Who else fell for the everything gets better after high school meme?
Who else fell for the everything gets better after high school meme?
>everything gets better after high school meme
Absolutely no one believes that, not even the most retarded ones.
>Absolutely no one believes that, not even the most retarded ones.
Then why do people say it all the time
give us ONE fucking example that isnt shitty bait
An example of what people saying It? Not saying it's true but people still say it like its true.
What? People say this all the time to high school kids who complain about life.
Back in school everybody said it, and even the teachers.
Admittedly, some teachers did say school life is easier and better.
I did. Things are arguably even worse now.
Don't people usually say high school is the best time of their lives?
The people who say that are retarded.
Not if you're a normalfag who wants to drink alcohol and go to clubs without extra hassle.
For most people it is. I'd rather be a loser in high school then a loser who's 30.
At some point you have to realize that normalniggers just spew bullshit to make themselves feel better
I was a loser in high school who thought it would all get better. Now I'm in my 30s and unironically that shitty time in high school was better than now.
People say that to bullied kids so they dont shoot up the school or go on a killing spree
I see this screenshot all the time.
What game is it from? Yakuza?
This, also teachers are not the smartest (in the USA at least, here in Eastern Europe, no one ever says htat life gets better after elementary)
What advice would you anons give your highschool self?
It did for me!
>scrawny, sickly, pasty. Teased constantly, bullied mercilessly. Once got punched by a chad for asking a girl the time
Enlisted and left for the army the day after graduation
Came back a year later to visit my parents
>tanned, fit, week-dressed, confident, money in my pocket. Had girls from my school that LITERALLY never knew who I was despite being in classes for 13 years flirt with me
The secret?
You have to *fucking change*. CHANGE!!
If you tell future wagies about the years of repetitive suffering they'll have to endure they'll kill themselves right away.
They need them to contribute to the system or the whole thing falls apart.
oh god this post is my telescopic pipeline to my future isn't it
Nothing gets better if you don't change for the better, user.
i would tell your high school self to stay away from this site
and he obviously wouldn't listen so i'd tell his slightly older self to make another thread instead of a stupid post
Keyword is you not everyone else just you. Some people spend their whole life trying to change but are still rejeted. Most of it is depends on your genetics and luck.
>if you study and get a good job, girls will be all over you!
Good question. I'll probably go even further if possible, and tell my Middleschool, 14 year old self a lot of things, but mainly to: 1-Do HS somewhere else than staying on the same institute.
2-You really wanna do A degree no B. Do it in Y college, not at Z college, because that place suck and you gonna lose a fuckton of your time for nothing, like it happens to a lot of suckers that get trapped there. It's a fools errand.
They're not just gonna magically bust into your room. You have to go meet them.
Usually the people who say that were the popular alpha jocks in school. They also say that in Japan but in western society, most normal people always say that life is better when you are more free.
honest question
Where do normal people meet girls?
How can you just walk up to someone cold in a bar and just start talking?
And what if you don't have friends to go to a bar with you?
interested in that too
Invest in btc.
Having enough money to retire would solve 100% of all stress in my life since i don't have to worry about personal relationships.
It seems to me that meeting people is easiest in natural social situations, primarily work, school, church, hanging out with mutual friends/acquaintances, or possibly living in the same neighborhood. In these situations forced and awkward chatting is reduced considerably. The whole Seinfeldesque, randomly-meet-a-girl-at-the-grocery store/bar/laundromat scenario is largely a meme.
The normals who come out with that tend to be the exact same ones who say high school is the best time of your life.
Will do. Appreciate it user.
Anything you wish you could've mastered that pertains to the real world beforehand, e.g. taxes/manipulation?
& ideally, that age is?
Its true though. In high school I was infinitely happier than now. I had a small circle of pseudo friends in my class, was still in touch with my elementary school friends, played vidya almost every day and still believed that I was able to improve myself.
Now all hope is gone, I have absolutely noone to talk to since 3 years, and I dont enjoy video games anymore.
There is no freedom or happiness to be found in youth, it's the worst part of life.
You think with a high paying job he has the time to go out and meet women? lol
I had a couple girls like me from 4th-7th grade so I thought after high school my acne would go away and life would be good again, instead my acne went away at 22 leaving tons of scars and a weak chin from the low test life style. Like going from ugly duckling to hideous duck.
>dont worry son, elementary school might suck, but it will get better in middle school, trust me
>dont worry son, middle school might suck, but it will get better in high school, trust me
>dont worry son, high school might suck, but it will get better in college, trust me
>dont worry son, college might suck, but it will get better once you graduate, trust me
i figure the best way to get back at them is to never have kids
None of the problems that occur as a teen matter in real life, every "problem" was meaningless.
Not me certainly
For me this lie was on the same tier as "bullies will end up working dead end jobs while sad and alone" when in actuality the majority tend to become dudebro chads studying business at college and end up with a fairly well-paid sales or management position they got through nepotism and connections
>Be a friendless loser in HS
>Get to a good uni in another town because of my grades
>In around 6 months there, i made friends i went out weekly with for drinks, had 3 dates with different girls and lost my kissless card
>Parents say its too expensive paying rent for me, they have me transferred back to my hometown
>In two years, i've only met up with old hs friends who are drifting apart, havent spoken to a girl and failed almost every class since i have no drive to study
So, the case being that if someone doesn't have friends to introduce them to girls, and doesn't work around girls, that person is fucked?
Stop pretending to be a normie. No matter how hard you try youll never be one of them. Dont dump your real interests in order to be more similar to your normie classmates. Dont try to befriend any of your classmates.
If I had invested around the age of 16 I could easily retire.
I'm the user that wrote: A lot of typos due to rushing the post and also didn't want to delve into details, but since you are asking: The school were I did HS wasn't so bad, but wasn't what I really needed. It was a HS oriented on business, economy and law. I kinda wished to be an attorney back in Elementary, but didn't know better. I wasn't really addicted to vidya, anime and other geeky things back then.
Anyway, on HS, despite its orientation, we also had physics, biology and chemistry classes. Physics wasn't my forte, I hated it (I also wasn't very good at math, but a good teacher really helps get me by), and still hate it, but did very well on biology and chemistry, thus I wanted to study Biotechnology. I flunked because it was harder than I expected, and the on college that teaches that degree on my city has horrible rules. I only endured a semester, then dropped out. That's the B degree from my previous post.
The A degree or career path, is IT. Since I was geek back then, and still am now, it was a more obvious and honest choice. I made the horrible mistake like a lot of poor suckers in my city, of trying my luck on Z college, because it has a an engineering degree on information systems, but that degree is just slavery. Because it's, first and foremost, an engineering degree, you must put up with a lot of bullshit like, guess what, physics, chemistry and tons of math and algebra, and, to add insult to injury, law and economy. Fucking bullshit.
>meet somebody from a place where I genuinely enjoyed being, but had to move
>they tell you that not much has changed there
>mfw I realized that mundane place to them held some of the best memories in my life
>that dull pain of already knowing the same experiences won't be replicated regardless of where I go
>possibly not even similar ones
we're an unlucky bunch, aren't we?
Invest in Bitcoin
Don't take any meds
Don't go off the deep end to the point of no recovery
I failed hard at Z college because all my fears combined, but didn't know what to do, I was stupid and willingly to put up with their bullshit until I failed hard.
Y college is Z's rival, but is managed by the same university that teaches biotechnology, thus why I had a lot of prejudice towards them.
Turns out that individual colleges and schools have their own rules. The ones at Y college are much better, and right out the bat, you don't need to do a major in Computer Science (that can be extended to a PhD on CS) in order to learn software development or IT. They have much much simpler, 3 year degree that is all that I ever needed. Actually, it's a good complement for CS, due to the latter being very theoretical (and IT IS very off-putting because of that).
Didn't know all this shite until recently.
The only good thing where I live is that public UNIs are free, but they all have problems as a result due to being not so well managed, and that teachers are slaves of their own union or syndicate. If the union orders them to strike for a whole semester, they will do it, giving a flying fuck about their students.
Private UNIs are very expensive, and sometimes they downgrade their quality so none of their students drop out, but at least you can study in peace, teachers are more nice to you, even the ones known to be real assholes on public UNIs. I don't have enough money.
I also want to know the answer to this question.
It's from Yakuza 4.
Its fucking amazing how something menial like moving to another city can change a person.
We're all puppets of luck afterall.
This couldn't be further from the truth for me. My undergraduate student first year was probably the best year of my life. All other years were pretty bad, and even that one was hit and miss. A lot of good shit though.
Life is definitely better after high school unless you have a good relationship with your parents I reckon.
Yeah, right now I've been debating between journalism & computer forensics. Crossed out engineering as I also suck at math. Anyways, useful advice, thanks for all that.
Take exercise and martial arts seriously, stick to grappling, never take creatine, follow your dreams.
I actually kept telling myself this and believed in it. Things got worse in the end tho
I am from Eastern Europe and it is true, they don't say it will get better, in fact it's the opposite, because life here is always shit...
I told myself this as well. I thought that once I got out of high school everything would be great. I thought i'd be able to get comfy job where I pretend to work in front of computer all day. I thought i'd be able to get my own place and gf. I figured i'd have more free time to do what I wanted. I thought I'd become independent and i'd love it.
None of that will happen nor will it ever happen.
Oh, I know a dude that is journalist (a sports journalist actually, if that matters), that got stagnated in his life, felt that sports journalism wasn't enough, so he went to law school on a private college to be an attorney. He's kinda a of a Chad, and gives two fucks on anything but himself
I also knew a girl that attended a IT classes that had a degree in forensics, but always wanted to do IT, more specifically videogame development. Shame I didn't hit on her becuase I had to take care of a classmate that happened to be a friends of mine, but it's a gigantic sperglord and manchild. Friends are friends.
Take that robotics 7th period instead of soccer. Then dont major in chem or nursing, major in compsci. You'll make a comfy living,make bank, and have your pick of guys to date from.
Do com,puter science, if your school isnt retarded or computer engineering only, you should just need to take up to calc 2+discrete math (logic) which you take at the community college. I failed most tests but so did everyone else then make the points back with the take home make up tests.
My answer is a big fat original yes
the "bullies will end up working dead end jobs while sad and alone" meme is obviously a meme, but it seems to me like everything really will get better after high school. I'm a senior right now.
It won't. I thought the same thing. Unless you have some sort of actual plan for your future nothing will change except you will be burden by your responsibilities to be independent. Either you will live a stressed life as a NEET burdening your parents or you will live a stressed life with no free time working at a shitty job with a power tripping manager.
>of guys
to think all of this began because of a few unlucky incidents, we really don't matter.
You should have said yes to that 6/10 at least then you would have had a practice gf
I have a somewhat decent plan. I've applied to a few unis and I plan on studying compsci and getting a job in that field.
End it before your brother is born so that you don't have an anchor preventing your suicide.
High school = surrounded by immature people who gossip and bully you, while you take classes you may or may not be interested in.
After high school = can choose a profession/workplace where you are not surrounded by bullies and gossips, or study a field you actually care about
Alternatively, if you live on neetbux you can do whatever the fuck you want after high school
Not necessarily, but I'd guess it's a lot tougher. You could feel out local clubs, co-ed sports etc. which lend themselves to natural-feeling social situations as well.
Youre doing fine kid, study math more, talk to women more, dont buy that 120 dollar lego set, go to the gym more often, go to sleep early, stop browsing Jow Forums
>thought things would be better after hs
>was a virgin all through college
>kept telling myself I should just focus on the work and graduate
>most horrible feeling of dread and emptiness I've ever felt knowing I have thrown away what were supposed to be the best years of my life and the only youthful years I would ever have