6 months ago my gf of 5 years left me. She claims that I wasn't being supportive, that I was taking her for granted, etc. I guess I kind of see where she was coming from, I was getting pretty complacent after being with her for so long but my conspiracy theory is that she just got bored of me after 5 years and wanted to go fuck other guys. After 6 months of not talking I hit her up for coffee a few weeks ago and I told her I would do better and work harder in the relationship but she wasn't interested in hearing any of it. She also let it slip during this meeting that she's been with other guys during the 6 months we were apart which absolutely devastated me to hear. I know the rational thing to do at this point would obviously be to cut all contact but I really loved this girl with all of my heart for 5 fucking years so against my better judgement I hit her up last Saturday and this is what I get. I won't post the whole text because some of it is deeply personal but basically she wants nothing to do with me and wants to move on with her life. It has put me in a state of absolute mental anguish to know that the girl I loved with all my heart for 5 years wants nothing to do with me and is most likely enjoying the parade of cock readily available to any attractive, college-age woman. I've known for a long time that most women are heartless sluts but I always thought she was different. Turns out I was a fucking retard. How do I deal with this feel? Most of my friends have just been saying
>just get a new gf bro
But I don't feel this would do anything but cause me more pain. Even if I just fucked a new girl I still don't feel it would cure my anguish.
I'm just gonna work on a really sad/angry soundcloud album and try to save up enough money to leave the country this summer. Maybe that will take my mind off things.
6 months ago my gf of 5 years left me. She claims that I wasn't being supportive, that I was taking her for granted...
She broke up with a text...
go MGTOW user.
>ending a 5 year relationship over text
she was giving 110% every day alright
110% of her pussy and ass to other dudes for 5 years
Nah she broke up with me 6 month ago, came over to my house. Not like it was any better than a text. She acted so cold and distant toward me, same with our meeting a few weeks ago. It's like she did a complete 180 from the nice girl I fell in love with. Feels bad man
That really sucks, user. But honestly, it reminds me of my ex. She left me and when I tried to get her back she answered
very very similarly. Later I found out that she had fallen for other guy and she left me to give it a chance with him.
Turns out it's a similar situation. Just... You won't do it but It's best to cut off all contact. At some point you'll ask yourself why you had put up with all her bullshit.
She's claiming everything is your fault and she gave 200% percent, you don't need that. And she starts fucking around? Not worth your time, man. This shall make you stronger. Now it hurts I know, but keep it up and it will get better with time. Do all that you wanted to know when you were with her that you couldn't.
Maybe travel abroad and fuck some foreign girls, that's a classic. Probably too early for that now though. But you'll be fine. Best of luck
come on faggot
you're less than 25 for sure
I know what it feels like to lose a bitch and think that it's the end of the fucking world, it's happened to me twice
I was drinking in a backwater bar and some nigger looked at me from a few seats down and just said 'you gotta get over her man'. eventually he told me 'the only way to get over a bitch is to get under another one'
so do it faggot
get a friend with benefits and stop being a pussy, it worked for me
> I told her I would do better and work harder in the relationship
When will you fucking idiots learn that if you have to say things like this, women get instantly turned off and think less of you.
Thank you anons, hearing stuff like this inspires me to be less of a bitch
I know. The worst part is when I was saying those things...some part of me realized what a pathetic cuck I was reducing myself to but I just didn't care, I just wanted her back so bad
holy shit dude I swear to god if I see one more fucking post on this board about some fucking girlfriend shit I am gonna lose my fucking mind.
Be fucking GRATEFUL you even had the opportunity to have a gf, because there are people like me who have never even hugged a girl outside of their own fucking family.
>I told her I would do better and work harder in the relationship
>I felt like a cuck saying that
You're a fucking idiot, and I'm glad your relationship ended. You can act all innocent to these autistic virgins who have never touched a girl, but I've already got you pinned for the shitty, lazy boyfriend that I know you were.
>W-w-women are whores brahs... sure, she gave me her all and i didnt reciprocate b-b-but I'm the one whos hurt cause she wont take me back and let me shit on her more :(
That's what you sound like to normal people who have normal relationships. Fix your fucking life.
I just want all of you normalniggers in this thread to know that I hate what you're doing and I don't wish you the best.
pic related your moms
you're cool user
Jumping into a new relationship when you're not over the last one is a terrible idea anyway. Unfortunately her behavior is probably not uncommon: society never stops telling people, especially women, that relationships are all about how you feel and if you ever don't feel "in love" any more then it's not meant to be and you should go find somebody new. That's stupid and childish and not how you make a lasting, meaningful relationship: you do that by working at it, investing in it and committing to it. If you realize your feelings have faded then you ask yourself why, what it is that you and/or your partner need to do in order to get them back. Often it's a sign that you need to do something new in life, to challenge yourself, and fucking someone new is a pretty shoddy substitute for actual self-innovation. Of course your partner does have to be willing and able to be so honest with themselves and make those kinds of bold changes, too. And again, you'll find none of these values in basically any of our movies or music or novels or any other form of popular media, just overly simplistic sugar-coated nonsense that leads people to make easy and unwise choices.
>It has put me in a state of absolute mental anguish to know that the girl I loved with all my heart for 5 years wants nothing to do with me and is most likely enjoying the parade of cock
well i already see why she left you lol
honestly I would advise against women after this. you're not missing anything but pain
>shitty, lazy boyfriend
I honestly don't feel like I treated her too bad. And when I told her I would try better she rejected me because she is more interested in thotting around
I mean she literally told me she's seen other guys in the 6 months we've been apart so I just put 2 and 2 together in assuming she is riding the cock carousel
>And when I told her I would try better
that's very often a pathetic thing to do
broken relationships aren't fixed magically like that
from her point of view it easily might be that she gave you enough chances and wasted 5 years of her life on a failed relationship, and then you come and beg her to give you another chance, pathetic isn't it?
>I honestly don't feel like I treated her too bad
maybe you did, maybe you didn't but didn't even notice it, from your posts you look very self-centered, maybe you just didn't click together, relationships that last longer than 5 years become rarer nowadays...
the very fact that you use the term cock carousel speak volumes
suppose you got over the break and tried to date or to hook up on tinder with a couple of girls, would you consider yourself riding vagina carousel? she does pretty much the same, your relationship ended you got no rights on her
reading comprehension = zero
Look pal, I don't know you and I don't know your girlfriend, but you have to realize that whatever way you were treating your girlfriend, was not enough to keep her. That's the reality right there. Now learn your lesson and move the fuck on. Practice appreciating the small things in your life: The feeling of fresh air when you first walk outside, the feeling of seeing the sun, the feeling of a warm cup of tea in your hands. Maybe that will teach you to appreciate your girlfriend.
Every girl wants to feel like a princess. Deep down every girl is insecure as hell, and need heaps of validation EVERY DAY. To keep a woman, you have to
1) be enough of a man that she falls in love with you every day
2) let her know that she is very special to you
Ask yourself: What is your preferred language for communicating love?
Is it words?
Is it touch?
Is it with gifts?
Is it through services?
Is it through your presence and attention?
Know your preferred language, and then with your language, tell her that you love her every day.
What I'd really like to tell you, is start to fucking meditate already, and stop feeding your ego with negative energy.
Oh we clicked. for 5 years she was my best friend and I truly enjoyed spending time with her. I don't mean to come off as self-centered I am just very hurt by all of this and wanted to talk about it
the roast has never been so toast
>men and women are the same
I know that I have no rights on her but I cannot help being upset by the fact that she is fucking other men. And yes, if I were to go out and fuck thots to get over this I would consider that a bad thing. I even said in my original post that I don't think that would help anything
See it this way,most people (yes not only women) leave someone when they have an opportunity with someone else.
Seems like women do it more often but its probably because a lot of people dont consider women in couple to be off limit.
Sorry user,cant imagine how it hurt.hope it gets better and that you meet some good people.
Also,if she ever wants to talk to you again,do not give her that power over you.learned that the hard way.
Thank you user. I know I am inviting troubles by relationship posting on Jow Forums but I figured if I could hear just a few encouraging words from kind robots like you, it would all be worth it :)
First of all, you're a god damn normie and I hate you with the bottom of my soul.
But second of all, roasties are roasties and deserve the death penalty. Move on and "be yourself". I'm sure you'll find another gf like the filthy normie you are.
No problem,by the way what i meant is is she comes talking to you in a couple months or a year or even more.
Dont,its the best to do it.
Roastie detected. There's no such thing as riding the 'vagina carousel' except MAYBE for the top 20% of men...
Understand how it must hurt to be left by a partner you still have feelings for just so your partner starts hooking up hard. It breaks you down. You feel worthless, like your relationship and you were worth nothing. She's free to do whatever she wants now yes, but it's disgusting and I don't know how she could have told him if she appreciates him at least a bit.
That's actually a pretty good advice. Thanks, user.
>stop feeding your ego with negative energy
This is the best thing I've read on this board so far.
Care to elaborate pls?