Any fembots here whose boyfriends uses r9k?
How do u feel about it?
Did u both met here and it no, how do u feel about him using r9k?
Any fembots here whose boyfriends uses r9k?
Didn't met him here, but we both use r9k
He doesn't like that i do, hates it. Doesn't let me basically. I don't know really why
>Doesn't let me
What is he, your dad?
Both use it since it was created, but didnt meet here. I dont mind him using it as he doesnt get influenced. Hes a good boy
He just thinks, that Im gonna get orbiters. Which by the way, I have been using longer than him, but I have never gave my discord or posted/sent pictures.
Sounds nice, my boyfriend is really influenced by r9k. Calls every girl a roastie, hates females, hates everything that isn't anime or vidya. But I still deeply love him
>But I still deeply love him
I don't get it. He sounds like he has a pretty shitty personality.
I dated guy who came here. He randomly claimed I was cheating on him because I started going to the gym.
Neither of you are real robots.
Dare you to smash the router and make him pay attention to only you
I met my boyfriend here and we lost our virginity to one another. He stopped coming to Jow Forums once we were serious but I can't break the habit. I think he looks down on me for it.
if i had a gf, i wouldn't be on this shit board.
I'm not a regular on this board, but I find it funny that it began as a hugbox for incels, only to be invaded by the women they despise.
It began as an experimental /b/. It was supposed to force people to make original post and not just keep circling jerking the same post over and over again .
>I find it funny that it began as a hugbox for incels
It didn't, actually. They colonized this place well after its creation.
I don't hate women, just certain behaviors.
If I was trying to date men I'd probably hate a lot of their common behaviors too.
His probably attractive.
Thats all that matters
In fact, moot killed Jow Forums because of the incel invasion.
It was resurrected because he realized that he was a hypocrite for criticizing someone else for shutting down a community because of the toxic culture. He took his own argument and let the toxicity brew again, with the hope that it could be neutralized and purified someday.
I dont think my boyfriend has ever been on Jow Forums.
Honestly he was probably the first guy to show her much attention. That's my guess.
Yeah. I was a virgin, he was fucking around. I was really shy and insecure. I'm like 5/10 and he's really attractive
I heard it was because we invaded other boards so he brought it back as the incel containment board
>hates females, hates everything that isn't anime or vidya. But I still deeply love him
This is where you find out she's either deeply in love, or a huge larper
You're a faggot
That's retarded
There's no loli containment board (anymore)
No I'm serious. I mean, when we started dating, he didn't show that. It got worse with time it got worse. But there are a lot of really food things about him.
Because as a female user of this board you are much more likely to slut it up. But it's still miles better than /soc/ users, they're lost causes.
>guy calls you a roastie, hates your gender, only likes anime and video games, tries to control what websites you visit
>obviously an insecure control freak, who sounds like a dickhead to boot
>still love him because he's hawt
Does this not give you a hint at why the incels here have no respect for you(r gender)? If you're actually a 5/10, you could easily get a 6/10 guy who is half-asses normal and well adjusted.
Jow Forums is right again.
1 million incels cant be wrong
Another thread that dims the light of hope I have for women.I know I also have issues but these threads makes me want to not even try to look for love.
>I'm like 5/10 and he's really attractive
>Browses r9k
>Is really attractive
I wish I read into this before, this is a complete incel shilling
Bf and I both browse r9k and met here, too
How should I feel about it? I know that him being lonely and a khv before me are the reasons he browsed originally.
And I know his views and beliefs and that he doesn't hate women or anything, so I'm fine and dandy with it.