Well Jow Forums? Do you even have feelings?
Well Jow Forums? Do you even have feelings?
I have feelings, just nobody cares about them because I'm not a woman so I keep them to myself. Like every other guy on the planet.
Basically this. It's never that men don't have feelings (they are often more emotionally intelligent than women,) rather, no one cares. Men are meant to be the rock for women to cry on. I consider myself quite eloquent not to be a pretentious retard, but I'd never say that to anyone.
Everyone has feelings but nobody cares about mine
Other than anger/frustration, I haven't felt a really strong emotion in thirty years. Every day is just another second ticking off the clock, counting down to my eventual death. The best I can hope for is a "normal" day where I can distract myself from the worthlessness of my existence.
Yes but you don't care to hear about them, so I tend not to display and eventually even have them towards you. I love my friends and family though.
Are all men this fucking pathetic?
This is why men don't express their feelings, they get reaction like this.
the girl that posted that would most likely be completely repulsed if any guy she was with totally opened up to her and revealed what's going on in his head when he's depressed. it's pure pussy repellent. they know it is, we know it is, yet they keep complaining about it.
Sorry I forgot to post a picture of a Chad next to my post so you could empathise with it.
I know women only care about personality and feelings when they're attached to 11/10 sex gods.
no, im not pathetic. ask me anything.
Proving the point in 1 sentence. How fucking dense are you bitch?
Men not having feelings is the biggest meme out there. Most men are more emotional than women. I'm not even gonna bother arguing this point once again.
I don't even care about sex and social status.
I love my friends really, really much.
I want to be happy and a nice person to those who I like.
But the thing is, saying these things out loud is not easy in our world. They are things you are not allowed to say, if you want to be a "real man".
Men have feelings, but in order to be men in the eyes of women and society in general, they can't say that they have feelings or show them. And we care about opinions of women and society around us a fuck ton because of our emotions, so it's a neverending cycle.
When was the last time you ever spoke to a woman who wasn't a coworker or classmate?
I do have feelings, but I also have a memory, and sense to notice the red flags as they appear.
Yes? Emotions are an important part of the human condition and they need to be acknowledged and properly handled as such. They're necessary gauges in communication and expression.
As I've grown up, I've realized one the best aspects of emotion is conditioning yourself to use that energy to build yourself up rather than allow it to tear you down and allow it to work with you.
I've never had a shred of thought for what that femcels saying though about being depressed over stacey bullshit. With the sexual liberation movement and social media culture the values shes arguing against with men having is misconstrued when its the constant value of women sexually marketing themselves on these platforms/values that creates this feedback loop and overall problem. It perpetuates a counter culture of a quick hook up culture, an overvalued sex market, and removes that inter personal connection, and so we objectify each other.
in person? 2 nights ago.
lmao, next thing you know only ovulating girls will count.
keep moving the goalpost there buddy
These days I don't feel much. I have become so fucking apathetic I don't even care about women or dying alone anymore. I have given up.
>"do men have emotions?"
>men share emotions
>"are men this pathetic?"
Literally no woman wants a man who shows feelings and then they bitch about it. Do men even have self awareness?
Yes, but none of the same emotions humans feel. However I still insist my feelings are perfectly valid.
They are diminished.
And I wish they were not
What I really want is to be in love with a woman and for her to be in love with me back.
Jokes on you, I talked to my mom less than half an hour ago!
>"Do men have emotions?"
>"Lmao pathetic"
It's easy to spot women it could become a national sport at this point.
Like would you love me and trust me enough to let me hookup with other guys? Like just because I love you doesn't mean I don't want to try other things. Like I can love hamburgers, but once in a while I'd like some sushi or burritos
>like. um
>just let me fuck other guys, user, it'll be fine, i still love you, it's not like relationships need commitment or anything
>what are open relationships
That mean you can find other girls too. There's nothing wrong with polyamory
>what are open relationships
Contradictory. Relationships imply exclusivity.
>finding other girls
good joke
just face it, you don't want a relationship
uhm sweaty, most relationships fail because of infidelity. In fact, it's almost 100% certainty that one partner will cheat on the other. If you both agree to allow some tolerance in the relationship to experience other people in a controlled way, it can lead to a long healthy relationship. This way you don't have to bottle up emotions or urges. Communication is key
>most relationships fail because of infidelity
>(polyamory) can lead to a long healthy relationship
This is contradictory information.
thats why I'm saying if you have extramarital relationships in a CONTROLLED way it's mutually beneficial.
I'm really open with my emotions; then again I tend to be around people who are receptive and sympathetic towards them. If I wasn't able to express my emotions I would get very depressed very quickly. The idea that men are only suppose to be rocks for woman to cry on is so toxic it makes me want to puke.
>X is harmful to relationships
>Introduction of X is beneficial to relationships
This is a contradiction. Posit a proof using a valid proposition.
Well you'll have to find the other girls for me to fug, then. That's the only mutual benefit I would be able to get out of a polyamorous relationship.
This is why you need Christianity. Girls are polyamorous by nature. Only if there's some supernatural being that has benefits for following rules, and those rules force loyalty, are you ever going to be happy as a man.
yeah but why would you risk telling anyone about them
especially a woman
does mommy also cut your steak for you
No, she chews it for me.
If I remember correctly, there were a lot of women in that thread telling her otherwise. I can't speak for all men, but I definitely have feelings. I think I'm less emotional than other people, but the feelings are still there, and I like feeling them sometimes.
You've been baited, anons. Don't reply to these sorts of posts. They're just here to get a rise out of robots. The fact that some women actually have this toxic mindset isn't relevant. This post is still bait and should be ignored. If they don't get attention, they'll get bored and leave. Don't feed the trolls. I doubt this poster is even a woman. Probably just a dude with an interesting sense of humor that likes making people mad online.
You guys got baited too. Please ignore these people in the future, and the quality of our bored will increase, as trolls will get tired of spamming bait, or at lease get more creative about it. You guys are better than this, and we all deserve better.
>participating in discussion on a discussion image board is responding to bait
Thanks for the cute image, user.
>all that text
Really dude? Having a discussion doesn't mean it's b8
I dunno, it looked like those anons were pretty mad over something small. I don;t like seeing people get angry over purposely inflammatory comments. I was probably jumping to conclusions, though. My bad. I am sorry.
Oh yeah, I forgot to add, I like the image you posted as well. Not quite as much as I liked the burrito loli, but it was still nice. Thank you.
Yeah, but I think they work differently than most people's in what triggers them. It's nice to say that my way is somehow more deep or something, but really it's just that it's more personal. The one place they always seem to come out most is when I'm listening to music, and I can picture that as being the end song to my own personal life movie. The rest of my life is already spelled out and implied in that moment. Which could be a miserable feeling, wistful, or some kind of self satisfied one. Depends, but it always feels like I could leave my body behind in that moment. Like I'm driving down the road, and my consciousness detaches and I watch myself, my body anyway, through my mind's eye driving away. Maybe that's just dissociation.
you sound like a good guy user thb senpai
i wonder if femanons still think like this even though they spend all their time here reading about what goes on in our minds. if you get a bf do you really want to know this shit? i'm guessing we mostly repulse you
I have way too many feelings, but I've been traumatized into hiding them by this fuckawful world and now have a really difficult time opening up to people.
On the flipside, when I do open up, I get very, very attached to whoever it is I've told. This inevitably ends up with them getting bored/weirded out by me and cutting contact, which just hurts me more and starts the whole cycle anew.
I realize I'm weak and emotional, but fuck if I know how to change this.
I try my best. I hope you have a nice day. Here's a cute anime girl.
They either still want BFs or want idealized husbandos.
I don't feel it's right to share much of what I'm feeling. I've been supporting and taking care of someone I hold very close since I was young due to our situation, and the last thing I believe we need is me complaining or crying. Although she has complained to me that I should open up more and shouldn't be afraid of sharing with her since we're both there for each other, it still doesn't feel right.
I've opened up a tiny bit, but it's still difficult and I feel it isn't that good of a thing.
Is this a potential gf or a family member? I don't quite understand what the problem is either way.
Seems like if you're going through hardship together, that talking about how you feel would help cope.
I would let you do that if you let me hook up with other girls.
Well, sure. I believe there's a disconnect when it comes to something like showing emotions. Men are human, and are capable of experiencing the same trauma and emotions as women. That said, are you going to me see me cry about much of anything unless I'm in pain? Not really. It's just not like a lot of us to bother showing emotions.
I want to strangle a """fembot"""
I have BPD, so I probably have more feelings and feel them stronger than most people. Too bad the vast majority of those feelings are negative.
I can assure any (wanna-be) female reading this that, aside from some really dire mentally ill exceptions, all robots came once with a full set of feelings, yes.
We carved them out beginning with puberty, once it became clear they are mostly a means for you to manipulate us.
A guy only wants to be the fool that gets told "Hurt for me, little clown!" by females for a rather limited time before you wise up.
Being more emotionally intelligent=having better control over your feelings=being less emotional
You're proving her point
Family member, and I get you. I understand that talking more about it and just being more open about stuff will help in the long run. I've been guilty of letting it build up too much to the point of it being nearly self sabotaging, which basically ends up doing the same type of damage I try to avoid.
I'm stupid, nigga. Just a practice I've held on since I was younger.
I want to fall in love with a fembot and live happily ever after.
This post is fucking based.
You can change and become better.
I have the same delusion
its why i even bother to lurk this shithole
yes, i never show them to anyone but my father. last time i didnt keep my shit under wraps everyone was looking at me weird for like a week after.
Watch Maquia and you'll find out
Certain feelings. I am a diagnosed aspd, and though I lack empathy, I still feel sadness, anger, and love.
Most grills dont like feely guys
I just want the love of a female so bad. I just want to feel loved by a woman.. Why can't I have that?