What's keeping you from acquiring a qt3.14 gf, r9k?

What's keeping you from acquiring a qt3.14 gf, r9k?

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I don't truly desire one. And I don't put enough effort into it

>Life situation
>Standards and beliefs

i have too much of an alpha personality and babes are intimidated by my sheer presence

>tfw my gf is not qt3.14
>she's an ls1.27 or somethegn

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I've come to realize that real meaning in life comes from faith, not "muh pixie dream girl"
>Don't let a woman, wiggling her behind,
and flaterring and coaxing, take you in;
she wants your barn: women is just a cheat.
- Hesiod, ~700 BC

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It wouldn't work out. She and I are just too different.

>not a Bible belt bitch or a Trumptard

I don't get out.
If someone knows a qt that might want to talk to me, let me know.

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>not a Bible belt bitch or a Trumptard
These alone are enough to at least get your dick sucked in any major city. Even a fat, weirdo nigger can pull a decent white chick on these alone.

im trying right now

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Aversion to commitment, aversion to extreme vulnerability, distrust of significant others.

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I scare them away with my autism. I use to get butterflies when one would smile at me but now I feel nothing.

>What's keeping a qt3.14 gf from approaching me?

What's your excuse, whitecels?

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So far gone into inceldom that I've turned to men and don't know how to go back to women..

She didn't tell me she had a boyfriend until the 4th or 5th time we'd banged. They broke up today.

We already had future plans to hang out a few more times, but it's kinda like she's branch swinging or was securing a backup plan.

We talked a while after she confessed to the cheating and I think she should probably spend some time single for once in her life and figure out who she is.

So, probably gonna friend(s-with-benefits)zone her and see if she tries to crawl inside my life.

About 50lbs

Basically this. Cute girls hate me

no amount of effort is ever going to make you attractive enough, even surgery

You have a disgusting fetish faggot-bitch.

>>tfw my gf is not qt3.14
>>she's an ls1.27 or somethegn
>his gf isn't a 6.7 LS

Asexuality. I've had three accidental exes, all of whom broke up with me for my lack of desire for sex. I only continued dating because I thought it was the normal, expected thing to do, to begin with. I'd be content with or without an asexual gf, but prefer the former. In my defense, I was considered to be a 10/10 bf otherwise.

Unironically that is beautiful, I hope she has a good life, not a normie/depressed/thot/niggered one

Girls that i find attractive dont consider me human.

Even if i got my life together id still have to go against the tide, going out of my way to try and woo one. They're not worth the effort

I don't honestly want one very badly, I'm not willing to put in significant effort for it, especially since I already consider it impossible.
Acquiring a girlfriend is the easy part anyways, what keeps her from just ditching me or cheating the second she thinks she can have better? As far as I know, that's how women are, it's what I've seen at least.
That and I basically never go outside and am not "successful".

Based and LS pilled

Forgot to add pic related. Should've LS swapped his gf.

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Cowardice and other character flaws. And I am just not very thirsty. I don't go out, and I don't hunt, I don't chase. I just go to work, and go home, and repeat. I have a sex drive, but thats easily tamed by masturbating.

>inb4 nofap
Tried it, only made me more tense and anxious, still didn't make me go out and look for it.

i don't want a qt gf, i want to be one

A mix of social ineptitude and outright disdain for modurn culture and the people it creates. I'm better off just dying alone rather than making a fool of myself in a desperate bid to win the attention of someone who has almost certainly been with atleast 5 other men and will probably divorce me within 5-10 years if we ever even get married.
All I ever wanted in life was a house, loving wife, 2-3 kids, atleast one son, guns in the safe, summer bbqs, and sunday church until I die of old age. But the world we live in and the people that inhabit it have made dreams like that a virtual impossibility and they are hell bent on destroying any minut chance that remains. So fuck it. I'll die alone and the world can burn for all I care.

the more you read it the more sense it makes.

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>"muh pixie dream girl"
stop, it hurts

we can go deeper :3
> Do not make love, master, do not make love! Woman is a real pitfall, a hole, a ditch, Woman is a sharp iron dagger that cuts a man's throat!
that's about 300 years before hesiod

Absence of future

too old now
and i am really fucked up in my head
and i kinda hate everybody

wearing your mommies panties and makeup will ruin it for you

Ah. I've notice she's been wearing more and more thot makeup on IG. Makes sense she's a coal burner. Bummer, Abdullah is a good looking brown manlet though.

I have one already, which is making it difficult to get another one.