This subchan needs to be shutdown for hate speech. This is now a HEALTH AT ANY SIZE thread

This subchan needs to be shutdown for hate speech. This is now a HEALTH AT ANY SIZE thread.

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Other urls found in this thread:

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I agree, fat acceptance is humxn rights.

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Being fat is a form of assault... On my eyes

This has to be bait


Lying for business
You get a lot of publicity for being outrageous, even more if you have an excuse to publish it

>laughs in fat

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>leftists are insane
What else is new?

Just had a thought. What if we get a president who talks about this kind of shit and believes in it

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You can have this thread when you can lift twice your body weight, HAESupersizefatty

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Fucking based. We need another hitler

shes right at the cusp of being that level of obese where you cant tell gender.

>Fat Sex Therapist
>Having sex with fatties is so traumatizing that you need a therapist afterwards

Gas the fats now, use them to heat poor people homes


I always wondered what Andy Milonakis was up to these days.


Godwin's Law rears its head and screeches, like a fucking hydra at this point.

Fucking morons abused it so much that it carries no weight anymore. Unlike these creatures lmao

where is that from? just curious haha

elgintensity let himself go

That haha does not make your question any less foreboding.

yeh an assault on fat cells


When will feminism address the hypocritical and mentally retarded double standards that women have in regard to men. God damn unless you're an extremely attractive man or have a great job you're forced to be with a woman far uglier than you, but fatass females feel entitled to attractive men.

this is becoming my favorite meme


silence m*le yikes lets unpack this, wow, this so this.


I love you bros, never change.


>you're forced to be with a woman far uglier than you
you are not forced to be with anyone

As the owner of two fried chicken franchises and a Taco Bell, I unironically applaud this fat stupid piece of shit.

>Inb4 'do you eat your own food?'

Lol no fucking way.

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Our president is fucking obese and chugs soda you mongoloid

Andy Milonakis turned into a tranny? Since when?

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yeah, I'm the basedboy crying for women affection

I just booted this up in the other thread and clicked this thread. Heard him call himself Hitler when I saw Hitler over here in this thread.
Weird. I think the the fitness war has begun...

Baghead Milonakis



You have to go back.

Why does Hitler get to be fat?

at least it's diet soda

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This made me thinjk bout life n shit

We do need fat rights. The hate we get is unacceptable.


Never get high off your own supply

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Jesus Christ this guy makes me lol in real life. I am going to miss him bros. 8 years is just not going to be enough. A lifetime won't be enough.

Dudes who shack up with ugly/fat (fat+ugly) women ARE part of the problem. I am not saying go MGTOW, I'm saying men need to have some goddamn standards (for themselves and for others).

If an insulin resistant slob of a dude shacks up with a female jabba then no harm no foul, but if you are an average guy settling for somebody under average, you are enabling this shit. Women cannot and do not wield anymore power than men give to them.

>8 years is just not going to be enough. A lifetime won't be enough.

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Does he look fat?