Tell me about "her"
> whats her name?
> how did you meet?
> what is it about her?
Tell me about "her"
> whats her name?
> how did you meet?
> what is it about her?
>I don't want to reveal her name because I'm not 100% sure that she doesn't browse r9k.
>We met at a two week summer camp when we were 14.
>She is smol and cute. She is very moral and has good values, she can take a joke and she has good bantz. She is also very funny. Her long hair is very beautiful.
her name is isabel and she's my oneitus princess.
had a class with her during winter session.
she's a shy petite qt3.14 that wears uggs and pajamas to class. she has the voice of an goddess and i think about her everyday
It's weird, for all the pining I did over this one coworker I don't think she's my "her".
>She was homeless out in the cold so I offered a place to stay for a few nights. Ended up getting to know her a lot more than that.
>So cute. Little chubby and short legs but it just makes it cuter when she climbs into my lap and just flops over like she could lay on me all day. Pretty eyes, nice and fluffy. I just love holding her. She can be a little distant at times and doesnt always want to cuddle but when she does she just forces her entire body onto me and lets me stroke her until she falls asleep.
God I love my cat
>From school
> I have had girls before and after her and not one of them makes me feel like I did with her. The cliches of more than a piece of ass apply. She wasnt the smartest girl nor the dumbest. Yet for some reason we connected. We had a wonderful time until I ruined it
I can't top this pure post
I haven't met her. I'm 24.
how old are you now? are you guys together?
why not. is there someone else?
Older than 14, younger than 33. Unfortunately we are not together, we are still well aquainted and we see each other somewhat regularly in a friend group.
how did you ruin it?
>friend of friend
I love how optimistic, energetic and ambitious she is. She's pretty mature and a few years older than me. She's very family-oriented and kind of old fashioned, I think she doesn't have many friends outside her family and clubs (all of which are full of 50+ year olds). She has a noble-looking face, a sweet smile, a great complexion and a curvy doughy body. I would kill any of you just to see her tits bounce while she jump-ropes. AFAIK she's never had a boyfriend.
>College playing a game of cards against humanity
>She's quiet, smart, awkward,but is pretty stubborn
We can banter and joke about each other. Though she is a huge hipster she actually has depth and well thought out opinions. She also has good morals, and plays vidya sometimes. I care about her a lot.
She is a video game character I made, and we never met.
Haven't even got a oneitus. I don't talk enough to girls to even fall in love with one
>there is no her
>she has no name
>we've never met
>she doesn't exist
>Not saying
>She's just fun to be around, we have similar interests and we get along great
She got a new job though and always has a reason she can't hang out now, it's possible I'll never see her again.
>She is absolutely beautiful, has amazing values, great personality, very sweet. We get along swell and in person we connect quite well. I can just continue on and on, she is as amazing as they get.
Too bad I rarely see her and talk to her now.
> whats her name?
> how did you meet?
> what is it about her?
She's a real piece of work, but I've invested a lot of time into her. I'm too proud to admit a bad investment. Also, true love doesn't exist.
She's uber chill and acts like human and not like a doll. She has great sense of humour. And of course she's fucking beautiful.
These two have suffered
Brenda. I call her Bread since about 5 other people in my family are named Brenda.
Work. Turns out she's a neighbor.
I dunno. She's just cute. Hell she willingly gives me hugs from time to time.
I realized shes not real anons.
Thats how it is motherfuckers THEY AINT REAL SON!
GET YOUR FACTS STRAIGHT , theyre trying to kill you
They are VAMPIRIC FUCKERS trying to get you into a part of them. they ARE THIEVES SIR
There's no her anymore but had one des months ago
>Met her on some site
>We talk there and eventually only talk with WhatsApp ( im french and shes Irish)
>Get along very well and talk alot
>After few months i fucked by being a sperg and telling her my feelings and that i love her
>She doesnt and tells i cant love her because i dont know her enough(wich was true)
>After that we still talk but less and less
>Always thinking im bothering her or someshit since then
Since shes entered college shes been even more busy then ever, at some points i just wanna stop with her but idk when really,its just that ive never met someone that i cliked this easily with before, why do i have to love too easily, she ls the first i put that a lot of effort into,
>> whats her name?
>> how did you meet?
Her mom and mine where friends and one kinda hot day in summer she asked my mom if her kids could come over to use our pool. I thought she would just be a dork and didnt want to interact with some butterfaced normie, but my mom forced me and i ended up having a lot of fun.
>> what is it about her?
Its really hard to pin that down, she is a complete opposite to me in every way you can think. (Personality type, star sign, hobbies, body type ect.)But she is still my friend after 6 years and i dont hate everything about the world when im with her.
>Her voice is angelic, her eyes like an ocean and basically makes me not hate each and every thing in this world. Still talk to her going on 7 years.
>whats her name?
>how did you meet?
back in my final year of high school
>what is it about her?
I don't even remember, she's not the prettiest or the nicest, hell not even the smartest but i just can't stop thinking about her.
What a bunch of PUSSIES. I can't believe some of you are afraid to post someone's name on an anonymous board. Do you really think Suzy from high school or Laura from work is going to read this? Grow a pair of fucking balls already.
There isn't really, but the only reason I feel anything for her is because I originally thought she was flirting with me. Once that stopped the feeling just kinda lingered.
I have no one right now. I kinda wish I did.
>her name
>a place she's been
>details about her
I don't know seems like a fairly in depth description
not entirely sure
in a dream
the aurora borealis sparkling in her eyes, the way we lay on the ice
>from work at dairy queen
>she treats me like i'm a human being and she has beautiful blue eyes
You're right, she's definitely going to read this and knows it's me, I'm going to kms.
There was a girl named kelly from the internet.
I had the worst crush on her but then she ghosted me.
She came back, kept me in the friendzone, and we'd talk periodically. However, the more she'd talk and the more things shed tell me, the more blatant it was that she was lying and contradicting herself.
Pic related. Shes very beautiful.
>Her name was Martina
>Meet her at church
>Broke my heart and started fucking one my friends
I still feel like shit. I invested some much time and energy and money.
> whats her name?
thinkpad x60t
> how did you meet?
I first saw her in a store. She was worth 2k, but i was homeless at that time
> what is it about her?
the build quality, the long travel keyboard, the sexy bright red clit, the beautiful design, the fully rotational IPS panel. She is just perfect
Where you from?
Names are obsolete
We met far longer ago than my life has had duration
She is the one companion I have in a terrifying rollercoaster ride through an insane landscape that stretches far beyond what any other person could ever imagine. My love for her stretches backwards and forwards in time and could destroy the entire universe if it had to. No entity could ever hope to come close to her in my eyes, and such is our relationship that to compare it to a mere animal couple as humans have would be a disgusting mockery of it. No human has ever experienced a thousandth the intimacy we have, or felt a millionth the love. Someday we'll rest under slowly falling snow again, I hope. If love could manifest, ours would eclipse reality itself.
I'm guessing Italy, or she was Italian anyway
Her 4 inch boiclit that's locked in chastity and how she let's me do what ever I want to her
In class like almost 6 fucking years ago.
She's into games and anime. I was going through a rough time in my life because almost all of my friends had left to other cities for college, so all I really did was keep to myself, go to the gym, and play Smash during the weekends. Took my 3DS to school because of Smash and saw her mii, and thought I had definitely seen a look-a-like before; when I realized who she was, I was stunned by her beauty. I didn't talk to her for another year (she was the one that talked to me), but once we did start talking, I think we hit it off pretty well. I made sure to talk to her as soon as I could. Before that I would look at her constantly all the time, and I think she noticed too, as there were times we caught each other making eyes. I only had a semester left of classes with her, as she graduated before I did. I would notice she'd play with her hair and stuff when talking with me. I wanted to ask her out at the end of the first semester, but couldn't because it was hard to speak with her just the two of us. I ran into her when she started her Masters, and I got her number. She had a boyfriend now. Left me wondering if all those signs she gave me where just in my head, if I even had a chance to begin with. Then she tells me she's 19. She had been working at the Writing Center since she was like 17. A younger girl, extremely cute, with her shit together, a focused goal, and probably more mature than me. She's probably too good for me. We haven't spoken in nearly 4 years.
>oneitus girl from school
>Very attractive to me
>almost reddish rusty colored hair and hazel eyes
>A cute long nose And pale skin like mine
>Quiet and petite
>Knew her from school while we were doing exams
>Couldn't stop looking at her or thinking about her
>She utterly consumed me
>When around her I used to sweat excessively
>She terrified me but still I was enthused about her
>She sat on the left of me during our exams
>Heard her breathing and sighing, even her coughs were performed in a way I somehow found myself attracted to
>We both did Latin and Ancient Roman studies together
>Just me, Aphrodite, our invigilator and one of her friends I was also familiar with in this small exam room
>my stomach embarrassingly rumbles a few times yet they pretend not to notice
>I had a friend in another exam who laughed everytime it happened
>Our exam finishes
>I had to stay a little bit after waiting for another friend to end his exams that stopped later on
>Both girls stay with me for some reason which was good for me of course
>This is my first and only conversation with my goddess
>Friend girl starts talking like a friend to me which I had expected
>Aphrodite starts talking with me as well although something is kind of off about them
>She starts giggling a little bit flicking her hair slightly
>She even adjusts her shirt in front of me revealing her graceful lithe stomach
>I almost look away out of respect for her but I don't just looking at her from the bottom half of my eye
>Friend girl draws some attention away from her and starts talking about something else
>We eventually leave and manage to get in a debate about Marvel comics
>Friend girl mentions Thor and as a lover of mythology I tell her how inaccurate the Marvel depictions are etc.
>Aphrodite starts laughing beautifully whilst I explain
>I start as well during it because I'm so happy I made her laugh
>My friend meets me and he pulls me away from the conversation and unfortunately I never speak to her again
>whats her name?
>how did you meet?
She was a friend of a friend (old college roommate). Really only would see her when she would visit or come to a social event, which used to be pretty common. Now I only see her once or twice a year when she visits our house. It doesn't really happen much anymore.
>what is it about her?
She's the only girl I've been comfortable having an extended conversation without it becoming awkward. She'd tease me a bit, which would usually lower my awkward guard I usually have up and make me more sociable. We have very similar interests and hobbies, and when she talks she usually says what I'm thinking. She's really easy-going, nonjudgmental, and kind of tomboyish. She's been the only person where something just seemed to click between us. Despite us not meeting that much, I remember most the times she was around. Any time there was an event, we'd stay up late together (after most other people went to sleep). I've probably idealized her, as we were never very close.
However, I was too much of a pussy to ever make a move. There were multiple instances where we were both rather drunk where we cuddled up, usually to watch a movie (only person I've done this with). I was usually embarrassed the next day, as I usually don't remember how we had gotten to that point. I always assumed I had made a fool of myself, like I usually assume when I drank too much.
> whats her name?
Not important
> how did you meet?
> what is it about her?
After almost 2 years of working together I've yet to find a single flaw in her character. Also very cute. The fucked up thing is she's also my direct superior at work, which means my obsession with her is rather silly and fruitless. Not to mention she's got a long term chad bf.
>implying I don't have multiple 'her's
I know that feel bruh. Its might be fun to talk with her and spend time but you confessing anything to her is pointless even if really want to.
Her name is Jasmine
We met and Uni. She liked me but I ghosted her because of my depression. Now she's with a chad and I'm alone.
I hate myself.
Yeah you did that to yourself.
Better luck next time.
I might start working somewhere else in a few months. If that happens I might tell her about it shortly before I leave, if the opportunity presents itself. But then it's just going to be a "just FYI and I'll miss you" kind of thing.
> whats her name?
> how did you meet?
On a Skype group chat
> what is it about her?
I wish i fucking knew dude
Her name was Meghan, I met her in sixth form and she was the first girl I genuinely fell in love with and loved me back. I remember when I first spoke to her and not finding her that attractive. But after talking to her about 30 minutes in the conversation I felt a spark and your face turn from an average looking one to the most beautiful girl I had ever seen.
I'm sorry I missed the chance, I'm sorry I hurt you.
> whats her name?
her name is Franka
> how did you meet?
we are going to same school
> what is it about her?
she is a qt3.14 with glasses, she is shy, she has a nice figure, she is smart af, she has a beautiful smile,... (basically she is perfect)
> whats her name?
> how did you meet?
> what is it about her?
her cute laugh. she's very kind and doesn't mind if i'm a sperg. she'd go out of her way to make sure I'm okay o if i didn't come online for a while. she'd always be willing to play vidya with me. she also bought me heaps of kitkats and lollies once.
Hasn't been a "her" since junior high. Roasties disgust me.
>Rather not share
>In kindergarden but I fell just now
>one uni class last semester
>I have no fucking clue. I just can't stop thinking about her. Shes the only non-family girl I've ever had extended conversations with. Even then, our conversations were pretty boring and just about class. She was pretty attractive and also had good values from what I could tell. But she had a bf. I wish I could stop thinking about her
>she's very pretty and we have common intrests and she gives me attention sometimes.