Currently on day two of opiod withdraws. Waking up sweating and shaking. Constantly having a headache and am uncomfortable. Anyone else an addict or experience withdraws from their medications or recreational use? I will say being dope sick is not as bad as benzo withdraws but is still pretty shitty.
Currently on day two of opiod withdraws. Waking up sweating and shaking...
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11 days benzo withdrawal here, the anxiety and derealization is quite a fucking hassle.
you must have been getting high every day
11 days and you're still fucked up? you were taking way too much
Damn you must have been seriously fucked up the first couple of days off. Benzo withdraws are scary and I purposely try to avoid them unless I'm coming down. I wish I has some ativan or something easy to help me come off the dope
I was getting high about every other day and then I binged over the weekend and last got fucked up Sunday on some morphine. Woke up Monday in hell
former heroin addict here
go get some loperamide/immodium if you have stomach problems, it helps a lot. there isn't a whole lot you can do for the cravings/aches other than taking some advil. if you get hungry just eat toast with some butter, and just drink water or soda water. don't eat greasy food, don't eat sugary food, and don't drink stuff with caffeine (soda). it will just make you feel worse. if you're going absolutely crazy go take a hot shower and just sit down in the shower and soak up the warmth. take multiple showers if you want.
this will sound retarded but it's the only thing that worked for me when i was getting hot and cold flashes. you need a fan. cover yourself with a blanket, put your feet outside the blanket, and let the fan blow on your feet. seriously, sounds retarded, but it kind of worked for me.
Apparently a portion of opioid withdrawal is psychosomatic, so perhaps a positive attitude and deliberately avoiding malingering will help.
Yeah already taken two baths today. I need immodium but I don't have energy for shit. I had classes today and that was enough. Been drinking no sugar ginger ale and eating Cheerios, fruit, and chili. Advil and melatonin helps me sleep but I still manage to pass out every so often. The hot and cold sweats are the worst along with the neck and leg pains.
you're just going to have to deal with the leg pains. when i got off the shit it took like 4 months for my legs to feel somewhat normal again, but i was using for years...
Keep pushing man! Just another 48 hours and you'll be Thru worst of it. I've been there time and fucking time again and now exactly how you're feeling but it will pass Sooner than later. best of luck friendo.
t. Former homeless needle junkie
been drinking pretty heavy since I was 19 I'm 22 now my gut hurts but it's not stopping me from spending a few bucks at the corner store. I think I'm in a committed relationship with bud ice and my weed guy
weed does help if you can get some, but it could also give you an anxiety attack and make things 10x worse.
Haha the weed is the best thing for me right now. Luckily I have a ton of pot but I have been chiefing on a cart and it's the only thing that helps. I smoked a whole gram cart in two days going to smoke another.
Just keep drinking water and like, gatorade. Thats all I can suggest. You got this, brother. Keep truckin.
I was popping a bunch of hydrocodone for a while, but then I switched to kratom for the withdrawal. Then I had to withdrawal from the kratom.
Hi Ciara, how's your boyfriend doing?
why not just taper off?
Last summer I used to take an opioid painkiller for my shoulder. I took it for a whole month then gradually stopped. I had cramps and leg spasms for two weeks, especially at night. Some headaches and general lack of appetite, but nothing too unbearable.
Benzoyl withdrawal was so much worse. I was younger (16, I'm 23 now). I remember I kept waking up in the middle of the night, taking deep breaths felt impossible, I was totally confused (couldn't find my way around my own house), I couldn't give coherent answers to my parents. This happened every single night for about a week.
I stopped taking Xans out of the blue tho, I was afraid they were gonna fuck up my brain.
Yeah I have never taken benzos that hard but I have had mild withdraws once and it was hell I can't imagine long term use.
I had a hard time quitting the addies, was mainly psychological, felt I was nothing without it. At least you have control over your mind. Was never shitting myself red but was still hard. U got this buddy
Try alcohol withdrawal with a long history of sleep paralysis, and other sleep disorders. Ive been on and off the past four years as a binge drinker. Had three weight losses of forty pounds and will now be on my fourth. I plan to keep it off this time. I tried using Benadryl for my withdrawal to help me sleep around October last year and was tripping balls. I even quit my job because I was having serious auditory and visual hallucinations. Shit got even worse. Recently I have it up for the year to lose weight and get back on my feet but relapsed on Thursday last week because I ran out of weed so now I'm going through withdrawal. I usually drink about a fifth a day of whiskey or vodka along with some beers then just quit cold turkey Saturday and haven't slept since then. My whole body aches, I'm irritated, having disturbing thoughts and high strung. I honestly don't even think it's seriously that bad and mostly mental because one time a few years ago I remember drinking about a fifth a day or more and just stopping like I did recently and was able to sleep like a baby. Now I'm just angry and want to hurt the people that wronged me and are the reasons I do this shit to myself. The little things that make me happy are what keeps me sane and have Hope.
>I was popping a bunch of hydrocodone for a while, but then I switched to kratom for the withdrawal. Then I had to withdrawal from the kratom.
is kratom worth it?
This is so true. If I never researched withdrawal so much I don't think I'd be suffering as much right now, but another part of me believes I'd most likely be dead if I never researched preventative measures to fight the withdrawal symptoms.
I took a bunch of benadryl to trip last year and ended up having a seizure, good high tho
In my experience it makes things worse if you aren't physically active and don't eat healthy. I'm overweight now and haven't worked out in over a month so weed just made it worse for me. I was vaping oil cartridges within a day or two just trading one addiction for another and winding back on the sauce. I'm not putting anything unhealthy in my body other than regular vaping until the spring if I don't end up joining the army this year. As long as your physically active and eat pretty well weed is definitely a great option but I wouldn't recommend it. I would honestly just see a doctor.
I did it while going through alcohol withdrawal. At the job I quit I started tripping from the half life of the Benadryl and alcohol withdrawal and started hallucinating I had a second cell phone and that I could see though my eye lids. A few days later I was having extremely vivid and intense dreams, and even wound up having an imaginary battle with about thirty bugs crawling from under my bed and was in my living rooms spraying them with weed killer. I also ran around my neighborhood swinging around a snow scraper for a car thinking I was fighting these hybrid wasp queens that looked like something out of fucking Digimon.
>Pic very much related
This is sort of what I hallucinated one of the spirit realms looked like when I thought, and felt, like I was having and dying from a heart attack in my bed nodding out.
Lmao how the fuck. I did heroin (snort not IV) 9 days straight and was fine when I stopped. How long were you going every other day?
For like a year on and off but it all kind of hit me this week. I have had withdraws before but not like this. I was using heroin (snorting) and other opiates for about a year.
>is kratom worth it?
Kratom is kind of a shitty high, but it works. I actually does feel like opiates.
Also was using other drugs in between use. Haven't been sober for about 9 months
>Lmao how the fuck. I did heroin (snort not IV) 9 days straight and was fine when I stopped. How long were you going every other day?
>9 days
You didn't do shit, and I bet you took little baby bumps that wouldn't even get a 100 llb girl high.
Lmao okay big fella. Please accept me o junkie overlord.
Ah okay, I assumed it was a short period of time. Makes sense
Not a junkie. In just calling out an underage attention whore. The fact that you can't grasp how someone goes through withdrawal just because of your brief experiment shows how young you are, fagot.
look up high dose vitamin c therapy for withdrawal on youtube. might just change your life
a few days of heroin. Withdrew about a month ago and was only back on it for a week or so. Mostly just bored and wish I was high. Whatever, I have shit to do I guess.
yea you were swagging about before comparing your 9 days in a row like it was a pretty serious thing. Reality is real withdrawals dont set in until you've been using for a good long time
I was addicted to tianeptine sodium and experienced withdrawal when I quit. It's a weird antidepressant/opioid that you can order online. On leddit's "quitting tianeptine" forum they say it's "totes worse than heroin brotatochip". I have never done heroin but I doubt it is true, I think they exaggerated in the midst of their symptoms.
But it really was bad, I don't remember ever feeling that bad before. Less than 5 hours after I threw it away my legs were crawling. If I wasn't standing up, I could not stop moving my legs, I just couldn't. Everyone thought I had a cold cause I wouldn't stop sniffling and sneezing and shit.
And, what I really hated, if I was alone, I would start thinking of bad memories and friends I lost and I started fearing the future, thinking "what am I doing, tianeptine is all I have, I have no other pleasure in life, I deserve to have SOMETHING that makes me feel good". But I recognized that I didn't sincerely believe that, it was some reaction that part of my brain was having, trying to rationalize and make me jump in the dumpster and get it back.
I guess it's dumb, but, realizing that it "wasn't me" kinda strengthened my motivation to not give in.
I'm sure it's nothing compared to some of what you guys have felt but for me it was just bad. I never meant for it to happen, I was just using 50-75mg when I got home from work to relax, but then I was trying 150mg at work when I got stressed, and then I needed 300mg every few hours just because. I needed it.
Never really had withdrawals from morphine but the most I ever used it was like 5 days in a row. The withdrawal sounds bad but personally being on this stuff felt disgusting after a while and kind of like a torture in itself. The constant cloudy mind, itchiness and overall uncomfortable makes the high get boring real quick.
Our world is shaped by our thoughts and if you are in a state where you can't control them then it's best to create an environment where you can't think for yourself as much so distract yourself and focus on other things.
When I'm alone I can't rely on others to entertain me. I like listening to positive affirmation Youtube videos:
It's basically a voice that I use to replace my thoughts with. A man saying a bunch of relatable positive facts that can apply to anyone if you just start brainwashing yourself into believing it. The end goal is for your worldview to shift to a point where you can generate such thoughts for yourself and shift your focus from negative to positive even in the worst situation.
I heard Kratom works really good for this
lol... any fallout from these events?
>I was addicted to tianeptine sodium and experienced withdrawal when I quit. It's a weird antidepressant/opioid that you can order online. On leddit's "quitting tianeptine" forum they say it's "totes worse than heroin brotatochip". I have never done heroin but I doubt it is true, I think they exaggerated in the midst of their symptoms.
I tried tianeptine for a while thinking it would help my mood but it just made me kind of edgy and gave me weird tunnel vision. I was a bit angsty/angry while taking it. Idk how that shit is supposed to help with depression.
It's illegal in my state now, shit sucks