>be me
>avid Jow Forums user
>learning about the communist manifesto in history
>don't think much about it at first
>go home
>browse Jow Forums in a desperate attempt to procrastinate on homework
>slowly start remembering what we talked about in class
>remeber the goal of communism was to create a society that is not backed by a central government or greed. People govern themselves
>realizes that because Jow Forums has no karma system, meaning that the only incentive to post on Jow Forums is to help the community
>realizes that there is very minimal moderation/censorship, the only moderation the "as long as it's legal, it's alright" philosophy
>mfw Jow Forums is the near perfect communist society
Jow Forums is the perfect communist society
>that is not backed by a central government
Thats the opposite of the truth, Communism is the biggest central government possible. Jesus christ if I were you teacher I'd kill myself. You literally too away the opposite of the truth from their teaching.
no one likes you because they cant handle the truth
You forgot "has more potatoes than the Latvian SSR."
not to mention
>there is very minimal moderation/censorship, the only moderation the "as long as it's legal, it's alright" philosophy
kek every communist nation in history has thrown people in their version of gulags for speaking out against their ruler
There's actually a number of different communist schools of thought, including anarcho-communism.
I think op meant like a traditional central government where only select people, the ideal communism is one where the 'government' is made up of everyone living under the state.
people will supply each other's needs. No one person is tasked with that, but rather everyone under the communist state.
Such a lazy nigger response.
give him material, site said material, create an argument. You sound like a woman.
>t. hasnt read das kapital or the manifesto or basically any communist or socialist literature
you dont even need to stop following internet conservatives or browsing Jow Forums to know this basic stuff.
Schools of thought don't matter when only one flavor of your retarded bastardized ideology has ever come into fruition. A fruity blend of authoritarianism and starvation.
Oh shit, I didn't realize I was paid to teach you fucking morons.
Here's a fucking reading list:
Rosa Luxembourg
Happy now you shit?
Well help make a different flavour come into fruition ya fuzzy chub.
Or you can continue being railed up past the colonic bend, you do whatever you enjoy.
well, nobody said that communism is a replacement to capitalism.
The reason why communism never EVER works, and why it will NEVER will is because of greed.
Theoretically, if humans were able to rid themselves of greed, pure anarcho-communism might work.
but humans are fucking pieces of shit, so communism will always catastrophically fail.
every. single. time.
>ugh the reasons humans can't just survive by eating dirty is BECAUSE THEIR DIGESTIVE SYSTEMS ARE TOO COMPLICATED. seriously fuck humans they are pretentious peices of shit with their complicated digestive systems
Marx said it was a replacement to capitalism ya git
>human nature fallacy
even if it were the case, wouldnt the ideal be a system that controls greed rather than unleashing it?
And they all hate communism.
Its more like anarcho capitalism. We deal in lols not money though.
to be fair, capitalism was very corrupt when he wrote the manifesto.
at the time the government was just in it for the money and couldn't give two fucks about their people.
capitalism is far FAR better now, and marxs statement about it replacing capitalism should be taken with a grain of salt.
Besides, OP was only comparing communism to how Jow Forums works. He said nothing about replacing capitalism.
So tired of you commie shills. Yes communism works when nobody needs virtual food and everybody is anonymous. God damn you are a fucking retard. If you put all of us on a island i can assure it would not be communist utopia.
Capitalism controls greed by turning it into a source for the masses. The only real way to get rich in capitalism is by giving the masses some kind of good or leech off the rich ala wall street.
>communism works when nobody needs food and nothing matters
that should be a quote
Don't be a faggot
Communism is a gay meme
For the love of God don't make it pay off your identity those people will eat you alive and rob you of your potential
>at the time the government was just in it for the money and couldn't give two fucks about their people.
yeah because the government is very different now lol
i cant believe i say this, but commies are worse posters than poltards
also at least poltards are from all around the world, with commies you just know is a middle class white american 18yo at best
I like how this started as a joking comparison between Jow Forums and communism and has some how branched into society, good job Jow Forums, proud of you
>remeber the goal of communism was to create a society that is not backed by a central government or greed. People govern themselves
That's the far-right and libertarianism though.
Leftists CLAIM to care about freedom, but all their goals require an all-powerful, centralised state to accomplish their goals. Want to stop "oppression" and censor "hate speech"? You need a powerful government and less rights, want to prevent the capitalists and hard-workers from getting ahead of their peers? You need a powerful government to ensure everyone is being taxed the right amount and no one is skimping. Want to stop the spread of religions that preach a different set of values? You need a government that can suppress an ideology, which doesn't exist and means a never ending witch hunt and constant surveillance of the people.
Libertarianism gets around this by not forcing equality and urging people to bear arms and to be vigilant against the government, butnot overthrow it because ultimately it IS neccesary to stop mob rule/invasions.
>tl;dr leftists are idealist faggots
Makes me laugh that the second that any of the myriad roasties who shill for the DSA or even more blatant commie shit get their toes stepped on by the redistribution (see: Thot audit or even the concept of a sexual marketplace) they go full fucking Randian objectivist.
>If you put all of us on a island i can assure it would not be communist utopia.
I think it's low T beta males who are afraid to fight who, if put on that island would wish for communism, because deep down they know that the alphas are gonna take everything away from them
Capitalism isn't corrupt now? You what m8?
I agree with 90% of what you said. But communism is impossible to succeed without everyone living being down for it. Karl Marx didnt say anything about freedom of speech or anything else. Communism runs more like an honor system than it is about punishment. According to Karl Marx the "communist revolutions" would have been more just socialism because it wasnt a global.
Communism was conceived to end the exploitation of workers by people who dont really do a lot of work. Taking privlege out of it.
Communism also implies that there is no money.
he was talking about the past when the manifesto was being written.
The industrial revolution was taking place and many people were forced to live in inhumane living and working conditions. The government (that was supposedly for the people) turned a blind eye to this and focused more on expanding their own influence and power than anything else.