MAGA hats really are the new fedora.
MAGA hats really are the new fedora
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can someone explain to me what the fuck even happened there?
>Black guys saying gays don't deserve rights
>Maga hat kids start chanting their school chant to drown them out
>Natives protect the homophobes because they are black
>Picture gets taken of a kid being confused, looks smug
>Media says they were harrassing the natives
>Twitter goes apeshit
mainstream media being braindead retards like always
based nigger and injun
kids are cucks.
this not at all what happened though
how did you even figure that was what happened
how many times did daddy smash your skull into the ground while raping you? this is beyond brain dead
I can imagine these guys being new atheists in 2008
Another embarrassing trump supporter with a serious case of gayface
what happened then oregano pepperoni
Okay user, what's your opinion on what transpired?
what did this kid do again? smirk???
Reminder that the next president is going to be AOC in 2024.
MAGA hats are so cringey. They are so heinous.
I was born at the right time to have an n64 and while good, she's full of it.
This is what happened you fucking dipshit.
Cant say I agree with her on everything. But she's a total a qt. I wanna dick her down and creampie her so bad.
Also she's not old enough to run
She turns 35 in October 2024. She can run for President.
Her tits are full of delicious milk.
Why are dipshits like Shapiro so obsessed with her? They're making her 10x more popular than any of her streams. She's quite literally dabbing her way into office
Oh fug you're right. Nvm, I suck cocks. I was thinking of 2020
>A short video appears that shows a small group of Native Americans surrounded and being harrased by a large group of """evil white males"""
>The mainstream media and the blue haired blue checkmark social media outrage squadrons go into overdrive pumping out dozens of tweets and articles with headlines like "MAGA wearing turbo Nazis SURROUND, INTIMIDATE, and HARRASS Native Americans in D C!!!"
>Tards who only read headlines get TRIGGERED and start to call for the expulsion, doxxing, even literal death of the white teenager who would DARE look smug on video.
It's at this point where anyone rational points out that the teenagers were literally just STANDING there. The left in an attempt to justify the complete destruction of these (literal) Catholic Schoolboys start posting memes and shit relating this kid just standing there to actual crowds of white folks actually intimidating people during the civil Rights era.
>Longer video of the entire incident appears.
>The Natives approached the MAGA boys, they were not surrounded, the Natives moved to the boys not the other way around.
>A third group of Black Hebrew Isrealites (that is a 100 percent real thing) are shown to be the primary group instigating conflict toward a group of rowdy but ultimately innocent MAGA hat wearing teenagers.
>Mainstream fake news goes into full damage control mode because they were 100 percent wrong and 100 percent helped to incite a mob mentality and literal death threats and bomb threats against a bunch of teenagers.
People are STILL making bomb and desth threats. The Catholic school the boys attend has been fully doxxed. People were literally calling for the deaths of these boys for DARING to be white and conservative in 2019.
Remember, the MOST damning """evidence""" of evil white supremacy and racism was LITERALLY a white teenager standing, quietly, non-threateningly, and smirking. That's the worst you could ever say these boys did.
She's the millennial version of Bernie, and the libtard version of Trump. She knows how to use meme magic and proves you can just disregard what the media and slur ads say against you. No one actually cares.
that article says nothing about what actually happened, it focuses on how CNN and co. did piss poor investigation and then backtracked when more info actually came out. For the actual story, it redirects you to CNN's article after those facts came to light, and they back up what said. Some negroes were hating on everyone, even other niggas. The kids who were there to march for life came over and got yelled at as well, so they replied by doing some spirit chants. The injun comes along, beats his drum, kids think he's joining them in drowning out the hateful negroes, so they dance along and shit. I guess the injun got confused or something and misinterpreted the situation, or maybe he really was just looking to start shit up. Either way, the kid does not have a smug mocking smile, but a genuine smile.
Quit being dumb, faggot.
>I like what you like
>now you'll vote for me right?
Jesus fucking Christ social security is running out of money. We don't need more socialist shit destroying this country.
All of this is wrong. Literally all of it.
No, fedoras were an attempt at style. If you mean where oblivious cringe people converge then ya, I guess.
Lol. Anyone who was on twitter could see the many many tweets of libs calling for the doxing and even death of the kids, including Kathy Griffin. Many have been deleted by now of course. And new videos have been released that prove that the kids didn't surround the guy, and that the black hebrews were harassing them with racial epithets.
Id assume you were a troll and still probably are, but that sure is a lot of typing...
If you watch that kids face and dont immediately recognize his antoganistic body language and expression you might want to surrender the judgement calls to someone not utterly autistic. Its out of your depth now. Even my early stage dementia MAGA dad watched that video for 30 seconds and said fuck that kid. I implore you rewatch that video washed of all social media outrage and political context and not size him up as a cunt. Hes literally that kid who tries to enrage you because he knows he cant be hit.
Yeah, the kid was standing there looking smug. But that doesn't change any of the other stuff. And he doesn't deserve to have his life ruined by internet liberals for looking smugly at somebody protesting him.
>Even my early stage dementia MAGA dad watched that video for 30 seconds and said fuck that kid.
So he watched a video without context that was cut with the intention to make the kid look bad and the Indian protestor look good. And fell for it like many other people did.
>that feel when no AOC gf
Social Security isn't socialism, but it's still a shitty program that will fuck over young people if it isn't done away with soon, which of course will never happen.
So you typed even more? lmao what a nerdfaggot u are
No senpai I or my dad dont care about the framing of the event or context or whatever. Its all cyclic noise. I dont care why he was there. The vid makes one want to punch that kid specifically because he is doing what hes doing. His behavior isnt subjective. Smug is way too generous of a word. Its cowardly and fucking annoying. Hes the kind of kid who teachers pretend to not see get punched when students pull shit like that.
Indeed I bit ;-;
>ignore all context and just look at his face
are you retarded?
Nah brah go back to your world of smoke and mirror politics and boring side taking non events etc. i just thought he was a punch worthy turd in a 2 min clip. I see now its people like you who actually care about rationalizing and contextualizing this kinda stuff. I prefer to not read into the death threat reactions and reactions to those reactions outrage etc. Boring. Jeb is a waste.
Before that normies equated saying mere words that don't translate into actions, especially on the Internet, with being a nazi
Now normies equate standing still staring at people smiling with being a nazi
How worse can it get? What's the next step?
Existing makes you a Nazi.
Have been for years already, yeah.
i really want this kid to suck me off
>Jesus fucking Christ social security is running out of money
Social Security has a $2 trillion surplus.
that doesn't sound biased at all
Theyre gonna be trying to stop people from entering the voting locations
You clearly haven't watched the entire video.
There is absolutely no way to watch the entire video and not realize that this guy Phillips is a complete shitbag, as are the "Black Israelites" who precipitated the entire confrontation.
There's no other reasonable way to view the event. It's not subjective in the least. Anyone who views the entire video and doesn't conclude that Phillips was in the wrong is quite literally too irrational to share a society with. I actually hope for open violence now, because the polylogists have been proved correct - there is no common strain of rationality that we can all appeal to, and if there is no common and universal reason we all share, then violence is the only answer left.
Then what is right, you unbelievable cunt?
>if there is no common and universal reason we all share, then violence is the only answer left.
This is the sad conclusion I have come to as well. If we cannot even agree on fundamental axioms discourse is impossible.
the go look up all the footage and make your own fucking mind up, there's no shortage of it.
They all fucked up, IMO.
>Black isrealites-- because you know why
>Phillips for engaging like a retard, and knowing that making noise and staring someone down is a sign of aggression
>Maga boy who knows that staring someone down with a little smirk on your face is basically like saying: "try me motherfucker"
There are no heroes here.
US Media nowadays:
Right, so you didn't watch the full video.
You're an absolute idiot, and shouldn't comment any more.
Watch the entire video and then come back and talk to us.
You should be so proud, you semi-literate piece of shit.
>And he doesn't deserve to have his life ruined by internet liberals for looking smugly at somebody protesting him.
Meanwhile it's okay to let niggers get shot by police
>nah bro I really don't care about thinking I just react to people giving a funny look with violence
So not just retarded, but also insane.
>Victim blaming
Why am I even suprised at this point? *sigh*
>Now normies equate standing still staring at people smiling with being a nazi
Well, that's just it. That's always been it.
This Phillips guy is the equivalent of a Lafayette Square protester. He's a fucking carnival act - a literal clown. Every single person who's ever walked through Lafayette Square knows that not one single person there deserves anything else but to be openly laughed at.
But there's a certain variety of shitbag leftist nigger who is absolutely APPALLED that anyone anywhere is free to not take their literal carnival sideshow clown act(s) seriously.
I do know, I just don't fucking care. If fucking Baryshnikov jumped out at me on the street and started doing a fucking Ballet for Peace, I'd laugh at him, too. Because it's fucking stupid. Want me to consider your position? Write me a fucking email. Your performance art does not have my respect, and will not be given my respect.
Go fuck yourself.
Oh uh you said a bad word there
Jow Forums doesn't listen unless you use their language.
>Why am I even suprised at this point? *sigh*
Describe the entire sequence of events as shown in the full video.
But youre just as bad as themfor using that word. You really caused me a lot of distress. Apologize immediately
White racists attack innocent native american. What else is there? I dont care if theyre teenagers
Sorry, but it's necessary to talk to them.
>Meanwhile it's okay to let niggers get shot by police
false equivalence. Most of the blacks in those situations wouldn't get shot if they followed all of the directions of the police officer. Lots of whites get killed by the police as well.
Whats so hard to get about victim blaming you stupid incel? The victim can never do wrong get that in your thick skull
>White racists attack innocent native american.
You're deliberately lying about the content of the video, OR you're deliberately lying about watching the entire video. One of those two.
I have to believe that, because as I noted above if you can watch the entire video and still conclude that this is what it depicts, you do not possess the power of reason and no communication with you is possible.
It's as if bears suddenly started driving around in cars and firing guns, but they still only spoke bear and no human could speak to them or communicate with them in any way. In such a situation, the only rational and moral course of action open to us would be the utter extermination of all bears everywhere. That's literally the situation that is barreling down the highway at us.
>You're deliberately lying about the content of the video
Or maybe just MAYBE your perception of reality is off
Im in bed about to fall asleep my sweet and naive senpai, although I dont think Id look into it in any circumstance. All I had was but asingle (correct) observation to contribute. I hope you room with this sweet kid in college.
>Most of the blacks in those situations wouldn't get shot if they followed all of the directions of the police officer.
That ignores the fact that even normal blacks tend to have less positive interactions with police on average. Are you going to tell me we shouldn't listen to what black people have to say on police period?
we should just take old peoples money instead because they're niggers
>Or maybe just MAYBE your perception of reality is off
Nope. The difference here is not subtle.
People can reasonably watch the same video and have different perceptions of events - as long as those perceptions fall within a feasible range. We can both watch the Zapruder film, and if you say, "Look, I think it looks like there'a another shot from in front!" and I say I don't see it, THAT'S a difference in perception.
If, on the other hand, you watch the Zapruder film and say, "Gosh, this video of Jack Kennedy beating Lee Harvey Oswald and Eva Braun to death with a pipe, while unicorns trampled the First Lady, really pissed me off!" - that is NOT a difference in perspective. That's speciation. That's you being a xenomorph, and sharing no common humanity or reason with me any more whatsoever.
Original 69
Forced, to be honest.
>ignore context, act on impulse, forget knowing the facts or hearing either side of any given story
Are you an actual fucking retard? If this was the way the world worked, I'd be able to feed anyone a right hook just because I didn't like the way they looked.
Because he has nice skin and his facial features aren't terrible
>That ignores the fact that even normal blacks tend to have less positive interactions with police on average. Are you going to tell me we shouldn't listen to what black people have to say on police period?
Of course not. Police officers can be dicks, remember that video that flew around here for a while because that guy got shot because he was fixing his pants while the officer was shouting directions? As I said before police officers hurt whites too.
Maybe the police do need some reforms, but for now it's best to just follow their directions and try not to escalate the situation.
Autists think reasoning is a substitute for emotional awareness. I would find his style in bad taste if it was Hitler he was staring down. Maybe reading a few more articles and factually based reports will help you determine what exactly our innocent child meant when his 500 facial muscles contorted to form that expression.
I see. Hes a basic bitch but a nut is a nut in a young butt.
That is some of the most inane, societally unaware bullshit I've ever seen someone spew, so I'm going to assume you're baiting and give you a fucking 10/10 because goddamn did you ever get me.
twitter is a hole of stupid shitskin dumb niggers going on about how they hate white people
>Voting for looks
Yeah that's how Canada got their PM, girls voting for looks. You'll make the same mistakes voting a retarded girl into office for looks
good lord you sound triggered af
worked for trump essentially
teeth are scary though, m8.
Media/the left fucked up twice in the past year with big fake stories. Kavanaugh's accuser dropped off the face of the Earth, bet Nathan Phillips does too pretty soon (where's his war record again?). Sweep it all under the rug, pretend it didn't happen, hope everyone only remembers your version of events.
Because if anyone remembers what actually happened, you're fucking screwed.
all americans have soulless smiles anyway
also why is it always pro-life rallies that draw the weird stuff, pic related round kicked a pro-life supporter too, had to play a drum instead i guess
>If you watch that kids face and dont immediately recognize his antoganistic body language and expression
This cope is really desperate, and not something that would even be stated seriously in public as a justification for all that's happened if it were the first and only thing you saw.
The only reason we're hearing this rationalization of all the abuse now is because lefties were caught jumping the gun and doing reprehensible shit to minors. You're doing everything you can to avoid the obvious realization that you're just a psychopath who wants to torture anyone who's considered a justifiable target by the mainstream.
Fact is, if you lived in the Jim Crow South, we could expect to find you attending lynchings, because all you care about is social status and inflicting cruelty without repercussions.
Jews see confrontation with native american and try to milk it as much as they can.
Literally nothing happened yet they're shilling this shit absolutely everywhere.
There are zero women on the left who aren't prostitutes. That's why they need feminism so much.