Robots who spend the whole day at the computer, did you guys ever considered programming?
The sensation of power is insane
Robots who spend the whole day at the computer, did you guys ever considered programming?
The sensation of power is insane
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tell me more about this sensation of power
Tried it, too much of a brainlet to make anything worthwhile. Even with python.
i dont know how to program. i wish i knew though.
I'm trying to learn it, but I feel like I'm going pretty slowly. It can take me half an hour to read 5-10 pages of SICP.
At least Scheme is a cool language. I think stuff like
>(* (* 9 9 9) (* 18 (* 25 3)))
is much cooler than what other languages' equivalent would be.
Programming is a bitch when you start, but once you get the hang of it, the possibility's are amazing
The feeling of seeing something you made working is amazing.
how do i get started, i failed a buisness programming class with 10%
I got pretty far then quit because I have absolutely no imagination. I can't think of anything I want to make and stick to
please respond
I am learning linux and c++ when I have hypomania but then it wears off and I start to second guess myself and I think of doing something else with my time.
can I turn this into a job if I have the social skills of a potato while I have all the time in the world to get really good at it
no way you're really grokking it at that blazing fast pace. slow down and do the exercises. SICP will change the way you think.
Start with something basic like Lua and try to make something practical.
One of my friends is pretty dumb and I used a Minecraft mod called OpenComputers to help him learn Lua and how to use programming for practical purposes; he was mildly fluent after only a few days of practice.
yes absolutely. I have a coworker who didnt show up to work in years cause hes a huge autist and he just pushes his code changes via git.
Also, from personal experience i can tell you if you just need a few hundred bucks a month to survive knowing how to code stuff opens up tons of cashgrabs, both legal and illegal/unregulated.
I coded in high school but I always found it to be a waste, I couldn't think of very many ways to apply anything I had learned in a meaningful way. Making stupid games of checkers, a calculator, whatever, gets boring very fast.
Even designing nice, clean websites w/ CSS,HTML,JS gets dull pretty fast.
coding personal projects is fun.
coding jobs are soul-sucking.
smart solution: find a non-coding job that can be automated with code.
write automation code, then don't tell anyone about it. be free
I do not have a job in the computer word, but I do enjoy codding. I program problems from project Euler. My favorite one I did was one dealing with Lychrel numbers. In trying to solve it I made a library to deal with huge numbers. 10^100+ big. There is no practical use to any of this, but it is fun to run the program and see all the numbers go by.
tip for others
please r8 if you want to
Suppose I get real good at it, how do I find a job and how do I show others I am really good at it?
Do you have any general advice for someone who is a potato with zero social skills and no degree in how to find a job?
How do I know I good enough to apply for a job?
thanks in advance.
I just got really into it when I was like 16 to 17 so I decided to take a couple of classes and learn python and php by the internet.
In the end I just feel in love with it
Learn hoon and change the world
Like try learning programming logic with pascal or python then start looking up other languagues. I always wanted to work with hacking and shit, so that kinda made me want to learn more about Programming, UNIX and shit
because it's just another thing that's been infiltrated by roasties
I'm finishing a web development pba.
I don't really recognize the feeling of power, if anything I feel extremely weak when I can't make a simple persistive login state on a website. Meanwhile, there are hundreds of thousands of people who can develop completely software and frameworks from scratch who are applying for the same jobs.
I just wanted to be a graphic designer or some shit. I've always been drawing and wanted to use my art related skills for work, but the job application process is so damn abstract and my portfolio is unfinished. I just said fuck it and went for making websites instead.
It's not like you can follow some online tutorial and get a job at the end of it. There's nothing I really want to do with programming for myself. And I would have to move to get a programming job almost certainly which is just not an option for family reasons. I'd still like to but after learning the basics if there's nothing I actually want to code what's the point?
Which one of these is it, bro?
i self taught myself programming
i worked as a web developer almost 5 years
it's boring as shit, soulcrushing, i didn't like it at all
to be fair, i'm not sure i could enjoy any job. some people derive a sense of purpose or feel good after a day of work... i feel the exact opposite.
I mean jobs in this area don't usually require that much of a degree of some sort, I mean it's good if you have one to increase your chances but what counts more are your skills, personal projects and that kinda shit.
Web designing and Systems Analyst are usually the ones that are more looked by companies so building up your knowlodge about computers and code is a really good start
Been considering learning it and using it to get a job.
How badly would no college shoot me in the foot in terms of finding work?
Also how likely would it be that I find a job I can do from at home considering I've rarely left my room for something that isn't the bathroom or kitchen in over half a year.
Why is it boring for you?
Too easy or just plain pain in the ass from coding
First off, Hoon is an esoteric language. That means it is not designed to make any particular task easier, but more as a challenge, either to create the language itself or program in it. Only try to learn this if you have way too much time on your hands and like any of its paradigms. One of the clues that is it esoteric is that it forgoes using the alphabet. All the initial keywords are digraphs of punctuation characters, making for terse, hard to read code.
Second, Hoon is a functional language. It compiles down to a combinatorial assembly language called Nock. Even among normal languages, the functional ones like Haskell are considered somewhat esoteric.
Third, it has an intended niche that is surprisingly practical for an esoteric language: web services on virtual cloud servers, called Urbit. Most esoteric languages can barely read input and print output, this one comes with libraries for encrypted P2P networking!
I've started learning to program with the aim of making games. My steps so far have been watching the New Game anime and reading /prog/ archives. Will be starting on SICP soon. What should come next?
Is there any hope for someone learning a language people do not use today for the purpose of maintaining legacy machinery? I have always been interested in low-level programming. Cobol, C, assembly (I know mips, but that is more to educate than for practical use), etc.
Well you can already make money from being a freelancer. But if you're gonna work for a company, depending on where you are the possibility to work at home is not that short to be honest
But it also depends on what you do you know, sometimes you just got to work with a team, so you have to go to work insteed of being home. But it honestly depends
I think I've actually heard of something similar to this, an esoteric language called Brainfuck. That type of thing is used in CTFs a lot, right? I'll look into it in the future.
>Why is it boring for you?
making websites i don't care about for people i don't care about... it's not interesting at all. the entire time, i wanted to leave
>Too easy or just plain pain in the ass from coding
it was easy, but i wouldn't want a job where things are difficult. there was no risk of failure, which is good. ultimately, i didn't care about those websites. i didn't care about any of it
the only "pain in the ass" was clients who would ask for some big change after the design was finished, or some really time-consuming feature that was stupid as fuck in the first place.
imagine going outside and digging holes in the ground. is that fun? what if someone pays you $15-20 an hour... still, not fun, but you can do it.
that's really how i would compare it. except maybe i would slightly prefer being outside digging holes in the ground for all the vitamin d and exercise i would get
at least i know everything i would need to know to make my own website if i wanted to. i just don't have any ideas (that would make me money)
i'm not interested in programming, i do like sys admin type of stuff though
Programming can make this sys admin stuff easier to some extent
How the fuck do I pick a language and like a project to work towards or something?
do you want to make a website?
What kind of a homosexual enjoys sysadmin shit? You enjoy fucking around with routers/switches? pff.
go get your ccna already faggot, I have mine.
Maybe start with Python for coding, if you ever get the feel to make your own websites or win money for making them to other people (freelancing) learn html, php, and javascript.
Once you get the feel of what a languague can do you should be able to get a couple of ideas to cool little scripts that may come in handy one day
I would recommend checking some programming languagues and stick to one you enjoy, you should be able to master it in a couple of months depending on your determination.
Visit websites like Github and Stack Overflow to see some examples our just getting help
Programmers resort to google a lot of times, nothing to be ashemed if you do too.
Programming has always seemed fun and I'd love a job in it but I also have no idea where the fuck I'd start so I guess I'm fucked
Just pick python. What are you interested in hobby wise? Maybe you could dev some stuff to save time.
call me a homosexual again and ill stick my penis in your ass dont ever make fun of me bitch
make a game.
I'm too dumb to program and too lazy to learn
>wants to get more people into a thing
>doesn't provide resources for learning
Doesn't sound bad but I have no idea what kind I'd want to make.
There's a couple of ideas I have for making things easier at work, maybe. I will check out github and take another look at languages.
Mostly gaming, anime and shitposting. I can't really think of any kind of program I'd need to make that more efficient. I'd kind of like to make a game but I have no fucking idea what kind
What do you want?
Let me hook you up fampai
To be fair, even the most cursory google search will give a shitload of really detailed tutorials for getting into programming and including language specific tutorials. Nobody has directly asked for anything like that either.
I program, some advice I can offer my other robots is to get a pair of programming socks
Why not write a bot that scrapes anime videos, or images from websites?
Also, what ideas do you have? Maybe I can suggest some starter points.
If i did, you fucks would be calling me a Shill
here you go, faggot
>programming socks
You caught my interest, now real me in
>Why not write a bot that scrapes anime videos, or images from websites?
you wanna pay me for this, or explain how i could make money from this?
I guess whatever's a best introduction to programming in general.
I know near nothing but everything I've heard makes it sound like it's up my alley.
I hear Python and learning to create websites is a good introduction? I'm really clueless where to start, it's a bit overwhelming with all the options available.
>real me in
ya blew it
>you wanna pay me for this
wew. It's like 30 lines of code. Programming is about solving problems. When you start out, solving simple problems can lead to new packages, ideas, and opportunities.
I never care about seeing the end result. The important thing is that you learn something along the way.
I am sorry, I have autism. What is the problem?
REEL me in
Nothing big or interesting really. Just something that analyses overdraft usage from statements in a bit more detail than the excel script we use that generates only days used and maximum amount overdrawn.
i just see it as a pointless thing to do. granted, i wasn't the person that you replied to. i just thought you offered it as an idea for a productive activity
i don't even like anime
Honestly I find most google search results untrustworthy in cases like this, whenever I google shit like this I always see Wikihow articles and random clickbait blogposts.
fair enough.
thanks fampai.
>programming socks
You caught my interest, now reel me in
I've decided I'm going to fake you out instead
Getting payed for doing computer shit is good enough to make me want to learn coding
Anything that keeps me away from social interacting is gold
When coding, the most contact your gonna get is your boss and most likely a team of lonely robots like you.
I play online poker all day instead
Well, if you want someone to hold you hand as you learn, this free site should work out.
For a pure text solution, you could try out something like:
I have lobster socks. Can I use them, or do I have to get a specific brand?
Freecode camp is free and has some of the most comprehensive tutorials I have seen, with plenty of projects and potential gateway opportunities.
I never finished it personally, it would takes thousands of hours, but I did get a good introductory experience while being able to track my progress.
I also recommend getting a subscription to Frontend Masters. It's a reasonable price, and the content you get out of it is quite impressive. If you're learning Javascript (lol), getify's videos on Frontend Masters are truly incredible. He is one of the few people who has gone through the trouble of pouring over the language's original documents, and he has a near perfect knowledge of the language's actual mechanics (as opposed to how it's popularly interpreted).
His github has his entire series of books detailing in spectacularly loving and precise detail the most important mechanics of the language. Hell, before doing anything else, just read these books and try out the exercises. If you can begin programming with precise knowledge from the start, you'll be in much better shape than the people who learn as they go, and have faulty fundamentals.
You jerk off in them after coding
>reel me in
jesus christ, it's "REAL ME IN" moron
I haven't left my room in 4 years and have spent all that time learning art and code to make a game. It's releasing this year and if it fails I will literally kms. It is a product of my entire wasted youth and my very future hinges on it.
what is the game so I can help you not kill yourself
Ugh, jquery. Went from working with React to this shit recently
What kind of game?
Also, what exactly are the conditions you would require for it to be a success?
Fucked up
t. unique post poster
post screenshot of the game
Give us a name
Why do we still have Seaworld? Shit pisses me off.
i would if i knew where to start. theres no solid actual suggestion on where to start for optimal learning speed and usefulness in what you learn. basically spoonfeed me and i will bb
and i know there are a bunch of tutorials, i just mean i wanna learn it in an optimal way where it can be something useful and usable that will actually be useful for getting a job and whatnot the quickest. Ive heard shit from "start with python" to "start with htlm" to "go fuck yourself' so i have no idea whats true
>SICP no Susume
It's because it depends on what do you wanna do
If you just wanna a job in this computer area just learn html (php and javascript) so you can make websites
It's easier then coding and It's on demand nowadays
For all intensive purposes I think you are wrong. But mistakes like yours are a diamond dozen
I heard that C Sharp is good.
How do I teach myself without getting distracted
I can't take formal classes but every time I try to teach myself from home or something I end up browsing the internet instead.
thanks user, ill prob head in that direction then. what would i pursue if i just wanted to be fluent in fucking around with linux?
I tried it once in high school, it was the most boring, mundane, banal thing I've ever done.
Worse than even writing essays, I don't know how anyone can put themselves through that or enjoy it, it's clearly not for everyone.
Put aside the time to do it every day and during that time be in a completely different setting to where you usually are and fucking around on Jow Forums or whatever.
That would be sys admin or a System Analyst
Honestly linux is used more for this kinda of nerdy stuff and It's easier to program and/or hack you know
Basicly you're gonna be the IT guy, you may not even need to fuck around with linux depending on the company your in.
the linux question was more of for personal recreational use, i use a baby distro but would like to expand outwards when i have the time. thanks for the answers user, have a good one
It's like I said, it is a bit boring when you start, but once you get the hang of it and start to fuck around, the fun part should come.
General front end web development, and security are two fields I've been interested in learning for a while (and maybe being an elite hackerman)
Where would I start?
Just like, make game.
i'm considering learning enough to get an entry level position programming for a crypto/blockchain project. they're always hiring programmers, and at good salaries, plus, there are a lot of remote positions, which is a must, for me.
>How do I know I good enough to apply for a job?
This is my fear. The solution is to apply for anything where you sort of match some of the credentials. Just be honest in your application and they might hire you anyway. Job postings always describe an ideal worker, and it's basically the workplace begging for an employee. They make an offer, and then you make a counter-offer by applying. You don't have to encompass all the listed skills. In theory, you can mail them a .jpg of a pile of dogshit as your application, they're not entitled to any perfect applicants.
Don't think of job interviews as exams where you prove your worth, and then the interviewer picks and chooses. It's a meeting where both parties explain their wants and needs, and discuss if they can provide a solution for the other part's wants and needs. If THEY can't provide a workplace where your skills apply, then YOU don't want the job. It's not a failure on your end, your needs and offerings just didn't match their needs and offerings. Then you go home and try sending more applications. No one can stop you from exercising that right.
t. someone who is deathly afraid of sending job applications, and of formal meetings with people in suits
Mess around with UNIX and linux operating systems, learn more about shells and terminals and know how to code.
Maybe python is a good programing languague so try to master it, but don't focuse only on one languague.
Kinda useless until you learn a great deal about a particular part of the industry desu
got bored of SICP desu
can't be fucked to read another beginner book even if I achieve meme satori
>sensation of power
You mean telling a computer to organize emails or make a path finding algrothim is the same feeling of holding a gun? That's real power