Japan: Rental sisters help Hikikomori leave their rooms & get jobs


>$900 a month, nip parents pay to get their hikki sons a "renal sister"
>the women have no medical training, but just convince these guys to get outside
>it apparently seems to be working, in some cases the hikikomori not only end up leaving the house and getting jobs, but even marrying their "sisters"
>usually it takes 2 days to a week just for the girl to draw the hikki out

when is america going to have something like this?

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Who are these neetchads that end up marrying their pseudosister

America doesn't care about mental health treatment. Only to belittle and laugh at the mentally ill for becoming such.

RenaiCirculation Remix - AtTheGainax

>mofo has a luffy hat

>Misaki-chan is real

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this, guys are probably Chads when they managed to marry their caretakers basically

>when is america going to have something like this?
not going to happen, if you have problems it's up to you to fix it and lol at you for having problems in the first place

I believe in Japan it's just called a hat

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>life:easy mode
don't fall for that bullshit, make a platform for yourself to stand on

but she doesn't do it because she cares about. She does it for that $$$

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Typical amerilard cuck mentality

If it hasn't already come to the west, then it probably never will. Rent-A-Friend could be extremely lucrative, I don't get why it isn't already a big thing here.
Maybe the therapy lobby is strong? Maybe they realise that if people could rent friends then no-one would ever need to waste money on a therapist. It would probably also reduce the amount of anti-depressants, and other pysche drugs, that they get people hooked on. There's a good chance alcohol sales would also decrease.
And, of course, there's an philosophy in western capitalism that miserable, unhappy workers are the most productive.

I would be tempted to buy a friend, but I know I'd never be able to afford it.

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>Fat and ugly

This is supposed to ween them off anime? ahaha good luck

Thank god I wasn't born in America, talk about a toxic wasteland.

The phrase "pull yourself up by your bootstraps" is the perfect American phrase cause it originally meant the opposite of what people use it for now. It's a country full of people trying to "pull themselves up by their bootstraps" -- an impossible task

i used to have a friend who did this for free but the only problem is that she wouldn't date me

misaki didnt care either she was doing it for her school project, she started caring only later

this is the opposite of misaki my dude

>the virgin Kenta
>the chad Ikuo

She did it because she wanted to know someone worse than her existed.
Kinda like how normies come here to laugh at you.

So basically its an arranged marriage that motivates men to work. Who would have ever guessed that just giving a man a companion and reason to exist would help cure his mental illness.

If two people spend enough time together they will start to care. The same way a guy might go out with a girl just because she looks pretty only to fall in love with her as they spend time together.

They better suck some CLEAN NEET cock for that price.

what is the american equivalent?

Who would ever want to leave the comfy life?

It clearly isn't working. "Just improve yourself", "Solve your own problems", you might as well telling people to kill themselves because you refuse to help them personally in any way. Sometimes you need a companion, you need someone to encourage you, to heal. Not everyone can go by alone, and the fact that more and more people are feeling lonely and commiting suicide because of it shows it.