How are you holding on user?
How are things looking?
25+ general no degenerates
I broke up with my gf over a month ago and i regret it
every night i have terrible dreams that make me sad
Only talking to people seems to help, but no one wants to actually talk nicely
You user?
Why did u do it? I broke up with my only one cos she was vapid and ugly.
Posting here mulling over the fact we are unironically living in the apocalypse.
Been there user. It sucks and its kind of hard to move on. It took me like a few months to manage myself and almost two years to get completely back on track. It helps when you talk to people but once you get alone, you start thinking the same stuffs again
It makes life miserable, my suggestion would be to never ever fall for a roastie
i'm gonna build a bunker in the woods and just live there
don't become the unibomber user after you age over 50 and never having sex
no no i'm building a sexbot harem
i have no desire to harm anybody but i may destroy some infastructure at some point
>job pays well but dead end, money saved
>no degree
>still living at home
>dating prospects bleak
>friends are shiftless losers
>abuse alcohol and weed
>considering suicide weekly
also this imagine living in the ultimate NPC meme country known as Canada. I don't connect with anybody here and the weather is utter dog shit for 7 months.
>my suggestion would be to never ever fall for a roastie
second this
They'll only love you for what you can give or do for them. Just get in shape and buy as many guns as you can.
Changing strategies - going to embrace the autism rather than try to be normal. Embrace the robotishness a bit. I'm already retarded, I might as well be comfortable.
>How are you holding on user?
>How are things looking?
my mood is a fucking roller coaster these days
have to work hard to act normal when im with other people
graduating college in 4 months, but i have no plans after that. i dont want to start working
closing in on 30 and having the life experience of a 9 year old is fucked up
Damn you're graduating college at 29?
I feel insecure as hell being surrounded by students 4-5 years younger than me. I just want to get an IT certificate and go from there.
Just tell people you're 21. Do you look young?
You need to fuck her out of your system. Legit rebounding is the best way to get over someone, get a fuck buddy. Harder said than done, but just hit up the bars and clubs, take some MDMA and talk to drunk girls.
there are people from like 19 to 40-ish in this course, so being 29 isn't really a problem
im getting a bachelor in computer engineering, but in reality i have no fucking clue what i am doing. like i cant remember anything i should have learned
and this is why i cant really bother looking for jobs, because i feel like im not good enough for any of them
i have average grades tho
i look younger if i shave my beard
>Lost job entire section was let go
>Haven't been able to get another job
>Had to move back in with parents
>They treat me like a legitimate child
>Have become legit suicidal from just the sheer depression of watching all the progress I made to leave NEETdom and grow up since my mid 20s reverse in a matter of a few months.
I legit can't stand living here, my mom is a real fucking helicopter parent, she won't let me close my bedroom door, she just randomly comes in my room and stands in here for no reason, she does constant "cleaning" where she throws out my stuff without me asking, I'm not allowed to use the kitchen because it's her domain and noone can clean to her standards.
It's amazing, I'm literally 30 and I feel like I'm being treated as a 10 year old, they don't even want me to move out, she's like "get a job, stay here and save up money to buy a house!" yeah how many years is that?
If I'm not out of this house by the end of Feb I'm legit killing myself.
>tfw 26 khv neet
Im sitting at hospital and waiting for anti-depressant prescription renewal
>she's like "get a job, stay here and save up money to buy a house!"
My dad does this except he only wants me to stay because I pay him rent and that's the only guaranteed income he makes. I spend 2hrs a day commuting from where I live and that alone is suicide fuel. Good luck, user
I didn't want to move, she did and I didn't think I liked her as much as i do.
She moved on
Not my first breakup, but the worst I've felt
Yeah, I've been talking to one person but once she stops responding i get sad after a while. She is very nice and seems interested in me. inb4 ghosted
hope you feel better tonight user
It's really not the kind of person I am unfortunately.
Thanks for the advice friends
That's not the right wording, I knew i liked her but there were lots of small issues
>If I'm not out of this house by the end of Feb I'm legit killing myself.
Fair enough. lack of agency and respect will do that to anybody. But don't let your dumb parents kill you
I don't even think I can get past upper division classes for CS when I've been failing the general classes. It's too late for me to switch to another course too. I'm so fucking lost on what to do
you could contact somebody at your uni and ask what they think you should do.
maybe you can take the upper classes, but you have to pass the lower ones within a number of years or something.
>live with dad
>have 2 meme diplomas that land nowhere
At least I'm fit (6", 84kg, powerlifter) and have a dead end job at the local fitness shop. Oh well, it could be worse, but compared to my friends, I'm an utter failure. I used to be depressed about it but now I jut don't care anymore. I've embraced my mediocrity in hope to achieve something worthwhile in an uncertain future.
Fiancee left me. I'm getting ready for a date with my mossberg on Valentine's. All in all, pretty much exactly where I thought I'd be at 25
She won't let a 30 year old close his bedroom door lmaoo. Find a job asap and move out immediately or you'll end up killing her and wasting away in a cell
Are you actually gonna do it user? A shotgun is so messy. You'll traumatize whoever finds you, so make sure someone you hate is the one to stumble onto the body
I'm already in my 4th, going into 5th year this fall, I don't have any options because I would go past their unit limits. I wake up everyday with anxiety all because of this
Yeah, I am. Doing it out in a field, on some plastic wrap, calling 911 prior and leaving a note just in case someone else shows up first.
dont give her that satisfaction bro, you know she'll be milking that shit for drama pointz from her galpals for the rest of her life. bitch like that did you a favor by leaving now instead of after marriage with most of your shit. pick your ass up and do rad shit, get a hotter wife that will make that thot cry into her cool wine aunt wine
>become legit suicidal from just the sheer depression of watching all the progress I made to leave NEETdom and grow up since my mid 20s reverse in a matter of a few months.
I can relate. It's a horrible feel. I was on my own for like 2 years then had to come back. Became more depressed than ever. But remember if we did it once. We can do it again. Don't lose hope brother. Try and tune them out and do whatever you can to move out.
you might have to take it as a "private person" later then (what its called in my country "privatist")
but it wouldn't hurt to just ask them what they think you should do
man it sounds like your mom wants to fuck or something. crazy. you could go be a vagrant or some shit, live out of a van like the cool dudes do now, maybe finance it by selling juul to highschoolers or some other shady shit
>went on a 50 mile bike ride on saturday
>cold weather gear not quite up to the task
>ordered a bunch of new shit
>sunday was mostly doing dumb shit
>went to a bar to watch the end of that handegg game
>like three middle-aged women started hounding me for D
>wanted none of that shit so I booked
>yesterday returned some shit to a friend
>friend is a vegetarian now because that's where her meme diet pointer is pointing this month
>went with her to this vegan viet place run by a couple of buddhist monk sisters because how fucking meme can a place get
>it fucking sucked so much that we were yelling gordon ramsay lines at each other on the way back
why are the best women always fuckin lesbos it drives me absofuckinglutley nuts
Made the mistake of going out looking good today, instead of going out warm. Now I am freezing. And I just spilled some coffee on my shirt. Not much, but enough to show. 3 3/4 more hours left at the office, then I can go home, jerk off and sleep.
Why dont you go professional? Too old?
I slipped my discs when I was 23 because I was a fucking imbecile and did Deadlifts with a shitty form. I'm not allowed to compete and it's already amazing that I can practice strenght training without any sort of pain anymore.
Also I'm clueless about how to do anything in life
>spent 5 months this year unemployed
>currently unemployed
>just got turned down for job I matched perfectly with and the two interviewers absolutely loved me and gave stellar feedback to recruiter
>already at the point I'm racking up credit card debt
>burying myself deeper into the hole
I'm so fucking fucked. I have a college degree and everything, and the only jobs that want to look at me want to pay like 18/hour. I made more than that when I worked at fucking starbucks.
I'm literally considering suicide daily.
you care for some random person to find your corpse yet you want to excute this revenge fantasy on your supposedly beloved ex by becoming a st valentines martyr why
>Also I'm clueless about how to do anything in life
Did you go to college or uni?
>no degenerates
glass houses etc
>no degenerates
I liked that. Fuck the degenerates with their transexuals, sex dolls, sissy or gay, etc.
Really wanna get stabbed and die
I'm 26 and still never had a gf
I could take an opportunity to gf a bi, slutty (like 60+ partners), slightly chubby, single mom.. but fuck that.
If that's the best I can do then I'll stay single forever I guess. I've had sex with like 5 girls but they're all fucking chubby I just want a skinny qt gf. My hope is that if its possible for chubby girls to like me maybe someday a qt will.
based and knifepilled
Well, I think this might be my last check in here. I'm not killing myself or in any pain. Quite the opposite in fact. I saw a girl that I was in love with years ago. (It was one sided because I'm a fat repulsive social retard but I'm sure she knew how I felt and was actually pretty cool about it ). Anyways, I saw her. Didn't speak or anything just I saw her face and I knew it was her. She looks the same, beautiful and perfect . I'm not worse but I was never anything good.
Anyways, I've been fixing myself slowly for a while. Climbing out that dark pit slowly but surely. After seeing her the other day I can feel the sun rays and smell the clean air. It renewed me. Just seeing her, brought back the times when I was happy while in the pit. Goddam did she change things for me then. I knew I wanted out of the dark when I first met her. Then she left and I was sad again.
Now, im here ready to move on. I'm better. I still have lots of love for her even if she doesn't even know I exist anymore and I'm never going to see her again. That's okay. I'm leaving this place for good robots, I'll cross over into the land of normality and live. I got my hobby, a job and I'm happy. Thank you sincerely brothers for your company down in the Pit. My only advice is Keep Climbing. Fall, get up and Keep Going, Maybe someday you'll grab a ledge and find a resting spot to think and heal wounds. See yah topside
That reminds me when im having crush on a girl - its enough for me to see her face and she doesnt know about it.
Imagine if I am pathetic that I can't even talk about my state here in an anonymous board filled with other losers and mentally ill people like me.
Oh.... love... Yeah, I think I remember that feeling...
Feel happy
How are you user?
Why not user? Whats on your mind?
Selling my limited edition games I don't really care about any more. Will probably sell the rest during the summer. No point in keeping them since digital has sales and homebrew exists.
Getting pissed at my supervisor being absent on my Friday's, which is on Monday. Putting out resumes to get out of here.
Looking to buy a car for Uber or Lyft for backup money. Also need to move out.
My head hurts.
I've been to uni. Wanted to become teacher, was fed up with the leftist bullshit. Reconverted in communications & marketing. Absolutely meme status studies with the most boring and conventional people I've ever met.
All I want in life is to lift, drink tea and read books.
Not even pe teacher? What about becoming fitness trainer at gym?
Many ridiculous mental problems or disorders. I'm a pathetic, weak, afraid being that has no purpose in life anymore. Well, I was always that but in the past I had some happiness here and there and objectives although they were shit and I didn't realize it.
I have severe depression, and I can't motivate myself to do anything. I feel empty, and my thoughts keep drifting. I just want feel real.
nah lad don't do it suicide is the preserve of normie attention whores. But if you really have to leave us, make sure you set up some sort of post that blames her, and anyone else you want to destroy, for it.
It doesn't even need to be true you can make up anything you want and nobody'll have the guts to challenge a dead person especially as normie social laws forbid anything but pretending to have been a dead person's bestie and "omg like I'm so sad user died #brokenheart #missuangel" style self aggrandizement
It would mean to study again, I think I'm fed up with studying, it has never brought me anything in life.
Thank you for caring user
One of my friends broke up with his fairly hot girlfriend and he also regrets it. As one user said, the only solution is to go out and find a new fuckhole. You might think that her personality was something special, but remember that there are only like 10 different personalities in the world, the only real variable is interests and hobbies. You can easily find a better replacement, but only if you stop moping immediately. Don't let some random shit like this get you depressed and waste ten years of your life. Fire up tinder, fill your schedule with social activities and hobbies, and go out every weekend.
Start now, not later. Use the next few hours to come up with hobbies or activities that you can apply for. Worst case you get something to occupy your mind.
Missed my final Web Development exam hand in on purpose. Now I get a second chance, but I ran out of weed and I can't really work properly without it. I'm afraid that I'll psych myself out and get suicidal thoughts again, and that I'll miss the new deadline too.
Fuck, just let me find the strength to overcome this last exam of my life with a decent grade. I just want to not feel like a loser for once, and this would really help.
I'm 27 and I live with my mom
25 studying abroad for a meme major.
got a low paying job and considering student loan to get a better degree/job.
can't have gf bcs i don't want to lower my standards THAT much. i'm average physically.
idk man, masters are super expensive and idk if i can make it
>she just randomly comes in my room and stands in here for no reason, she does constant "cleaning" where she throws out my stuff without me asking
This is so fucking demeaning and they don't even realize it after you tell them. I remember telling my mom to stop rummaging my table for trash to pick up, she said okay and kept going. My pent up anger got too intense and I screamed at her to just fucking stop when I tell her to. 'Yes but you have so much stuff on the table maybe if you cleaned once in a while blah blah blah' while she kept rummaging like I hadn't said anything. What the fuck.
I'm seriously considering just going through her shit and throwing out random objects while she's looking. She wouldn't get the point, but it would at least feel pretty good.
>friends are losers
At least you have some losers to compare yourself to. My friends are starting to kill it right now, skinny girlfriends and well-paying jobs for both of them. Apertments, cars, money. No wonder we are losing contact. Feels like shit to see the contrast. Even my friends thought I was the one destined to succeed in life, but of course I get all depressed and suicidal out of the blue and my life is now ruined.
haven't showered in a week
flat is a mess to the point i'm worried about getting kicked out (nowhere to go, housing shortage)
hate it, but can't motivate myself to do anything about it
eating instant noodles for breakfast
think about suicide every day but know i'm too much of a pussy to try it
How do you deal with the expectation that you should be married and / or have kids when people ask?
I usually laugh. People tend to get the point
It just seems surreal to me. I also expect at least half of my friends to break up in the coming years. Getting married and wageslaving for a shitty apt is nothing I desire anyway. I've fucked 27 girls, I know how shitty life as a couple is.
why would someone ask that if they don't have a girl to offer?
It usually happens when people are making conversation
Just say you're not married and have no kids?
Is it really that weird?
I work at UPS and hate every second of it it's the worst job I ever had but the promise of health insurance and tuition assistance makes me keep going back.
God I just want to quit so bad.
What sucks about it? I imagine UPS would be driving, listening to podcasts, and exploring neighborhoods. You never have to think about what you're doing during the day like an office job and you never really have to interact with coworkers.
28 here
Living with my dad who mostly chill and I appreciate that, I never had full time employment, have problems with anxiety and depression, the thought of having to work and deal with people in the real world makes me even more anxious and I get mentally exhausted from it, I havent moved out because of those reasons.
I work inside the building.
UPS is like the perfect storm of things that make jobs suck, all thrown together.
I have to load entire trailers by myself every night. So you just have a conveyer belt dumping 50+ lbs boxes at your feet while you are expected to stack them perfect over your head so that the load doesn't shift during transit.
And while you do this some dickhead manager will be peering into the trailer screaming at you to go faster or stack neater. If you turn off the belt they will scream at you. They will scream at you no matter what.
It's literally impossible to do it by yourself but they demand it anyways.
Every night I have to lift and stack more than 10,000 lbs worth of freight by myself without injuring myself or taking even a 4 second break.
And after loading is done, I have to go outside and wash every single truck.
Even though it's 20 degrees outside, raining, and we haven't had soap in 2 months.
That's the kind of cruelty that's at UPS. It could actually be considered a form of torture in that the work is usually pointless and needlessly made more difficult.
I mean just imagine washing 40 trucks in the freezing rain, and you aren't even using soap. It's utterly pointless. That's the kind of thing that breaks a man.
forgot to add, these days I'm studying up my grades other than that I'm not doing much, watching Netflix, reading, figuring of doing some volunteer work just to get me out of the apartment
25 here.
I don't know how long I can keep going, the suicidal urges are getting too strong. I've already planned how to carry it out and I'm just waiting for the moment I make up my mind for good.
I shouldn't have been born. I'm not fit whatsoever for this world and never will be.
>I shouldn't have been born. I'm not fit whatsoever for this world and never will be.
I feel the same. All my life hasn't have any sense and it doesn't any sense to keep living like this. And my future is just going to get more pathetic and sad.
>objectives although they were shit
What were them?
The typical shit: finishing college, keep studying a master degree, find whatever job, rent some cheap flat with friends, try to have new relationships with girls to forget my ex, etc.
Are you virgins? I'm a 23yo virgin and I feel the same. I'm a genetic failure.
No bro I had lucky and had a girlfriend. I know that many people here think that there is no lucky but yeah there is. I got that girlfriend just for pure luck and because I'm not too much ugly. I'm skinny and average. It was the typical instant attraction in a birthday party. The only thing that I had to do was meet with her after the party some times more to show her that I was interested and then officially invite her to go out and then invite her to my house to watch a movie, the classic excuse to fuck. If I wouldn't went to that birthday party that day I would be virgin today. I've been almost 5 years without fuck and almost without anything in terms of girls and I feel like if I were a virgin and I never had a girlfriend. And I don't think that I will have any girlfriend anymore. I give thank you to God, luck or whatever for giving at least that experience.
I just wanna speed up some time, like 5 days or 5 months if possible, just wanna skip this part
Coworkers wife asked me over for a dinner (with coworker ofc). Why? I barely even know her.
Im expecting the classic "why dont you have a gf" level of questions. How do i answer these without hurting anyones feelings?
>held a job for a year but am now unemployed
>depressed beyond control
>suicidal and insomniac
>cant even order a cheeseburger from a fast food drive thru without having a mental breakdown
>live with the folks and hating every minute of it
I feel socially and mentally crippled most days. been trying to get a job but i feel like a hardcore failure after losing the last one and it's pretty much disabled me.
Turned 25 last month and then I "snapped" shortly after. Nothing, NOTHING interests me anymore and I can't stop looking at the negative side of things. I just keep wageslaving, piling up money I don't spend, soletimes skipping meals because I don't feel like eating. I have become a literal robot, the only different thing is that robots don't have daily suicidal thoughts, do they?
>no degenerates
Everyone on this board is a degenerate, especially the ones over 25
No, you are wrong. You can be a loser but not be a degenerate.
>How do i answer these without hurting anyones feelings?
Just say that you're not looking for any long term relationship at the moment.
>parents tell me to quit job 6month ago
>finally cure depression (hate wageslaving)
>parents on my ass hard about getting another job
>one place interviews me, it would be like a 30min drive (+30min back), $50k/yr + benefits
>another one interviews me today, would be $25/hr but a ONE HOUR DRIVE (+ 1 hr back)
>only thing parents ever ask or talk about is work
fucking annoying as shit. the thought of going back to wageslaving fills me with so much dread, makes me seriously consider suicide. it's basically like torture to have to wake up super early every day to a blaring alarm clock in your face, then shove food down your throat as fast as possible, and just sit in a car to drive to a place to sit around with a bunch of normies in some artificially-lit office building in uncomfortable clothes. it drives me crazy having to do that shit
plus, i've finally been making good gains at the gym. but once i wageslave, that's all over and i'll lose it all, probably get fat again too. last time i wageslaved (4 years straight) i had to quit going to the gym entirely because going at 6-7pm used to prevent me from sleeping early. no matter what, i would be awake till like 2-4am every night BECAUSE i lifted weights, which i still do but it's not a big deal because i don't have to wake up for any reason
FUCK life is terrible. i don't cost my parents anything and i made a little bit of money just freelancing. they just ABSOLUTELY HATE the fact that i can not be full time employed, but still happy. it pisses me off how work-obsessed they are
Same, though I don't make much I also don't have any bills or responsibilities outside of work. Literally only work so I can buy a game here and there and store the rest for no reason.
>just turned 27 an hour ago
>wew, closer to fucking 30, christ
>notice I have two emails in my promotions folder
>probably the usual automatic birthday messages from forums I'm on
>'Thank you for registering with CubaCupid Singles'
>'Thank you for registering with HabvanaCupid Singles'
>I don't even live anywhere near the Caribbean
Not what I was expecting but it gave me a chuckle.
i've got a full time job. 50 hours a week washing dishes. gonna do it for 6 weeks. save a thousand. then i'm gonna buy a few last essentials before heading out. gonna quit my job, go live in the forest. no more wageslaving. never again
done it before, but only for weeks at a time. gonna do it for good now. wageslaving is living hell, daily agony. i refuse. will live in the forest, find low hour night work away from people, and be free. free at last. six weeks
iktfb i keep on remembering my ex gf who broke up with me nearly 6 months ago
I was so close to getting my life together and not being a robot anymore. Basically it goes like this
> drop out of college because I was never really "gifted" like my parents said
> waste the next two years of my life losing the few friends I had and getting drunk alone constantly while living with my parents and earning barely any money
> meet a cute girl at one of the seasonal jobs I worked to earn enough for booze and vidya
> finally get a real GF at age 23
> get a real job
> move up to a bigger better company
> move to an expensive city away from my home town to work at big company
> everything looks good
> gf is a retarded parasite who doesn't pay any bills so I dump her because I think I'm too good for her
> kick her out
> two months later my company lays me off as well as like 1/3 of the people who had less than one year of seniority
Now I'm all alone, in an apartment I won't be able too afford soon, in a city where I have no friends, no college degree, far from the town where the few friends I had lived, fat as fuck from my desk job, and with no GF and no will to pull it back together.
I have enough savings to survive until about March. What the fuck do I do? I was so close to finally becoming a normie. I'm an idiot for thinking that I could ever live a normal life.
fuck lad im 27 in exactly a month and ive been doing the same shit since i was 20
damn, sounds like you should kill yourself user
I'm 27 too. I've been living on my own for the last two years but on account of me losing my job I'm probably going to have to move back in with them soon. I'm dreading moving back in with them. Looking at my old room reminds me of how I wasted my entire early 20s being a fat alcoholic neckbeard and honestly I think I always will be.
>I wasted my entire early 20s being a fat alcoholic neckbeard and honestly I think I always will be.
that felt like a knife stabbing me in the chest combined with a sinking feel in my stomach
> being forced to clean the trucks in the cold with no soap
Are you fucking serious user? What the fuck.
>go through reaction image folder
>no happy images, just sad or angry images
what did my subconscious mean by that