>incels again since I hate you fags so much
>non mental ill people
>people who can work or study
fuck off
What's the point of this thread all robots like Grindr and sissies
Who exactly does that leave?
Faggots are more robot than robots are.
shut the fuck up with your shilling
straight males who are either voluntarily celibate or are having sex, are mentally ill and do not work or study. at least that's what i've gathered from OP's post
If you want to transition or be a bottom nothing is stopping you
It's always fascinated me, how pathetic rejects could be bigoted to anyone else. Like where's the self awareness? Why hate the other when you are the other?
>fuck trannies
>fuck non mentally ill people
stop projecting your fetishes on us, you degenerate
go be an aids-ridden faggot somewhere else
fuck off my board, normalnigger
>gatekeeping on a board for rejects
>incels again since I hate you fags so much
Kill yourself immediately subhuman faggot normalscum
>Being gay/trans/mentally ill makes you a normalfag
what said
fucking kill yourself
>It's always fascinated me, how pathetic rejects could be bigoted to anyone else
because you fags prey on the weak men here to make them into more faggots, you like fucking insects.
>>gatekeeping on a board for rejects
posting your gay shit when you have your own fucking gay board
tras fags are mentally ill but they are the exclusion because I want to jump on their head
Trannies/faggots/other freaks got their own dumping ground and yet choose to shit r9k up because of their insatiable need for attention. fucking scum
You cant be a robot unless you have an inability to have relationships with others. Gays can get a relationship at any time as your fellow gays even say themselves .
Hence, you cannot be robots
so basically the only people who truly belong here in the first place.
lmao if you actually believe that
im Op and I am not even a robot im a non virgin
I am just mentally ill and shit
go back to plebbit
What's sad is if you saw my tight boipussy you would cum in it
Remember anons, a non virgin gets to tell you who is allowed to be a robot!
Who does that leave, then?
That's a disgraceful display of faggotry you have just bestowed upon this world
Non virgins and his gang of paypigs
>What's sad is if you saw my tight boipussy you would cum in it
drop your discord if you can trap, I hate fags but maybe we can work together.
>Remember anons,
its about time you forgot and get off my dick.
im not a robot.
>Who does that leave, then?
just outcasts and mentally ill people.
>Non virgins and his gang of paypigs
just coz you cant get e-gib's
so mad at gunjy
gunjy you used to chase after trannies and twinks nonstop till one of them fucked up your server lmao
>Non mentally ill
>People who can work or study
Only literal comatose vegetables and disabled people can use this board i guess
>Only literal comatose vegetables and disabled people can use this board i guess
yeah retards like me who cant leave their room (joking)
>gunjy you used to chase after trannies
Likely to manipulate them or something.
Actually he got cucked by the tranny, now all he has is freedo and a 16 year old script kiddy
Are you trying to imply trannies aren't mentally ill?
>now all he has is freedo
and I love freedo
I only like a few people and one of them may be gone :(