Diagnosed with colon and ovarian cancers

>diagnosed with colon and ovarian cancers

im the only autist in the family. no one picked up my calls today. i have no friends. im still a college student i've never smoked or drugs and drink rarely i still don't understand why it has to be me

i feel so alone, i haven't stopped crying. i really just want someone to be here, i just want a hug please. why cant someone be here for me.

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Roastie status: toasty


you just got lucky I guess :^)

sorry about all this op

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thanks how inspiring

sorry to hear user. i have no idea what to say or suggest for you. life's not fair. we're here for you right now. is there anything you want to do?

You swiped me left on Tinder, so fuck you.

That's horrible, user. I wouldn't wish cancer on my worst enemy. Truly one of the worst things that can happen to a person.

I've watched so many of my loved ones die from it I'm just waiting for the day I finally get diagnosed with it now.

I don't have any social media stuff but I'll be here in this thread if you need someone to talk to about this.

I'll give you a hug if you live close to me. Hope you can find happiness in your situation, user.

How the fuck do you have ovarian cancer as a guy? This whole story smells like bullshit

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thank you

i love my parents alot but they don't seem to love me back. my sisters arent in town and honestly i dont even know what to say. no one picked up my calls, so should i just text them? group message? should i even bother

i'm 20 and work at a call center, i can't afford chemotherapy and don't even know where to begin. i plan on just killing myself once the pain becomes too much anyway, i think itll be better to die in piece.

im a woman. thats why i have ovaries.


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You should bother. You really need someone there for you right now. Even if you think they don't love you, they're not going to want to see you suffer like this.
Just keep trying until someone picks up.
You can get help.

>go to college
>become a slamhog for dick anally
>get ass cancer
>side order of never reproducing in your to-go box
Can't say karma doesn't exist

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i've never had anal sex so thanks for the input.

How did you find out you have this cancer?

ye call them. trust me you dont want to have no one beside you when things get REALLY bad.

Have you managed to get a hold of anyone yet?


when the crying stops is when you should be worried

Thought it up before this larp, else "she" would post a pic of the bloodwork results

thank you

i had a regular annual blood test done and my CA and CEA levels returned high. my CA is abnormally high and my CEA is inline with a smoker, but i have never smoked and don't like with smokers. he began talking about options and specialists but i excused myself to go to the bathroom and just left. i didn't stay. this was a week ago.

today i wanted a second opinion and got another blood test and they scraped my cervix aka papsmear and sampled my shit. this doc confirmed my blood test indicated a "highly possible" diagnosis of both cancers. i haven't gotten the results from the second opinion but i think i already know i don't want to be in denial.

i can post pics

What are CA and CEA?
Doctors do blood tests?

Lmao I can Google testing for cancer too

Literally first result xd

Death is always a scary thing user. Just accept your fate and enjoy the remainder of your days. I know I would desu

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Just get a hold of your family.
Also it's good that you haven't got confirmed results yet. If there's a still a chance you don't have them then there's still a chance everything will be okay.
I hope everything goes alright for you, user.

Truly insightful look into the mind of a roastie. Potentially life threatening event, can't help but use it to harvest attention. What a woman.

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they order them through a lab

i don't know honestly what they mean. i'll provide pictures.

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other result on my test

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Maybe you're just pregnant in your third trimester

If you want to make peace with your coming death, consider strong hallucinogens. It's worked in clinical trials.
We all have to go. Hope you can find people to be with you through these times.

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>never drink or smoke
>never do drugs
>go to a doctor for blood test
>results comee back and you have cancer

Yeah, im just confused as you are.
You can easily cure your cancer by eating raw habanero.

Heres a memorable thread from Jow Forums


Might as well just get wasted 24/7 if you know for sure you're fucked. No reason to kill yourself early when you could get drunk 24/7 with absolutely no consequences.

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You should fuck and suck some lonely robots as your last gift to the world. There's something to be said for dying like you lived.

Shut the ffuck up
Cancer is curable. She doesnt need to fry her brain with lsd or shroooms

Okay wave your magic wand and cure her ass cancer

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i care about you, i hope you will be okay.. and i hope it is not terminal cancer, even though i want to die daily i know that i dont really, and im sure you dont really either

Well the bitch better start eating spicy food and eating habaneros.

Turmeric juice 5 times a day
Smoke some cannabis every other day
And cancer cells will slow down.

this. psychedelics, particularly psylocibin, provides a extra layer to reality and puts things into perspective which could put your mind at ease and help with the acceptance of your situation. i would wait and see if it is cancer, how far it has progressed, life outlook, etc. before deciding. also, definitely reach out to your loved ones. the reminder of mortality tends to bring people closer together. i hope all goes well for you, OP.

Also take cold showers. Like very cold. Never take a hot shower again.

I am so sorry to hear that. If you need someone to talk to I am here.


do these methods really work? i don't know how to get access to cannabis and how do cold showers slow the spreading?

i wanted to get my degree before i died atleast but honestly i might cash in on student loans for chemo if it comes down to it. if psychedelics take the edge off chemo i'm all down for it

i am too, i tried calling my parents again but its almost midnight. can cancer be hereditary? do i just have bad genes? they still haven't called back and i honestly don't want to talk to them

Heard fasting (and to an extend intermittent fasting) is supposed to help somewhat. Shit fucking sucks OP. Hope things turn out alright.

Make a wish and become a magical girl

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Well most of want to die but just dont have thee balls to do it.
looks like you lucked out.
All you have to do is sit their and wait to die.

Mind if I tap that before you go?

call me instead cancer-chan

>do these methods really work?
Yes they work
Those peppers have 2000% of vitamin C
>how to get access to cannabis
>and how do cold showers slow the spreading?
Cold showers help the immune system

Do you have discord, OP? We can talk if you want.

Tacitus Kilgore#2502

i got the app and sent you a request

thank you. i disappeared from the thread because i'm doing some more research. most of these are discredited by doctors, the only thing that can save/slow it down is chemotherapy

god bless american health care.

Nothing but chemo- and radiation therapy treat cancer. Don't let some weed cucks fool you into smoking their autism leaves designed for negroe- and commie subjugation by the CIA.

You need to get a hold of someone in your family. Your motherfucking ass is rotting to the point your going to die. You'll want them around in the end

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you will feel better after you watch some cartoons.

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Nice job dis.
That's what happens when you don't let wash touch your peepee.

I thought colon cancer was pretty survivable unless you are an old fatass. If they catch it this early, they can remove the polyp without major surgery. Some people go years shitting blood without getting it treated and they still somehow survive it.

dude, isn't that something that you often have to have a part of your colon removed and have an external bag hanging off your stomach to collect shit?? who cares if it's survivable. surviving sometimes requires great lengths. have some empathy, you fuckin autist.

bad luck OP
ask the doctors what your chances are
try to stay positive
If your chances are slim, decide what you are going to do

pretty sure some spergs would donate to a gofundme or something if you have a sad story

Start doing your bucket list.

If it's colon cancer and it has metastacized already...it's not looking good, user.

Ovarian cancer on its own is non-terminal. They remove the ovaries and falopian tubes and it generally doesn't regress. But colon cancer is arguably the most dangerous one.

>i've never smoked or drugs and drink rarely
Too much stress creates cancer

This is probably bait, but assuming it isn't I feel pretty bad for you, OP. Have as much fun as possible with what may possibly be the last days of your life.

Unless a tumor has migrated to the liver, pancreas or lungs, both should be managable, especially in early stages.
However, be prepared for regular colonoscopy and maybe even a color resection, which might force you to eat only liquids (best case scenario) or wear a colonostomy bag (worst case scenario, aside from cancer progression).

My father was diagnosed with colon cancer when I was 4. He went to the university hospital in Columbus, OH and got a surgery that removed his cancer and did not need a colostomy bag. He never needed chemo or radiation treatments. Depending on where the cancer is located, you may also be able to get this surgery. He is alive and back to full function 16 years later. He even works a job that is quite labor intensive. I dont know much about ovaries, but I believe they can get the bulk of it with a hysterectomy, depending on the case. Good luck to you, user. I'm sorry this happened to you. You deserve better.

I'll finance your treatment if you sign a contract agreeing to be my live-in sex slave, OP.

Think about it.

>Hurr durr eat a bunch of shieet that will help ya
I'm higly sceptical of your methods, any proof that they work?

Fucking fembots don't exist. Leave

its 1am, no one is going to pick up at this point as they're all asleep but i can't sleep at all

is the external bag permanent? will i have to waddle around with my shit on the outside before i'm even 21? see i don't want to go through that its not something i want to live with

i'm waiting the results from a second opinion. i received my blood test about a week after they drew blood, i don't know how long cultures take. i can't think of a sad story, i can't think of anything to make up really.

i don't want my ovaries removed and to live with a bag of shit on the outside of my body. i won't even be woman at that point, just a shell of a person.

...i sincerely hope this isn't true. i have had nosebleeds and headaches from stress before but i dont know why it would become cancer. i thought stress just gave you ulcers. i have just been able to manage it after getting my own apartment.

i posted my test results in the thread.

Get a second opinion, go from there. Not sure what to say, it's a horrible situation and I hope you get some help, don't be afraid to reach out to people I think you would be surprised

Just setup a go fund me

Normies will just throw their money at you lmao

hugs help with cancer please hug me

thank you. I'm in Houston, TX and there are specialists out here and in Dallas that i can see that have high success rates. i don't know what treatment i need yet so i don't know who or how to approach, i know I need to wait for the results before i can get a referral though.

if you don't mind, how was his recovery after the surgery?

hard pass. i doubt ill be in any position to have sex after having my ovaries and gut fucking removed or chemotherapy. sorry.

Hold on
>age of onset ovary cancer
>colon cancer
>at the same time
Sounds almost like Lynch syndrome aka HNPCC. Get genetically tested, the Lynch syndrome organization does it for free, I think.

Cancer is a a cell ungergoing mutation during meiosis. Generally the leukocytes take care of mutated cells and destroy them before they dichotomise, but sometimes the body's immune system does not have the relevant genes express and cancer occurs.

Cancer is a)hereditary and b)affected by lifestyle.

Stress raises glucocorticoid and mineralocorticoid levels. Cortisol promotes cell death and metabolic turnrate, which in turn promotes free radicals in the bloodstream, which in turn increase cell damage and chance of cell DNA mutations. Ergo cancer growths.

you want someone to talk to?
i don't wanna post a contact if it won't do any good

Exactly, that was my 1st thought as well.
OP, it's highly likely it's HNPCC.

eat lots of hot peppers and honey someone on the internet told me it cures cancer. also dress up as deadpool

Basically she needs to change her diet and lifestyle all together.

Better start hitting the gym and stop eating junk food.

>cancer cells will slow down.
That's not a cure you moron. Neither is chemotherapy. Even in cases when there are no cancerous cells they still linger in your blood and can come back years later.

Well isn't wrong.

Capsaicin does slow cancer.

OP probably had a shit diet and her body produced too many free radicals.

Basic multivitamins and exercise could of saved her.

google rick simpson thc oil cancer cure

Shes gona have to loose that vagina

>eat hot peppers!
>smoke weed!
>take cold showers!
>thc oil will cure you!
>multivitamins and plenty of sleep!
>tumeric juice and habaneros!

Now I understand beyond a shadow of a doubt why you are all hopeless incels, you are legitimately fucking retarded.

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Ahh dang op sorry this happened to you I wish you the best

>Isn't wrong cause it isn't wrong.
Please read normal books about medicine and not some nutcases on the net. Alternative medicine is a meme and didn't help anybody. Well besides placebo. And how are you going to stop mutating cells with muh vitamine C?

Thank you. I'm looking online, it says the average age of onset is 44?

Will a primary care physician be able to order a test for HNPCC? or would this be through a specialist? and if so, which type?

my mother has NPD and honestly seems bipolar, she didn't accept medication so i had to deal with a bulk of it growing up. my father had anger problems to the point of having a stroke at work and just recently began working on controlling it. we've been evicted 4 times and i've transferred to 21 schools in general before turning 18 and being able to secure my own education.

man this feels better to talk about

they stressed me out every day, and if i cried or begged them to stop i was told i was unacceptable or "unable to adapt to stressful situations". my mother was never truly there for me, i learned most milestones from google or friends, which they get angry at me for talking to but they're never there when i need them.

there's so much more, i've been keeping an online journal for a few years honestly. they did stress me out but i stressed myself out by not making the situations any better.

i'm 5'8 about 160lbs. i don't eat fried chicken or drink Kool aid, i only drink water usually. i don't work out but i plan on doing that once our apartment gym opens in a couple hours.

i'll also ask for what multivitamins he would suggest, thank you.

As much as I hate to admit it, but marihuana-derived oils with thc have surprising effectiveness at curbing inflammation in tissue by acting upon the cannabinoid receptors and eicosanoid processes. Since we consume too much arachidonic acid, stopping even one source of inflammation initiators has benefits. Then again, 5-ASA does the same thing, which is why it is used in ex. IBD over thc oil.

The tips the anons gave are all legit and do help, but not much. Cancer is a disease of mainly probability, so anything that can decrease risk factors is welcome.

I'll listen and talk to you if you'd like, I just got to figure out a way to connect with you outside of here

These things but make sure (and this is key) you drink kefir, this is seriously good advice, my family has been growing organic kefir in raw milk for about 20 years and we've given it to countless people on chemo or with cancer and in all cases its extended their life greatly and in I'd say 80% of the cases these folks got the all clear and were able to survive.

>Thank you. I'm looking online, it says the average age of onset is 44?
HNPCC can strike as early as in childhood, depending on how unlucky you are. Usually you carry a defective allele that causes your DNA repair mechanisms to be tardy and thus accumulate more mutations, including ones causal for cancer, through your life. Now on average, you might carry a few alleles that already cause cancer, then the faulty DNA repair creates a second allele on the unaffected chromosome.
In summary, HPNCC means you accumulate potential cancer mutations much faster than others. You were just very unlucky and got affected early on.

>Will a primary care physician be able to order a test for HNPCC? or would this be through a specialist? and if so, which type?
Yes, your physician should be able to get it, but it might require a specialist's opinion, depending on country. I work in a genetic lab and the test itself is maybe 5 dollars in base reagents. Dunno how much they charge it in the end as I never see the receipts.
The base test checks how long your nucleotide repeats are (regions where the DNA repeats itself) and if they're longer than usual, it is an indication for the disease. Then they can perform another test and get the DNA mismatch repair gene sequenced (using Sanger sequencing) for 10-20 dollars or so to confirm a mutation.

op, go on Jow Forums or something if you arent trolling
this is the worst place for this

Expand please, not them but I would like to know. Also what country are you from, if in same I would like to buy some.

Senpai, shit sucks, and im sorry u gotta go through that.

Just remember, you found it early. The chances of remission at our age is incredibly high. Its gotta be fucking scary and I wish you didn't have to go through it just remembe-



Fuck off my board, whore.

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another user is talking to me through the app, i am screamdinosaur#8460

I may also have colon cancer, but you're a female so go fuck yourself and I hope you die.

i forgot about the Jow Forums forum when i made this thread, i was a bit emotional. i'll post to adv after i get my second opinion.

i'm in the USA (Houston, TX), i'm looking through my insurance but i can't see where its on my benefits so i'm not sure how much it will cost out here.

is there a way to repair the alleles themselves so this can't continue? i actually have another page of my blood test with alot of information about my blood on it if you would like me to post it.

Spicy food breaks down the mucosa membrane of cancer cells.
Alkalizing your body wikk dry up and kilk cancer cells.
All food sold in the west is ultra refined and un-ripe, almost all food sold in the west will acidify your body.
Fish, chicken, avacados, almonds.
These are about your only choices for low acidic or alkalizing foods.
Good luck user.

Hey if I eat a habanero every day will I beat cancer?

a few people have added me now, thank you

i received some advice to post this, if i do make a gofundme, i'll post verifiable information, doctor visits, full blood test results, final diagnosis, treatment options ect. not just a sob story some cuckold scammer would come up with

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