How do I deal with the fact that I'm probably going to wageslave until I'm at least 60?
Is there any exit from this hell? I would get NEETBUX but that isn't an option in my country.
How do I deal with the fact that I'm probably going to wageslave until I'm at least 60?
Is there any exit from this hell? I would get NEETBUX but that isn't an option in my country.
Don't worry, by the time you're 60 the retirement age is going to be like 100.
jesus christ please no
even just thinking about it fills me with an indescribable sadness
I work with someone who's 66 years old and they're technically retired but still dont make enough to actually just live life free
in other words theres no escape so embrace the grind if possible or scrape by and enjoy it as much as possible
Oh God it's not fucking worth it. How do I become NEET
>implying you can deal with it
>you don't deal with it
I've posted this before. If you want to become NEET you should check out the ERE and Money Mustache blogs. The techniques are all out there for you to try.
Things are getting more and more fucked up and you have to make your time as a worker count. Use that to get free, mates.
Retirement age is just for when you can draw Social Security, which will be fucked beyond repair for anyone under 50 thanks to the boomers under-funding it and living too long and refusing to do anything to address the SS crisis they knew would happen. If you save enough you can retire whenever without having to rely on the reduced SS payouts younger generations will receive. Also you can play the lottery for the long odds chance of being done with wagecucking forever at a young age.
>If you save enough you can retire whenever
Exactly. If you think of retirement in terms of just age you'll never be able to retire. There won't be any programs left soon. It's all on you
Invest. Throw as much money as you can into your companies 401k. Throw all your extra income after the months bills into an IRA or bonds. Don't go too aggressive with stocks. Once your investments reach a certain amount that you think you can live the rest of your life off of you can retire or downgrade to part time work.
Also consider retiring to another country. Countries like Thailand have extremely lax immigration practices for retiree aged people and they're dirt cheap to live in so your money goes further.
Wanted to post this up.
The simplest guide to investing I've found on the web so far
my plan:
>live with parents as long as they will tolerate me
>save everything i can
>buy van
>live in van to save fortune on rent when i move out or get kicked out
>continue to save and invest
>buy house or condo
>rent it out
>continue to save and invest
>buy another house or condo
best case scenario, i retire late 40s. worst case i retire 60s. i dont plan to marry or have kids otherwise this wouldnt work
Good plan. But I'd say get the investment condo first, then do the move. It's less risky that way
You guys must have great jobs if you spend your time thinking about retirement.
I worked like a dog at UPS last year and made like $7000.
It's a fucking joke.
that's great tho, I love working
Tomorrow I am going to have an interview for a shitty local call center that sells phone plans to people at home. Interview is useless because they'll hire anyone anyways and it's the only thing my stupid ass can do. I'm already dreading having to put up a facade for several hours a day, dialing up thousands of numbers a day for a shit pay. At 25 years old.
Remember to study kids
Dude that sucks.
Why not just get a comfy job stocking shelves or something
You would make 15K if you worked fulltime minimum wage for a year. No shit you aren't going to think about retirement with your 6 week seasonal job.
Because I didn't elaborate on why call centers are pretty much the only option. You see, the job situation in my city is completely, totally, irredemably fucked. I made some bad decisions that led me to be unable to move out, so I'm staying with my parents. The VAST majority of jobs you can get expect you to break your back and live with back pain medications for a shit pay AND be thankful for it. The funniest part is that you don't even get a contract or benefits of any kind. My local bar had a 17 yr old boy who would run around the neighborhood bringing coffee to clients for 10 hours a day for just under 50 eurobucks a week. He was always smiling and cordial and I feel like I live in a dystopia whenever I watched him stroll by. My current objective is to save up enough for a plane ticket for london and live as a bum until I can build myself from the ground up working there.
The main issue with vans is finding a place to set up. RV parks can be pretty pricey, neighborhoods and parking lots will have cops hassling you all the time and have no shore power hookups, which means you're spending a ton on gas for power
It isn't a seasonal job, dumbass.
There are no full time jobs at UPS except driving.
I work inside the building.
I've been looking at buying some raw land. It's surprisingly cheap if you go on the outskirts of the city. I've seen lots for as little as a couple hundred dollars.
Don't worry, there is one solution, but it probably won't happen for a while. Basically, technology is increasing at an ever faster rate. Sooner or later AI will replace most jobs, though for a while there will likely be this weird transition period where a lot of people are in poverty or something. Provided the lawmakers don't make it so that businesses have to hire a certain amount of human workers, it's possible universal basic income will come in, and then you can pretty much just be a neet and do whatever on your small income since the robots will be taking all the low tier jobs and even some more specialized stuff except for very niche things (perhaps underwater welding or something.)
Give it a decade or three, and there's a good chance this will happen, provided something absolutely stupid doesn't screw advancement in technology over.
You aren't saving for retirement (or working like a dog) if you're part time and there are more employers than UPS.
by out jewing the jew and saving then investing your surplus to build passive income.
> give it a decade or 3
not him but thats too long
I will win the lottery. I'm getting closer to winning everytime because I found out that it doesn't matter what numbers you play. Last time I was only missing one number to win a million. Pretty sure I'm gonna make it this time. .
I'd agree. I've always felt that UBI was a pipe dream, so it should definitely not be counted on.
Same with this. Don't ever count on lottery stuff. As they say "Hope isn't a plan"
> save up monies
> learn to day trade
> when you comfy start trading
> move somewhere that has low cost of living
like Thailand
> live comfy the rest of your life
>Hope isn't a plan
Has nothing to do with hope or luck.
Also and whos going to pay for it? Bezos and Suckerberg?
It scares me that these are becoming the new welfare providers
jesus FUCK we are living in a hellscape
There's SO many holes in the plan. If even something established like social security is going to be gone in 10-20 years, you have to be smoking crack to believe that UBI will have a prayer. It will literally cost the same as a manned mission to Mars. Every. Year.
Off the grid. Even if you survive a couple years, those couple years will be better than the next 50 you will spend on this shitty system
some time ago I had an interview for a janitorial job in a hotel.
literally 3 hours after the interview was done and I came back home, I got the email telling me that they thank me for visiting but they will go with another candidate.
Can't even get a janitorial job after being a neet for 6 years
Yes I figure the cutlure needs to change from a working based culture to a more leisure based one , since people on welfare are stigmatized.
I've looked at off-grid and near as I can figure, it's pretty much a meme. So many hidden costs, a shit-ton of labor, and very little upside
I'd agree, but that's a tough change. The problem is that the economy has to support such a system, but most of the results of the productivity goes to the very top.
You could probably just tax corporations that use robots to automate jobs. Considering that you don't even need to turn on the lights in fully automated factories, they already save quite a lot of money. Provided you don't tax them too heavily so that it's still decently more profitable to just use machinery instead of humans, you can get a lot of money to fund UBI, especially in the future when robots and automation become more commonplace and the cost of both creating and maintaining robots becomes cheaper.
I don't think it's a complete pipe dream as you make it out to be, but I will agree that it is something that won't be too effective until potentially a lot further down the line.
How the hell are you able to make phonecalls. Just hearing a phone ring make me feel ill.
Atleast I'm not that crazy (yet)
I will probably end up like the boomer I work with at my utility. They are in their 60s and won't fuck off. These people work so much they know nothing else but it. It's so bad the utility is offering buyout packages of last I heard $1.7 million dollars to get all the old servicemen and field service reps to quit and out of last year in a department of 750 and at least half of them boomers only 4 took a buyout.
yeye I'm the crazy one here.. sure
Which grid are you talking about specifically? Just cuz you dont have electricity doesnt mean youre not still part od the system
Sure but I dont know if its a good idea to have corporations to act as welfare providers, unless the culture changes which wont happen in a couple of decades.
I can understand your hesitance, but the culture will very much likely change if AI and automation are real heavy hitters. So many people will be replaced with robots and AI, that we'll have a massive amount of unemployed people, possibly higher than we've ever quite seen before. Lots of blue collar jobs will be affected, and even white collar jobs will be hit as well.
So now that there are tons of people without jobs, and no way to pay for their living expenses, we'll likely see an increase in crime since people will be very desperate. Things will reach a tipping point, and there will likely be a mass movement (Not necessarily bloody, but who knows?) and sooner or later the government will just decide to let the unemployed starve (which will really escalate things) or put in some form of UBI, or the worst case scenario, humans have to be hired and everyone goes back to their retail jobs.
Not him but go live in a mountain or cave or something
That's a common misconception. Most people automatically think the first priority is shelter, which is wrong. The first priority is always income, because no matter if your off grid or not, you'll still need some cash each month.
Once you have a passive income stream, everything is much easier
But then if you still need money, then are you still not technically part of the system? I get that off the grid simply means off the electrical grid But is it not more than that? Is it not actually living in solitude, completely free? How does someone achieve this? Is it even possible?
From what I've read, it might be possible to completely abandon things, but you really wouldn't want to. (And that's assuming that you personally were even able to, skill-wise.) You'd be regressing to the copper or iron age and would have all of the downsides associated.
No, there's a reason why money is so important. And most of the off-gridders I've read about actually have a day job or other income source for their main expenses and their farm is just a hobby. That way you can have things like insurance, health care, etc.
A far better plan is just to first develop a passive income source, then move to a cheap on-grid home on the outskirts of town, and you're done.
I quit my wageslave office job after 8 years (I am 32) and I have about 4 years of money left saved assuming I live simply.
I am planning to live a quiet life for the next 4 years then I am going to kill myself.
I have decided that I am going t kill myself in a way that ultimately mocks wagecucking to show my disdain for what human society has become. My current plan is to make a full size suit out of my wageslips (I will need to lose about 100lbs for this to work, I am 300lbs), break into my former office building at night, create a giant presentation on one of the whiteboards talking about how 'we need to better micromanage our shotgun portfolio', then I am going to blow my brains out with a shotgun all over the whiteboard, so that my former co-workers can come in the morning and see me. I know the CEO arrives first and I always hated that fucking prick so I hope he slips on my brains and breaks his neck.
I am sick of this world. It doesn't deserve me.
rob a bank or some other type of crime
if your posting here honestly what do you have to lose
So I am not the only one with fantasies like this