Is walking barefeet good for you?

Is walking barefeet good for you?

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No, she either doesn't care or wants attention

enjoy your collapsed arches, fragilista

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For my mouth? Yes

On grass and sand, yes. On pavements and roads, god no.

Best Emma

Sure. Just don't be stepping on hookworm eggs

I'd do it if i weren't surrounded by filthy people


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as long as you dont step on needles

for women, absolutely

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it certainly is, but not on a flat surface like one the pic. Grass, beach, even dirt roads are great for keeping your feet in good shape. literally.

I guess that you've never been to a black sand beach.

Been on nofap for three days and I already developing a strong desire to suck toes

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Just check african negro ,filipino or sth feet. They look disgusting

No but it's great for my fetish.

I love barefoot running. If you don't like being completely barefoot, buy some trail running shoes with no heel. They're pretty close.



Yes, specially on earth

Run barefoot, you won't learn proper form otherwise, the nerves in your feet need to touch the ground

Based and chakrapilled.

They may look disgusting but they're healthy.The feet have muscles and ligaments in them that are atrophied from wearing highly cusioned shoes. What we've done in the western world is the same as put a cast on our feet and ankles. Thats why we have so many foot ailments (bunions/hammer toe/fallen arches etc) because our feet are so weak. Those "dirty filipino or African or polynesians have super strong feet and soles and very rarely have issues with their feet. Also UV light from the sun acts as a natural anti-microbial and anti fungal so infections liek athletes foot and smelly feet in general are non exitent. They may be dirty, but they're not infected or smell.

Also, pic related. walking barefoot can correct issues with pronation. If you have a high arch it can lower it and if you have a fallen arch you can gain it back.

Attached: bare foot walking alignment of ankles over time progress feet.jpg (1024x1024, 180K)

What if there are nettles and sharp rocks.

the only difference between the pictures is the angle of the red line

From an anatomical standpoint? Sure.

From a hygienic standpoint? Hell no.

>step on split
>step on dog shit
>step on something sharp, and then on HIV-infected split
>step on used needles
>step on carcinogenic motor oil, cigarette butts, an annoying rock

Just not worth it. I'd love to run barefoot, but I won't.

As a child I was literally called the Hobbit for beeing outside all day and everywhere barefoot.
I could easily run on roads or on gravel etc without ever feeling too much pain from sharp things as I got incredibly thick Skin on my feet (I could even cut of literal slabs of skin with an exacto knive)

nowadays my feet hurt incredibly when I step on the smallest Stones, this is how weak they have gotten.

Walking barefoot is the way the fucking Foot is meant to be used. Of course it is "healthy".

Doesn't she beat up her boyfriends? I mean, physically?

This is what our feet would look like if we didn't wear shoes

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whats wrong with that

good for the sole

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I love my Merrell Vapor Glove shoe. Pretty much barefoot but without the glass and needles Portland like to pave the roads with.

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look at the out(in?)line of the leg to the foot. the upper one has a sharper angle, so to speak

No cause you could get a wart like i did. I still walk barefoot most of the time cause whats the worst that could happen? I get another one?

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Looks the right thickness. I looked up "barefoot shoes" in the past, but they were too thin and too expensive so I gave up. I might give shoes like this a try.

Sorry, but I love my arches and girls find them sexy

Literally nothing. It looks weird/gross to us because we were raised to believe underdeveloped feet look better.

They have healthy strong feet. That is what our feet are suppose to look like not contorted and scrunched. What we've done to ourselves is just a less radical version of that chinese foot binding.

One way to know if you have strong and dexterous feet is the "mitt and glove" test The perfect foot should have full control over each individual metatarsal digit essentially like your hands (that is what they have). You should literally be able to grip and pick things up with your feet like an ape because thats what we are. As oppose to the "oven mitt" dexterity where you can only fold all the digits in one motion.

these are kino

Yeah I like them. When I got them I wore them all day once and it messed with my mediocre feet. I took a few days off for things to settle and now I wear them about a third of the week.
Great shoes though.

its good if you are a qt female

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Sure, but make sure you aren't vaccinated for tetanus first. ;)


haven't we evolved out the opposable big toes already?

They just aren't aesthetic. Sorry

>As a child I was literally called the Hobbit for beeing outside all day and everywhere barefoot.
Or maybe because you were a manlet even among children

and walking barefoot ruins your arches? what?
Literally using the foot for what it is evolved to do is going to ruin it?


They are a muscle group that should be worked regularly and are the foundation to our entire body. Our atrophied feet are the reason why we have ankle knee and lower back pain and all you care about are aesthetics?

Thats like not wanting to train legs because if they get too big you won't be able to fit into your skinny jeans.

Based moral poster.

What if they all have weird feet because they are inbred?

But like humans dont always have conveniently grassy meadows to walk through. We had to go through nettles n shit in places where there are leeches and other parasites.

I think we always wore soft soles like the native americans.

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Polynesians in American Samoa practicing football barefoot

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another (corrected fallen arches)

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I feel good when I do so, but not in cement like pic related.
It's like you're connecting your spiritual self to mother earth and I'm not even an hippie or pseudo-wannabe-spiritualist.

How do you fix this? Surgery?

>tfw sweaty feet

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wew fuck off with your disgusting footfag shit.

Are Nike Free's considered barefoot shoes?

walking barefoot or in minimalist shoes. It strengthens the muscles in the feet to properly align arches where they are suppose to be. Even if you have high arches it will lower them to the appropriate level. A good way to know you're wearing a true minimalist shoe is to run a couple miles in it. If you're calves are sore as hell, congratulations you're now running with proper form and using muscles that you've probably NEVER used in your life.

It's good for women because women should have their good parts parts (face, tits, ass, pussy and feet) exposed at all times, for anyone to take. Like God intended.

From my experience? No.

the first true mass marketed minimalist shoe is the vibram five fingers, but a lot of people don't like them so Merrell trail gloves are an excellent alternative.

what if my calves are always sore when walking fast/running in a padded running shoes?

Hello hookworms get in my feet

All the Anons in my shoe thread are saying it's a meme and to heel strike with padded runners

and this is where athletes foot and foot odors come from. Keeping the foot in a warm closed dark cramped environment where it can just marinate in sweat. That shit is disgusting.

No I did one time and stepped on glass and had to get stitches and crutches

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If you wash your feet with soap then there is no bacteria to multiply.

The original minimalist shoe.

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Ever since I saw what happened to Sam when he ran into the water in LotR, fuck no

>t. smelly nigger