Trying to kill me with a AK without a bolt or mag
>Also telling me to squat bitch weight
This nigger
Put 300 KG on the bar and squat it ass to grass with a pause.
fuck yeah!!!!
Front squat 600 and look him deeply in the eyes while I let out a big brap on the ascent
>wat do
ask where his magazine, bolt, and dust cover went from his rifle.
push him back into manlet pit
die squatting 300
It's a Cali compliant AK. Basically you swing it like a bat if someone attacks you.
And summon the gym jester to mock him roundly.
Le trolled
Can I at least warm up?
>benches 300lb
"fuck squats, slavnigger"
Deadlift 300 and pretend that's what they asked for.
Fucking kek
>Sucks my own dick
Hah wanna see you kill me now fag