>get DNA ancestry thing for Christmas from sister
>expect European component to be from spain (Hispanic)
>not a drop of spanish blood
>its mostly Germanic
Not sure how to feel about this
Get DNA ancestry thing for Christmas from sister
Guten Tag Jose
do what most do and deny science
I don't see the connection between science denialism and Germany
OP is literally the son of nazis
Who says DNA doesn't exist?
you should literally be shaking and crying right now. you have just inherited the charge of murder in 69 quadrizillion cases (also very evil)
deny the DNA science, silly
the collection is flawed
Good, I guess? Germanic people have decent culture and history, and are generally very well off, which tends to bring better genes, right? Or do you really care about the whole nazi thing?
>deny the DNA science, silly
To accomplish what?
>Germanic people have decent culture and history,
>instigates the two most destructive wars in human history
Yeah no
The biggest mistake of world war 1 was allowing germany to exist as a state afterwards.
so OP can maintain he is latin. are you stupid?
You forget that the majority of european immigrants living in the US at the start of Hitlers fuckery were german
>get ancestry done
>father is from Portugal
>expect to be half Iberian
>I'm only 25% Iberian
>Norwegian out of nowhere
Kinda surprising. At least I'm 100% European white.
>upstart nation forged from the rubble of napoleonic Europe
>overcomes material and technological disadvantages through hard work and superior planning
>get declared war on by all the imperial powers of Europe (except Austria-Hungary, who can't even knock a small client state out of the war)
>still manage to fight off the overwhelming odds for years
>forced surrender drains all wealth from the country
>poorest country in Europe
>return to working hard and planning better
>a few years later, back at the top of Europe
Germany is scientifically the best nation
As the UK tries to break away from Germany (make no mistake the EU is a euphemism for Germany) expect Germany to use military force if economic coercion fails. So to your point user, Germany is at the top again.
Are you argentinan?gg
To your point, you're a fedora tier armchair politician if you think people are going to start a shooting war over Brexit
Nah. War is pretty neato. Most interesting history is war, and it's something to be proud of, I think. It's only because Germany's opponents went on to become the two cultural powerhouses of the world, and because of our drastically changed view of war, pain and death, that people hate on Germany for the WWs. Pretty much everyone is proud of their pre-modern wars, and only the losers of the WWs are ashamed for those.
an you kinda retarded if you cannot recognize hyperbole, however the point stands. germany is calling the shots and the UK acting like a rebellious teen
I wouldn't say so. The EU wants to be German because of their economy and because their politics represent something of a golden middle path of Euro politics (at least compared to other countries), but they can't ever be, because the other EU states don't really want to be Germany. Up in here in Sweden, we're getting annoyed at them messing with our superior legal systems, and knowingly trying to force us to change for the objectively worse, so we'll just barely hang on because of trade deals. I know in shithole Europe people fucking hate the EU's politics and ethics, so they'll just barely hang on for the trade deals. I feel like it's the same everywhere. UK obviously snapped and left because the EU was messing with their shit.
Anyway, if the krauts ever try taking the military route, they'll be crushed again. There's just no chance. That'd only give the big R opportunity to come rape us all.
yeah but the dyke merkel has been sucking putins cock and thinks she got that one covered. though I do agree the big R is just wanting to rape you all and they know the opportunity will present itself and they will get their dick wet.
That's okay. Southern and eastern europe was always pretty shit, anyway.
>War is pretty neato
"I am tired and sick of war. Its glory is all moonshine. It is only those who have neither fired a shot nor heard the shrieks and groans of the wounded who cry aloud for blood, for vengeance, for desolation. War is hell."
-William Tecumseh Sherman
Well yeah, war is shit when you're in them. But they can bring good stuff, and I think most people agree that it's the ultimate competition.
are there enough ruskies to breed the brown out of southern europe?
>William Tecumseh Sherman
Yeah coming from a guy that let his troops rape their way through the south
as if there is a major difference in the DNA of europes population... your grandgrandgrand...mother was probably raped by some raging vikings. Deal with it. You are a bastard without roots
The contradiction here is from you