I read a lot of comments about robot wanting a female friend. I can be your friend

I read a lot of comments about robot wanting a female friend. I can be your friend

Attached: apu cry.gif (600x502, 37K)

A lot of problems in this world could be solved if men sought brotherhood with other men instead of relying on women for friendship.

i want a female girlfriend OP, not only a friend.

I want to fuck a sissy robot and creampie her boipucci we could be friends and fwb but no boiwife

Try r9gay or Grindr, lots of horny bottombots to pick from.

Pretty much all problems. Women are the source of all the evil and suffering in the world. I just hope more men like us realize this so we can all live happily prosperously.

I would like to be your friend. I need the comfort of a female.

I don't think that's true, please don't think that. How can I change your mind?

Hi, drop your discord, I'm happy to talk to you

but it's gay to touch dicks with other men.

if you were my friend can i squeeze your boobs in a friendly manner?

any of you lads play grand strategy or co-op platformers?

Without a gf, I just live life on autopilot. It was August 2018 maybe a week ago I swear.

Sorry user I know you mean well but I'm so broken I'd push genuine friendships away to not jhrt you further in the process of me self destructing

Happy to help. discord. Martin#8619

Hi Tahlia!


I'm not a robot or girl but you guys can add me lmao 6ME#8863

>go to /soc/
>check the discord contact threads
>find men that appear to be lonely robots and whose interests don't revolve around anime, videogames and trying to get their dicks wet
>add them and initiate conversation
There you go, no need to thank me.

It is not gay when it s in a threeway

is there a mathematically proven way to have sex with 2 other men and not touch balls?

>Hi, drop your discord, I'm happy to talk to you

Okay I'm new to discord I'm not sure if this is right: Devin2019#7510

I'm self-destructing too. Do you want to try to not self-destruct together?

Lancelot Blanco#3020

>It is not gay
it's just plain not gay unless it is, in which case yes it is totally gay

I think you have to be at least bisexual meh

I actually just want a friend someone k could drink with and trust him.

Attached: FB_IMG_15467801412842991.jpg (712x474, 81K)

I don't really drink, I'm sorry
I'm shit at League of Legends ouch

Will you be my fembot friend if I drop my discord?

donno if you are serious, but if you are feel free to hmu on discord JackyChany#0027

If OP is still reading and not a larp then here is my discord


Discord is

i only want a female friend if we share interests and hobbies. same with a male friend.

What are your interests?


add me then.