Looking for an ebf I guess? Preferably one who watches anime and owns a PS4
if you have discord I can add you there
Pic related is me (Yes Im mixed)
Looking for an ebf I guess? Preferably one who watches anime and owns a PS4
if you have discord I can add you there
Pic related is me (Yes Im mixed)
timestamp or everyone's just gonna call you out for being a fakey
You should fix your hair. Would make you look a lot better
fuck off to /soc/ you animal.
Like this? I havent posted here a whole lot
aw but I like my buns
Buns aren't my thing sorry.
It's supposed to say Jow Forums or it could be taken anywhere from the internet. Also it should be written on your tits.
What style do you like?
Sorry Im flat chest, you wouldnt really be able to see them anyway
I like long straight hair. But I already have a gf who has that. Where are you from ?
You look cute. I would be your bf, but I don't watch anime or own a PS4
This fucking retard cant take a time stamp.
What is the time stamp worth if (YOU) are not in it.
We understand you have a table and paper. Its not proving your arent't a larper.
Not him but I like twin tails. Buns are cute, but twin tails are hot and make good handle bars.
>already have a gf
Are you cheating on her?
Tell me about yourself then
>pic related is me
Uhh... A jannie will probably ban ypu soon. Sorry op, should have read the rules.
>>do not post pictures of yourself
I don't have a PS4 but will you watch anime with me? I'm really lonely. I can even buy you steam games to play together with me I guess. Where are you from, for timezones?
>handle bars
Youre funny. Ive never heard of that comparison before
add me u qt, I have ps4 and watch anime
You cute, I'm a 6'2 failed Chad, you wana be my e-gf?
fucking nigger mods DO YOUR FUCKING JOBS YOU CUNTS.
You sound like a nice guy, user. Whats your discord?
You should have that hair style and I can show you.
>I'm a 6'2
Woah thats pretty tall
How old are you?
How old are you and where in the US are you located?
Good luck.
>Am I cheating on her
No why the hell would I
Haha okay, where are you from if I may ask?
Thats kind of personal
But Im 14 and live in America
So you're not going to take this picture with your FACE in it and proof your a "Femanon"?
Proof meaning tits or vag seeing as its seem you're a little slow when it comes to Jow Forums. With a PROPER time stamp?
If not then its obvious this is over and your just shitting up the board and milking virgins for attention and time at this point
Mate if you're 14 you still have your whole life ahead of you
>your just shitting up the board and milking virgins for attention and time at this point
it was always that.
I cant show my tits and vag to guys I just me. Anything else?
Uh, nevermind I can't show you.
I know but Im lonely :(
Whats so funny user?
>Anything else?
yes, you could fuck off and never come back. I'd greatly appreciate that.
28 but look 24
I'm model tier but growed without a father so I'm fucked up. I go to Uni to fix my life though
Hey you can't talk to my e-gf like that
if you're actually 14 and not harp then get out of this board femanon, many sick retards here trying to take advantage of you here
yes I fucking can you nigger. Now fuck off as well.
>I know but I'm lonely
Go outside or try and be more social even if it isn't nice at first.
Forced socialisation helped me when I was 17 and I turned out alright
>Pic related is me (Yes Im mixed)
also >14
Whats wrong with 14?
I dont like outside
>Tell me about yourself then
I'm 30, no job, not in school, a drug addict who lives with his parents and I spend all day online.
Ok, I'm not especially looking for a relationship anyway, you can add me on discord: willybilly #7447
You shouldn't show your body on internet if you are underage I hope it's not you on the pic
(The failed Chad)
Wow Nice quads user.
What races are you mixed with?
>Cool. Im 14, is that alright with you? Im mature for my age
Who the fuck says this shit, also the same nudes were posted in a thread like 20 mins ago you really need to get better at this
Tbh thats what I like in a guy. No one is perfect, Its cool that youre so open abiut yourself like that
>Whats wrong with 14?
The larping
>ywn eat that pussy out
holy shiet, larper confirmed, idk why you shitheads keep replying to this thread
>all those americans stepping back as soon as she mentions her age
Joke's on you, here in Germany 14 is the age of consent.
hahahaha! and now he deleted "her" cropped photo
shame on you for trying to corrupt innocent robots, op. don't you have anything better to do than being a lame-ass faggot?
Gullible brainlets BTFO
tfw its 16 here ;[
OP here. That is me in the picture but Im not a girl you retards.
Let this be an example not to orbit at the slighest trace of a female. Keep this up and youll stay virgins.
One nigga even said he would buy me shit
This aint it chief.
aren't you that Lost nigga who always post himself?
Absolutely based and redpilled blowing the fuck out of the faggots who were literally going to orbit a 14 year old girl.
I'll still buy you steam games if you watch anime with me and talk to me user.
it has nothing to do with you being a girl. I'm really lonely.
My repuation proceeds me
I also made the eye thread thats up right now, just go look at the first post
Just doing the lords work
You seem like an alright guy. I can watch anime/ talk with you, no bribe need. Leave your discord
i only see failed chad trying to orbit a 14 year old girl, lad.