What are your hobbies Jow Forums?
Do you have any enjoyment from life?
What are your hobbies Jow Forums?
Do you have any enjoyment from life?
I enjoy babbling with my only internet friend and listening to music, but what I enjoy the most is sleeping.
full time collegefag
youtube and anime
books on my redding list
my hobby is begging femanons to be my gf. its a pretty good hobby
Thinking about way to kill myself and thinking about what Im going to do after work only to sit on this forsaken site instead of playing vidya
I like to produce music in my spare time. Just released an album a few days ago, actually
I unironically collect Funko POPs, comics, and study animation fluidity.
The most important thing you can do for yourself is keep your own life in order. You can at least be a hardworking and competent person, and not a miserable, delusional slob. Inflammatory politicized garbage from the internet doesn't have to be a defining factor of your life and identity. Why let strangers who do not care one shit about your wellbeing determine who you are and what you think about yourself?
Always remember: we live in first world nations and sill have opportunities that most people born on this planet do not. Things aren't as good for us as they were for our parents. But billions of people in the third world would kill to have the opportunities that you do right now. So take care of yourself! Work your ass off, every day, to build a good life for you, and for your family. You have the power to create yourself. Clear your mind of self destructive thoughts, and keep yourself focused on realistic goals. Nothing on a screen should ever take away from your real life.
Have a link? I'm bored and willing to give a listen.
Uni student. In my free time I like to read, play vidya, Dj, and take photos
- debating people on the internet
- reading the news
- reading history, science
- cooking
I saw this while in the middle of thinking about what hobbies I can take up so that I can do something when I get home from work other than the only thing I ever do: porn/masturbate until bedtime with Jow Forums breaks during the refractory period
anyone got good recs for a situation like this?
Why do you enjoy history? I like the idea of it but find it extremely tedious to read
Unironically might've just saved my life user. Although sometimes I struggle woth just beginning anything
i listen to music
i smoke pipe
i sample fragrances
i play videogames
i like debating with people on the internet
those are things i do to kill boredom. could i call any of them hobbies? i dont know, im not full time.
>What are your hobbies Jow Forums?
chess, languages. I used to write / record music, but it was all pretty bad and weird and i hardly ever finished anything.
>Do you have any enjoyment from life?
no. life sucks and i wish i was rich
I enjoy lifting
>you have been muted for 2 seconds, because your comment was not original.
>Why do you enjoy history?
helps me understand what's going on today
Distil alcohol and get drunk
how the fuck do you enjoy it?
i've been lifting for almost a year, and i still hate it
I like seeing myself get stronger, seeing the numbers go up, seeing the physical changes in myself. I like pushing myself physically. Also it makes me feel better, like gives me more self confidence.
There's a couple people I'm acquaintances with at my gym since I've been there for a while and its not really big that I say hey to if I see them there, but for the most part I just show up, put my headphones in, and do what I need to do. Its nice to just be able to turn my brain off for 1-1.5 hours.
Idk how you could hate it after going as long as you have, because eventually its just like part of your routine.
i love the results, i hate the actual lifting weights part.
i've been going on/off for 7 years. i usually last 6 months to a year, then stop going for one reason or another and lose all of the strength. then start back up and repeat the process over and over again. it's a cycle
i used to do sports (my parents forced me) back in middle & high school, didn't enjoy those either. the only exercise i enjoy at all is walking. i still work out though, even though the actual activity is totally undesirable
i am absolutely jealous, consider yourself privileged
Usually trying to boot strap things. Minimal or just salvaging things to create a start up of some sort. The problem isn't capitalism. It's just that people would rather buy fidget spinners than live saving medical devices. Ideas and things you can make are just worthless. Life is pointless. You might as well just buy fidget spinners created in China that cause all the pollution, then resell them to someone China has difficulty selling to for a mark up than doing anything worth while in life. Cultures just fucked, especially the people that think they're not part of the problem. They turn into weird cults that are just super anti anything and they're practically just as bad as what they don't want to be.
I collect records and play melee like an autist with my only friend.
Just sitting around drinking beer and practicing tech skills for hours is the comfiest ever. Only thing that ruins it is not having one to play with Irl since we moved to separete colleges.
I pay 2 win on a World of Warcraft classic private server. Currently waiting on my next paycheck to blow some cash getting new gear. Can't wait.
I hike, write, draw. That's pretty much it. Not much but it keeps me busy and somewhat happy. Can't really do so much hiking these days though.
I am pretty simple, just play games, watch anime and play tabletop simulator with my online friends. I wish I had a hobby or skill but o well
i like making music and lifting and hiking, and juggling sometimes. besides that i just look for dopamine high from food or masturbation. i would do drugs but i'm both too poor socially to have contacts and i'm a pussy.
I enjoy flying recreationally and still in highschool (18)
You'd think being a pilot would get all the grills but it's simply not true desu
How can I into this at 19? Seems really fucking cool but I wear contacts
>Can't really do so much hiking these days
why not?
My lungs are fucked.
Contacts aren't a problem, I am a sport/experimental pilot, so no planes over 600kg, and have to be able to drive a car in terms of fitness. It differs by country, these apply in AUS. I assume you're US? FAA should have no problem with contacts if you're a private pilot but I don't know about commercial/ATP
I like driving, fixing things, and thinking.
good music is always a plus
I dont like sleeping. The fact that I have to spend almost half of my lifetime unconscious just so I can try not to feel miserable for the other half fucking sucks dudes.