What's does your dream face look like?
What's does your dream face look like?
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Exactly like my current face, minus the fat double chin I have.
Is that the chad version of Elliot Rodger?
I need someone to photoshop my face to a Chad version so I know how much I got FUCKED by my genes
There is no Chad Elliot ever, I think this dude would fuck his shit up even if he was literally 11/10, the realest outcast.
How I look in a mirror would be great, as opposed too what I see in cameras.
Like my current face but with the jaw of Pat Tillman.
has science gone toe far?
>"that wasn't cupid's arrow piercing your heart, babe"
Mine with better teeth and no more signs of acne.
Also maybe fixing my eye that has an atrophied muscle, which causes crooked eyes when I'm tired or when I look in a direction it can't follow.
pure sex, rip
Current face but more forward. I'm already 90% there, thanks to Dr. Mew and not being a mouth breather during childhood. I also want my left masseter to catch up to my right one for symmetry.
how can you even tell if your masseter muscles are uneven; to me they look even but that might be because I have always looked that way.
Take a front facing photo of your face. Then do a mirror flip of the face. If you don't notice anything odd, then you're good. Here's an example of how my assymmetry looks (not my face).
>not even blond
If you're gonna edge larp at least do it properly
My face right now because im literally a roman statue
yea looks like my right muscle is not as pronounced. How do I go about evening both sides
Chew gum until your smaller side catches up. If you are sleeping on your stomach, might wanna sleep on the opposite side only for a while.
Pic related or this
elliot was already chad elliot
He was like 5'6 senpai
that's already a photo shopped version
He was too beautiful to die.
All memes aside, this is the ultimate male face.
RIP in peace you supreme gentleman
Absolutely. RIP for ever and ever.
(I was going to dig up some rarity here but need to eat my breakfast. Maybe later.)
This board has out-gayed itself yet again
One of my favorites.
RIP St. Elliot
Legends never die.
I live in Santa Barbara and it doesn't make sense why it feels so surreal to know exactly where these pictures were taken, and to relate to him in more ways than one
23rd of may. 5 year anniversary. Celebration time.
Actually that picture where he is standing was taken by his father at some hiking trail near Woodland Hills where his father lived. Here's another one. And yeah, I am going to find out which trail and what spot on it they were taken at (even if I live on the other side of the globe).
And yeah, it is very surreal. Gives me an almost hypnotizing feeling of uncanny valley each time I browse through all of those places he went to, via Google street views. Not sure if it's because of the nature of the view images itself or the story and the person they are connected to.
Honestly couldn't find a good irl picture just because how rare that type of face is.
Basically like on this art but with aquiline nose.
Big Jaw too.
If anyone thinks he understands what I am talking about please post real pictures of people like that.
Don't be a fucking idiot user, I live in IV, and I was there when the shooting happened. It was fucked up. The guy was a total nutcase retard. Don't idolize his dumb shit.
every time i go to bed
based psychopathic poster
post the photoshopped version
I miss spamming Elliot on r9k
Man, i wish i could grow a beard, 21 without a beard but everyone else has one...
Gay incel trash
Everyone itt should just get it over with and hang themselves
I already have my dream face, so all I got to do now is to work towards my dream body
looks just like me minus hairline plus nigger nose
better jaw development, no deep bite. straight teeth. also no flaring ribs pactus excavatum.
Like this
Fuck my average jaw and smile
my dream face?
i'm not a girl
This is pretty close. I'd rather be rugged handsome than pretty boy handsome.
Just make his midface a bit shorter and maybe raise the cheekbones a bit and Arthur would be the perfect male face
Me too. But all of his "fans" are gone now. They forgot about him, committed suicide or got arrested. The only ones left are the angry incel worshippers who mostly gather in other places.
his jaw wont do you no good without his neck
his neck wont do you no good without his shoulders
so on an so on
one feature is usually not enough, but would look deformed
damn this nigga looks like a real life final fantasy character
This dude would’ve had 10 lifetimes of pussy if he wasn’t a fag.
like the one that's on my head
>his jaw wont do you no good without his neck
I see you are also a neckpilled bro
My faceapp 'hot' face
peak bowie is only man id trade my face with
Like this
Fact: All women mirin him
>those teeth
Jesus, how long have they been like this?
legit demigod mode no homo
>this is very reassuring
give him some purple contacts and that's rhaegar
I'd love to have that young clint eastwood face.
truly a machine
still looking good even when old
das all I want for xmas
>mfw half of the thread are just SS
He was 5'6 though
this, exactly this. doesnt get better.
Lift for hitler brehs