>user comes in for depression
>asks for antidepressants
>give him a lethal dose of morphine instead
User comes in for depression
Thank god Shipman is back, I've been missing my lethal doses of morphine.
how do we legalize assisted suicide while also making sure it doesn't kill off people that can be saved?
i thought of something really retarded but it's so dumb i'm not even gonna post it
but killing is saving user
You cannot save a life, you can only prolong it.
Make it so in order to get assisted suicide, you need to go through a 2 step application process, with the two steps being 3 months apart.
>apply for suicide
>wait 3 months
>confirm suicide
>you get suicided
This period to rethink it or get help should be sufficient.
If you don't value individual freedom much, you can demand that there are witnesses to the first step too, that way the person must tell relatives he is about to do it, so they can convince them in the 3 month period.
>tfw no Harold Shipman bf to give you a lethal dose of morphine
how do we lock up anyone who is so useless they need an assistant to suicide?
based as fuck. also he killed people who were dying anyways. not people who needed antidepressants