There is no excuse for being a manlet in the current year

there is no excuse for being a manlet in the current year

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looks like a yarmulke

Lol being a manlet is so bad they would rather be some conehead lookin like nigga instead

Just wear an Abe Lincoln hat

>unironically turining yourself into a capeshit villain for 2-3 inches of height.

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hope for manlets

Lmao that shit better be some bulletproot lightweight titanium plating at least

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No one cares

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mental illness

holy fuck this thread

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is that mishima? is this shopped or real pic

Pretty slimy. Aren't height restrictions in this, like most cases be, about proportions and therefore accessibility and performance, rather than how high the top of your head is from the ground?

>oy vey goyim, just $50 000 + tax +tip
>and now you can enlist and die for israel

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>spending money so that you can join the same institutions that allows retards in

oldest trick in the book

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>tfw the ancient skulls were just manlets putting bands in their heads since teenage hood to gain more inches

Probably relates to standard size for gear like backpacks and clothes, fitting safety specs for seatbelts and shit, eye level in vehicles...No way it's about how far up the top of your head reaches unless it's solely about helmet sizes

those look like they have a lot more volume though

You know honestly I think the whole height
meme needs to take into consideration the proportions of the individual. I'm 184cm and I've
met guys who were taller than me solely because they had a longer neck and head while our shoulders were the same height

Actually up until mid 90s, sumo wrestling had a rule that combatans had to be at least 5'8. So the natural solution to this was to just get silicon implants under the scalp.

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>Unironically implanting a kippah onto your skull

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At least you'll be temple ready at all times.

Ok retard

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>ive met guys who were taller than me solely because they were taller than me

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>mfw they never learn
Somebody post the webm of leg extension surgery now

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>not knowing about library height gains
never gonna make it

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this is so fucking retarded I don't believe it
and I'm in the army

fuck this board dude fuck the mods fuck everybody why are posts like this on the top???
THis just slides the other threads stupid overused unfunny memes dude
this manlet thing has been here since always fuck off with this shit


add these together to become chad

Attached: manlet.png (460x658, 442K)

Why do i imagine a garden gnome screaming like a rooster getting constantly hit by the recoil of its AK?

Consider getting surgery bro, it's ok, with this new cutting egde thing + leg extension you might escape the pit some day

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im 185 stop projecting your stupid sadness onto me

The fact that people over 5'6-5'7 are insecure enough to do shit like this is truly alarming

imagine being so much of an indoctrinated statist bootlicker that you actually spend thousands of dollars to have your appearance permanently altered so that you can go kill brown kids and get your legs blown off for the express purpose of making Lockheed Martin investors money while your wife/girlfriend back home gets rawed by anyone and everyone with a cock. jesus fucking christ.


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Thanks for paying for my college

I was talking about OP's image

Oh, ikr. Imagine paying money so you can die for Israel.

>heightism thread

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*legs break when you try to run on them*

Seriously, fuck anyone who goes to this extent, this is pure mental illness

no its based
become chad

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Fighter jets are made for manlets

this, holy fuck
imagine never being able to do lower body weightlifting again in your life

>indoctrinated statist bootlicker
watch out we got a free thinking genius here

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Go back to rëddit manlet nigger