
is this thinning?

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Don't listen to anyone here. Nobody here has any idea. Go to a dermatologist.

Don't fall for the memes.

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You know what to do, OP.

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I don't think so.


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you have fat hands, lose weight

hair is a lot thinner than you'd think looking up close
I don't think your hair is actually thinner than usual

doesnt look like it, you probably just have Jow Forums induced body dysmorphia/paranoia. if ur that worried see a professional to determine it

Lots of people's hairlines recede a bit when they get older but don't actually go fully balding.

either accept yourself or kys

Can you imagine being this insecure, holy shit,

I don't think thinning is the right word for it, you're pretty much bald at this point.

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its normal for whites

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Are you on creatine ?
I'm using special shampoo from my go with eucalyptus and rosemary plus some rejuvenation spray for men.
Seems like my hair a bit thicker now.

Yeah you're fucked. All those years for nothing



It is not just you're thinning, but you're dying.

It’s just autism.