
>meet girl of tinder, she really likes me from the beginning, says I am handsome, and so on
>I add her on snap, things are going great for an entire week
>She really wants to meet
>I really want to meet
>She says I am the person she's talking to who she feels the most for
>I say the same
>We are in to similar things. Vidya, lifting, and so on
>Gorgeus half latina half swedish girl
>I am in heaven
>The day comes
>I go to the gym
>She asks what I'm gonna work out
>Tell her, deadlifts, bench, squats, chin ups
>She says good luck
>Snap her, no response
>Whatever she's at work.exe
>Hours pass no response yet
>Ok might still be at work
>Message her both on snap and messenger aka cuckbook.
>She's not active
>Whatever she'll be active soon enough
>A few hours later she's active
>Try messaging her and snapping her, even calling her, nothing
>She hasn't snapped, messaged, or called back. But she hasn't removed me from anywhere, nor has she blocked me
Is she ghosting me or is she manipulating me, I am feeling seriously distraught.

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She probably just found someone else. Or, all of your messages came off as clingy and turned her off.


should have waited for her to message you

I could buy clingy, I fall for girls way to easily, even one night stands sometimes. Fuck it, I'll just wait and see if she responds sooner or later. If she found someone else she should have told me, she promised she would tell me and not ghost me. There is absolutely nothing else I hate more than ghosting. It is emotional abuse to the highest order. Leading someone on like that just to say fuck you is not cool.

Not like I don't have other chicks waiting to taste my cock, but whatever. I really liked her.

It's not emotional abuse if 14 year old kids do it all the time. Nobody owes you anything. Compose yourself and move on.

Had a similar thing, me and this girl connected like crazy, spoke for an entire month (both of us got sick both times we had tried to meet up earlier, me the first time, her the second) every day sending photos and selfies to eachother, having huge multiple hour phone calls and messaging sessions. Went on date it went okay, not great but decent enough and she messaged after said she would like to meet up again and we continued to talk a lot (though no more selfies) until one day... *chirp*, next day *chirp*.. next day *chirp* day 4 wake up at 7am to my phone buzzing and a I see a huge block of text and while my eyes were still blurry, I knew EXACTLY what it was.
"Hey I you're one of the most kind, interesting, wonderful, intellegent guys I've ever met but *insert a series of bullshit excuses* I really just am looking for friends atm and don't want to date anyone would you like to be friends?"
I had seriously fell for this chick by this time and this shit really fucking hurt.
Several days later see her at the local sort of bar/cafe we both hang out with some roided up chad.

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Dude, she told me she wasn't like that. And she hasn't removed or blocked me anywhere. I am seriously not sure what to think anymore. And yeah, sure. Nobody owes me anything. But a response would still be the more mature way to go about it, not completely ignoring me like I don't exist. Like I said. She really seemed to like me and everything was going well. Then again AWALT... fucking AWALT

Dude, this girl had shown all the signs of liking me all the time. She was the first to write on tinder saying ''you sure do have a handsome face'' and what not, she sended semi-sensual pics of herself and gave me all the signs that she liked me. Chicks are fucking weird, man. Just stick to fucking one night stands, never comit to one. The only times I have felt this emotionally distraught has been due to the actions of a girl. They are the masters at ruining you emotionally.

I should add that I am sorry about what happened to you. No one deserves this shit.

>Dude, she told me she wasn't like that
You sound needy af
>Not like I don't have other chicks waiting to taste my cock
Then you contradict yourself by being a douche

>>She asks what I'm gonna work out>Tell her, deadlifts, bench, squats, chin ups
I think she was asking what muscles. I doubt as a girl she gives af about the workouts.

By blowing her up and crying about being ghosted you're coming off as needy. Chill out she probably doesn't want something serious and you're sperging

Self bump cus I'm a cocksucker

>Dude, she told me she wasn't like that
You know they all say that, right?

Also if that's the case you probably scared her off with your personality, if that's possible. Act more chad

Yeah but she told me she did? she said so since day one. But yeah I am being needy, and my main regret isn't that she ghosted me, but that I fell for her like a beta PUSSY.

Yeah I know... it's really weird you know, going from this fat kid at a hostile shool yard to a dude who everyone keeps calling handsome, and who is physically active and strong. It's like a mess of past insecurities and current day arrogance turning into a sludge of borderline personality disorder in your head.

>You know they all say that, right?
I know, I know... I'm kind of embarassed. I have been swallowing the red pill since I was 16 so I should be able to just go AWALT and then move on, but fuck man, I rarely feel like this for anyone. Meh, struggle and hardships makes men out of boys I guess.

I know how you feel man. Chances are shes a slut and you need to try and be more sexual. She might reply eventually

My thoughts exactly. I could fuck just about any girl I want. I just need to be at more places than the gym and in my room playing CSGO... or doing a shit load of drugs with my friends for that matter, lol.

Self bump again

Do you say cringey, homoerotic shit like this to women? There's your problem.

Nah man, I try to contain my autism to around here.

that's just girls dude, half the time it's amazing they can even remember their names

That's why I hate tinder. Have good chats then they disappear out of nowhere.

Yeah man, I have experience with girls so you'd think I'd know better by now, but then again I have aspergers so.

Yeah, fuck this app. From now on I'll just try to meet chicks the natural way.

Self bump onece again, I suffer everytime I must'eth doth this. Is that original enough?

Please respond to my shit thread, that would be a really friendly move

Mixed btw

What do you mean? That she's half latina half swede?

because you message her so soon you turned her off

What do you mean, I sent to many messeges? Or I should chill and give her some space all around?

>What do you mean, I sent to many messeges? Or I should chill and give her some space all around?

You sound like a fucking nigger. Do not message her at all at this point. The dumb bitch at this point needs to message you.

It doesnt matter if she liked you once, it doesnt mean she will like you forever.

Plus something leads me to believe that you werent good at taking the initiative to make plans. When were you going to see her next?

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Arent latinas already Whites mixed with blacks and native south americans and Maybe some asians ?

>Dude, she told me she wasn't like that

Woah a women lied to you!

>Tell her, deadlifts, bench, squats, chin ups

Maybe she doesn't like your retarded workout routine

Kek I noticed that too user

Deadlifts and squats on the same day? OP is seriously nuts

I won't, trust me. I am going to let her resolve this, fuck her.

>Plus something leads me to believe that you werent good at taking the initiative to make plans.
You really did make me think there.

Regular powerlifting split but okay.

>You really did make me think there
So, did you make plans with her before she ghosted you? If you didnt, thats why she dropped you. You werent thirsty enough

No I guess I didn't, I just said ''be really nice to meet up sometime''.

Pretty much. She was half chilean mixed with Swedish. I am a Swede myself.

Self bump because why the fuck not I guess, oregano.

I mean chilean mixed with Swedish ofc.

So is asking for boob pics expected of you when you get someone's snapchat on tinder? I matched with a 40 year old woman on tinder yesterday and got her snapchat. Asked for boob pics and she sent them. Is this the normal exchange? Snapchat is in my opinion only good for sending photos you want to be deleted as soon as possible, why would anyone use it as a serious chat application so set up dates etc.?

>start using tinder
>get six matches the same day
>none of them respond to my messages

Change your bio or change your looks. Or move.

But why like my profile if you don't want to talk? I don't get how normies think, I guess.

How did you originally start the conversation

>Hey, how you doing?

They're stupid subhumans and NPCs that's why, especially women.

I am a 6'3 really handsome looking guy as well. And many times in my life ive done chad shit. But i too have aspbergers and am not normal so i know the pain. Your not alone bro. I havent dated a girl since hs im 26 now

I haven't gotten laid in almost a year and I've never had a gf. Chadcels unite.

I tore up sweet little virgin ass in hs. But now i havent had sex in def over a year to the point i bought a flesh light.

It will come eventually I guess.

>hey, how you doing?
Girls get this message hundreds of times a day. If you want to get laid, dont make her yawn first

Okay, I'll send a meme image from here next time.

What the fuck am I looking at, it's like the two stooges making fun of the third one for doing compound exercises that make your muscles big. Enjoy your "leg day" you fucking pseud bro-science queers


Nah. Just read her bio and send the first autistic thing that comes to mind. Women seem to dig autism

>Dude, she told me she wasn't like that.
Fuck is this the new mainstream line the female NPC hivemind is using?
''I'm not like that''
There's something so innocent and reassuring sounding when you hear it the first time but it's always the most traitorous backstabbing two faced manipulative whores who say this in my experience
What gives? Anyone else notice this trend?

Appearantly I have, since I got to suffer due to it.