Games dont fill the void anymore

games dont fill the void anymore
>inb4 find a hobby
everything i try fails
[spoier][spoier]even killing myself[/spoiler] made to much noise they're heard im hanged myself[/spoiler]

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even spoiler tags

Go back to college

Can’t do fucking ANYTHING right. Holy shit, what a worthless retard.

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Try playing these games: "therapy", "exercise", "church", and "charity programs".
There is also a controversial DLC called "medication".
You can do it man.


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Therapy ain't free, and not everyone has health insurance. You take what you can get at rock bottom.

you know you can ctrl+s for spoiler tags, right?

BASED thread

That and church provides some good fap material.

Go get Jow Forums

fuck me I didn't know

Thanks oldfag

Take up drawing.

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user, you are not failing at your hobbies, you are quitting too early.

When you start something new unless you are some sort of hidden genius you will suck shit at it. However no one pratices something for many hours without gitting gud. Don't give up user

every people i know either use me, dont like me or put me down
went back to finish my last year on college
want to get Jow Forums but im a bitch with no self esteem and discipline probably wont last a week and procrastinate again
want to apply for BJJ classes but it cost money
already serving at our church as a graphic designer
should be going there for jeebus but felt like people there just use me cause im good at editing and its messing my devotion cause i feel used

Having hobbies isn't about succeeding at anything you dingus it's about doing stuff you enjoy doing

but i dont enjoy doing it anymre

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There is only one cure for you, go to the edge of your town/city and start walking, go about 5 km out, stop take a deep breath and realise you're artificially creating your own misery. Walk back go home, sit down and just open any game up. Emulate, whatever. Simply put stop being a bit hand letting your emotions rule ya.

SimCity 5 and Sims 4 are fun.

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Then take a break and do something else.
I dunno man take up golf or fishing or something else easy to get into, you'll never get anywhere being a burnt out defeatist

Shut the fuck up you pathetic nerd and post that shit in r9k in the future, thanks.

Stop playing the same video games over and over agains. Switch it up. When's the last time you played pokemon? Why don't you try. Make a goal to finish at least half of the game.

Im glad this took a light turn