Drink more water

drink more water

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Ohhhhhh just imagine getting all that shit removed.
The feeling must be amazing.

Muh American education failed me. What is this?

What am I looking at?

What am I looking at please?

Imagine the smell.
Kidney stones.

looks like kidney stones. my gf passes them all the time like it's nothing, but these are pretty severe

imagine getting hit in the kidney and all these little stones cause it to fucking tear in half, lol

You don’t have to tell me twice

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Thanks. I rarely drink things that aren't water or milk. I also generally veer away from spinach as well since it can help form them. Though when I get home I will drink more water.

I want to take a knife, dig into those and smear it on toast like butter

Imagine growing fucking rocks in your organs.

I don't care what any of you niggers say I will literally never eat a single piece of tofu because of this one fucker. Eat a faggot penis you hippy nigger you can't make me.


eat less oxalates

Why do they have to be all careful when they remove these?
Id want the to rip them out by the root so no calcium can regrow.
Take a chunk of my kidney with them idgaf, thats some alien shit.

Also add lemon, or lime to the water.

also baking soda

but not the zest
which contains oxalates

>also baking soda
don't do this too much, it can increase blood pressure in the long run

High amounts of oxalates which can also calcifie in your kidneys. I believe cooking spinach reduces the amount there is, but it is something worth being aware of.

would they bust like tonsil stones

You forgot to take your anti retard pills today user

Damn this fucking picture is making me go downstairs just to get a bottle of water

cooked spinach has more oxalate than raw

There you go, generally avoid it. Eating a few leafs here and there won't be that detrimental, but I read don't eat more than six leafs a day.

Eat lead gook

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looks like the stuff i have to pop out of my tonsils every couple days


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Imagine being this fucking retarded. That's the opposite of what's true.

I thought it was odd also
maybe cooking frees some of it from whatever ions it is holding onto in raw spinach
no reason to eat spinach anyway

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What the fuck

I love eating vegetables like spinach. Why would the market still sell this shit if this is the case?

>corn grits

Fuck me. How can I say my liver is in top shape if I eat this occasionally?

the market doesn't care about your health

try eliminating them entirely and see how you feel
I think there might be some age related level to which you can tolerate them but you would need to figure out for your own case
it freaks me out that researchers are saying the oxalate crystals can be deposited in various places in the body and cause havoc

>spinach 150 g/day
>almond milk 400 ml/day
>yams 200 g/day
>greek yogurt 200 g/day
>creatine HCL 1 scoop/day
>250 g protein/day (mainly tuna and protein power)

How fucked am I boys? I've been eating this way for a long time.....

Rip ur kidneys

I've been drinking a lot of water lately, like more than half a gallon a day until my urine is piss clear, but it makes me urinate every 10 minutes or so when I drink too much water at night.

It's only until now that I realize spinach does more bad than good. Mother of fucking God Popeye was my childhood hero but why would they do this to me

vegetarians and corporate shills hijacking the food guidelines
seventh day adventists, general mills etc
grain companies main strategy in health washing their products is to point the blame at meat and other animal products for all the chronic disease they cause

water is also not that great for you
clear piss is not really a sign of good health

ditch the fucking milk,yam and spinach for fuck sake.
natural yogurt and creatine is fine

this is what they look like under a microscope. Probably why the ones that are small enough to pass hurt like holy hell.

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It's a sign that your kidney got enough water to filter your organism to a point where your piss is clean

holy shit.

>whole grains are just shilled by crazy companies that want to turn a profit
>you should eat grass fed meat and butter, which comes from nowhere and doesn't benefit anyone financially

but during the stone age

I also fell for the memes about greens

>water is bad for u
Yeah drink bleach like this user

the negative lobbying from meat and dairy industry generally supports the grain fed CAFO hormone/antibiotic injected cattle raising paradigm
definitely a problem, but that can be avoided by researching your food producers

>he drinks bleach
no, I'm just well informed

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goddamn it.

I love spinach, cooked and raw, and I eat more almonds than a goddamn chipmunk

>it can increase blood pressure in the long run

That's because of the Sodium in Baking Soda.

If you want to do a Baking Soda "detox," which I've done twice before.

Do it only for 2 weeks.

Oddly enough, baking soda in water doesn't taste bad at all.

Meat and dairy are heavily, heavily lobbied, and grass fed are part of that although not well accepted as significantly better than conventional meat/dairy.

>water is bad

The reason why people get kidney stones is because of lack of water user

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>getting your information from a podcast on a gimmicky website

Spinach won't kill you, just give you kidney stones. You can also eat it in moderation so your body can deal with it.

All plants don't like to get eaten, so they have chemicals to try to irritate or kill things that try to eat them. Some of that irritation is beneficial for us, some of it isn't. Personally I'd just avoid anything that would give you a higher chance to pass kidney stones.

I seriously fucked up. I'm not eating spinach ever again.
Gonna eat tilapia, bitter gourd, banana, corn, and chicken now. I hope nothing goes wrong this time.

grass fed/finished on healthy pasture is the real stuff
there are more industrial producers of grass fed meat that are bad actors sure, but it comes back to being aware of how your meat is produced and processed
the lobbying is generally for market capture regulations and other bullshit that producers of quality meat and dairy do not support

its genetics brah, i know someone who drinks nothing but water and got stones.

A guy I knew from work who ate shit food and drank like a horse said they shove a laser up your dick and zap the tiny ones, while the bigger ones are surgically removed.

>says nothing to the correlation between healthy hydration, over hydration and piss color
>i-i-im well i-i-informed

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why eat it at all when there are superior alternative sources for all nutrients that don't have gay shit that give you stones

The thing is I love eating vegetables, I can eat almost every kind of vegetables I see on my dining table, be it lettuce, cabbage, Chinese cabbage, pumpkin, broccoli, cauliflower, carrots, seaweeds, turnips etc. you name it.

It also has something to do with food and how it is cooked

Well for people like those below you. Some people like eating it. I like eating ice cream, but I know I should eat that in moderation as well. They can still eat it infrequently and with lower servings if they like spinach.

I personally avoid spinach unless it is in a meal that my family made and I'll oblige in eating some of it out of courtesy and that I am eating it so infrequently its impact on me will be low if there even would be an impact.

Ok let's start

Prove to me that water alone prevents kidneys stones, and not water from food but isolated water

Because you sheeple are nothing more than cattle, you trust anyone that says anything in the television, you don't think for yourself, you don't experiment, you don't question, you don't research

Want to see how right I am? Would you have an emotional reaction if I said you're not supposed to drink water? Will you say that we need to drink 8 cups of water because that's common sense? Not everyone agrees with this, take your conclusions


You're so fucking lucky if you read this post, thank your god for this

Dude why the fuck are you listening to one guy saying don't drink water against numerous scientific evidence that staying hydrated with water is healthy?

It is kind of funny how people think one sentence can mean different things. I didn't think he meant drink more water, but stop drinking crap that could give you kidney stones like sodas and drink water over it.

>the real stuff
Meaningless, marketing-type bullshit phrase. Grass-fed is the same industry as grain-fed. The only difference is grass-feeding farmers make up bullshit about how their products are good by virtue of being "more natural" and therefore all the health consequences associated with meat and dairy should just be ignored.

post some of these numerous scientific evidence that staying hydrated with water is healthy

What's "per serving"? I highly suspect they did not compare 100g of fresh spinach with the same spinach then cooked, but with 100g of cooked spinach...

>all grass fed meat is the same
breed of cattle, soil quality, time outdoors, are just a few of the factors involved that affect the nutrient quality of the beef/dairy
a grass fed holstein will give you inferior milk to a grass fed jersey
cattle fed hay will give you inferior products to those that ate fresh grass

bfy tw/NOQB

kidney stones are on the rise in women, they used to not get them nearly as often as men.

Tldr eat oxalate with cheese

Because when you don't listen to any ideas that go against what you believe is exactly when you know you're brainwashed

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dog that probably eats dehydrated kibbel garbage

Fuck I’ve been making banana spinach smoothies for months now. I quit recently because I was sick of the taste. Hopefully no damage was done.

Your average woman is a retard who thinks she can make up for hydrating with nothing but coffee and margaritas by drinking a detox tea once a week.

78 / 9 / 40


Imagine if you could reach inside yourself and just squeeze your kidneys like a wet meat bag
Squeeze the goop around inside them and slowly squeeze the stones one by one out the exit hole, down your penis, and then plop, into the toilet water
Goddamn, that would be satisfying
I could do that for hours


>breed of cattle, soil quality, time outdoors, are just a few of the factors involved that affect the nutrient quality of the beef/dairy
And not at all significant. The most you'll see is slight differences in omega-3 levels from the grass and possibly a few percent more of some minerals, but that doesn't make the difference between a food that leads to heart disease or colon cancer and a "superfood paleo powerhouse." It doesn't overshadow the negative health effects that meat and dairy in large amounts are associated with. The cow eating grass instead of corn, in the end, doesn't matter to your own health.

green smoothies and veganism being memed at them
not a surprise

>beef causes heart disease and colon cancer
oh, so you are actually retarded
I see now

>not a linear scale

Yikes. Fuck spinach.

this particular case was actually caused by extreme overeating of onions products

onions is very high in oxalate

Goes right back to "the grain industry is responsible for all the science in the world because they have all the money and the meat and dairy industries are powerless!"

No, you idiot, the meat and dairy industries lobby at least as hard and fund studies too, but the best summary of data suggests that they, by their nature, cause health problems in large amounts, over time. From there, smaller producers who produce grass-fed products try to disassociate their products from conventional products by making appeals to nature and claiming unscientifically that the minor differences caused by the different feed completely changes the health properties of the food, which is ridiculous. No different than organic snack/junk food companies trying to convince people that their organic heirloom potato chips aren't awful for you like regular potato chips are, and gullible people like you accepting it readily.

>muh epidemiology
post proofs with actual controls
you're right it's not just the grain industry
a lot of it was the sugar industry

if only it was fun to pass them
it hurts pretty fuckin bad I've broken multiple bones and gotten some fairly decent smashes and cuts over the years but passing the stones was awful in general
it felt like I couldn't piss and my bladder was about to fucking explode and by the time I did pass them it was like pissing out a razor blades
bonus points was the huge amount of blood pissed out afterwards that I didn't expect for some reason and it was freaky as shit I thought I perma-broke my dick
but I realized that's what happens and reached into the shitter and fished em out of the blood piss water
I kept em around hidden for a bit and would take them out and look at them and start laughing my ass off
kinda gross so I just tossed em in the end
overall though besides the horrible pain and panic part it was pretty sweet motivation
I used to drink a shitload every day so that had to help it show up

kidney stones

>add beef to diet
>cholesterol and blood pressure increase
And you think feeding the cow grass would've prevented that somehow?
>a lot of it was the sugar industry
Even then, all the sugar industry did was pay researchers to study fats' rather than sugars' effects on heart disease. The actual findings and data gathered aren't fabricated.

I come here for pictures of kidney stones, where are they

>worrying about kidney stones
You have literally no reason to. The people who development consume massively abnormal diets. And in 99% of cases you pass them like any other crap. OPs pic is from someone with seriously abnormal diet and genetic make up.

>googles for proofs
>finds first abstract that agrees with his bullshit assertion
>can't find anything that isn't behind a paywall

>believes something retarded
>ignores all information to the contrary
A tale as old as time

>thinks total cholesterol values mean anything
>3% raise in systolic BP is scary
again, it really seems that you are retarded

Youd be surprised how dogshit a lot of peoples diets are

I’m not the guy you’re arguing with, but you seem a little brainwashed. The FDA has been saying to limit fat and increase grain intake since the 80’s and modern chronic illness has skyrocketed and continues to. Nature gave us animals to eat for superior nutrition and growth, grains were only ever consumed for caloric necessity when animals weren’t available to eat. There is nothing in naturally raised animals that is harmful for the body. Fat and cholesterol don’t cause heart disease, chronic inflammation, plant oils and oxidized cholesterol do.