Apparently being blunt works wonders

apparently being blunt works wonders.
For all my time on Tinder I've been the onions boy that asks for a date, asks for things.
This time i decided to just be blunt, i'd given up anyway.

Match with a girl, she's whatever i don't really care anymore
>My only thing is they can't be fat.

We matched on Sunday. Tell her straight up that tomorrow (Monday) we'd be doing anal in the back of my car.
She says that it could be a possibility.

I ask for her address and the next day I drive to her place. I take her out to eat.
we get back in the car.

"Time for step 2" she says

we then proceed to fuck in the back of my car.
it was great robots, you really gotta try this shit.

>inb4 someone tells me off somehow
>inb4 larping

>pic related, its her.

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larping, there I said it

>be blunt
Like this?

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keep us updated

Damn that actually made me laugh

I believe you but I also believe you just got lucky. Hold on to her user or you're not going to have sex again for a long long time.

t. semi-attractive user who's been blunt on Tinder before

yea that's pretty much what i did. good job user!

Will do sir. Fuck the robot

>just be blunt and say you want to fuck her as your opener
Yeah no that's called being thirsty.
Stop larping or stop posting, Chad.

if you're trying to get some fuckin Zoomer girls than yea being blunt works almost 100%

I don't smoke weed anymore but I will smoke you fools.

c'mon user keep us posted on this bitch

None of this means anything unless you post a picture of yourself faggot. I mean if you're a Chad or semi-chad then how is this new information?

Please keep us updated, OP might have broken the only thing keeping our weaponised autism from capturing the world, and we need to find out if this works.

>all of the feminist rhetoric about respect and consideration is actually one gigantic shit test to filter out the betas and keep them from getting laid

Im waiting for responses lads.

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ITT Virgins larp about catching genital warts

Yay woopie

Does anyone care about STD anymore?

>not burger king
cmon dude you already blew it

>hoping that it will actually work

Whats the meal menu at Burger King?

Welp. There you have it

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>This time i decided to just be blunt

will being blunt with the judge work if she accuses me of rape?

Goddamn this is some funny shit right here.

wish you the best mate.

take a dashcam video of the anal and post it here
godspeed user

Before I get blunt with my matches I actually have to get matches

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>I ask for her address and the next day I drive to her place. I take her out to eat.
Did you buy her dinner?

Godspeed, user

The fuck? OP should patent that idea. I'll fucking buy your book OP

are you Chadfishing or you have normal account?

You're welcome faggots. I knew what i did would work again!


No fucking way what picture did you use to catfidh her?

literally met my current gf from this tactic about 2 months ago. my copy/paste was "10/10, would eat your ass for hours"
a few responded but only one that was super cute and seemed like a cool chick, never thought id get a fuckin girl to meet up with me from that, much less get a relationship with a really cool qt3.14 azn

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you know what else works wonders?

being hot. congrats on the hot btw

This all just makes me sick...

>dollar menu
The height of class, my nig. Did you use a condom, tho'? I hope you used a condom; statistically, you're by far not the first guy she's said yes to.

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post your profile

How in the fuck? This can't be real.
This. You haven't let us down thus far OP, don't start now.

> take her to mcdonalds
> go to back of car
> take off clothes
> she starts lubing up the strap on
> mfw

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>inb4 he's some 6/10 normie who probably has no trouble getting fucked anyway

holy based user

You cannot make this shit up. Not OP

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Damn whats the ratio of wins to losses so far?

I love you, user.
Never change.

Not original they said.
How can love not be original?

One response so far (did it 20 mins ago) out of 14

Exactly how much of a chad are you? Is confidence and bluntness really all it takes?

>that is not your fetish and now mine
okay jan

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Im not chad at all. Ive actually been cheated on multiple times



Post you're profile NOW NOW NOW

Autism at its finest. Proud of you senpai

Op must have chad genetics.

Not him but can confirm these kind of lines slay on tinder if you're normie tier
The ''y-your pretty, h-how are you w-what kind of anime or music do you like?'' shit doesn't work
Only chad can pull that off and get laid.
When you're not chad you have to act like you're chad and girls get turned on that you have balls and a high sex drive, I guess they hope it means you're high test and have a big dick or something
I used to use shit like ''I want to buy you sushi then slap your ass''

I'm fucking trying this shit now wish me luck lads

stop don't make it a meme before I get to use it

Post user. Help the other robots see the light.

Can confirm confidence and bluntness is all it takes. Just tried OP's strategy and it worked. About to meet a qt for a bigmac and anal in an hour.

pic related is me

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Post results and upload the anal footage.

It won't turn into a big enough meme most people are way too beta to try this shit even on tinder

do it now
you have nothing to lose


btw i'm not an "incel" i've fucked 4 girls. in hindsight it was NOT AN ACHIEVEMENT

it's not even better than fapping. i guess you can do it ONCE just for the ego boost, but the goal should be:


fucking these whores on tinder is sad and pathetic. i deleted my tinder, honestly. i met up with a girl on tinder and we ended up fucking the first night. it was a huge turn off. imagine how many other guys she did that with? too many, probably.


^^ this is fucking disgusting
what a whore
i wouldn't even waste my time with a girl like that, personally.

imagine if you married this girl. your parents would ask "so how did you meet"
immediately this line would come to your mind
how disgusting

>tfw everyone is getting big macs and anals and I'm just sitting here eating baked chicken and doing nofap
that's it bros, I'm a booze missile now

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These guys must be Chad. I remember a thread on Jow Forums that worked, opening line was "Let me suck the stress out of your titties"

>t. fatty who is mad that no one is taking her out for nuggies and buttsex

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No ones saying it's an achievement, it's called busting a fucking nut and getting practice. Calm your tits faggot

no, i'm just a 25yo male

>getting practice
kek, whatever fag. i had to delete tinder because it made me depressed. swiping right, seeing the ABSOLUTE STATE OF WOMEN

and now this.

it pisses me off that women are like this

Take a chill pill dude, let the robots have fun without being judgmental

You dont know how to enjoy a good thing. Whenever I get tinder girls I like to dominate them and degrade them. Dont let your hatred of women make you celibate, let your hatred empower you.

Are you sushi bro? Anyone remember him? Joshua who lived in his car and used to taunt us with those tinder lines

No, but the OP has a point. It works. How often it depends on your looks, but it works, even for me and I'm a fat fuck.

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If this actually works and the women don't laugh when their tiny dicks cream all over their ass immediately upon penetration, they're not robots and should GTFO posthaste.

No but he was my inspiration for how to approach tinder and I straight up stole his lines sometimes with success

What was your line?

5 > 4
Git gud faget lol

Give me some lines

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And it almost always gets a reaction. You people underestimate just how much attention thots get on tinder.

The generic "h-hey you like this band i like it too" line almost always falls flat.

See here

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If girls match with you, they're at least open to the possibility of fucking you. Just be direct and save everyone time. If you get 0 matches you're confirmed ugly and no amount of confidence will save you

Call it robot rEvolution

Weaponizing autism for fat nuts

>inb4 muh you're being a cuck by eating pussy
Literally all the hookups I ever had because of this ended in licking sucking and fucking.

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>all these fucking normalfaggots using tindr getting girls

this place is cancer these days im fucking out

The Real OP here: I'm happy this thread has worked for so many robots already.
Maybe now we'll all get pussy and the incels can stop complaining on our fucking board.

Just say when you can meet you retard, why are you showing so much fear?

The Real OP here: I lied about everything. I'm a 10/10 chad and all of you losers should just give up

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None of this is right. This is all wrong. You're acting like animals.

eyy fuck off buddy, i really am OP. I don't have any (You)s to prove it though so rip

If you get more than 0 tinder matches you're not ugly enough to be a robot

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Well that's probably not a picture of you then

Actually original OP here, some of you guys are alright, don't go on tinder tomorrow

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The only hting robots want is to have their dicks sucked. Like it'd solve their problems. Deep down robots want to be just like the most normie chad, hating on him because he's better than them.


All these fucking normies, I never got a match, swiped right for over 3 years. Then deleted app and haven't left house since. These normie fucking retards have taken over, fuck this place. Filled with children and attractive faggots, fucking losers go back to plebbit and fapchat. Lurk moar.

Did you just find that out?

Mongo, it's from 2016, settle down. That was my first random hook up after my failed relationship that I still pining after.

>I don't have any (You)s to prove it though so rip
What a shame, look at mine

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Im posting resistance/rejections to encourage others.

>You're not a dead person
No I'm not

nice job with inspect element buddy.

Sheit no imagie

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