Jow Forums food thread

Post what you’re eating lads

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what're ya in fer

An apple and a ham sandwich cause poor

Same exact post on Jow Forums stick to one board you double nigger

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I dunno what the fuck that is, I wanna say it's currynigger shit but because it's not all slopped together it makes me think it's probably more western, in any case looks like hot shit that ethnics like to boast about being evidence of great culture.

Are you in prison?

plain fried rice with eggs

tasty 300 calories

Nah, prison serves better than fhis.

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not OP, and GIS just thought it was only naan, so that's fail. clockwise from the upper left, that looks like lentils and maybe okra, hard to tell; chicken and broccoli (could be paneer or tofu instead, can't tell); cauliflower, peas and potato; naan; some unknown slop on the bottom; calamari

brown rice, quinoa, kidney beans, vegetarian refried beans, salsa, turkey, hot sauce.

It is currynigger shit, OP is a poo in the loo

>Chicken breast with broccoli
>cauliflower with peas
>beans chilli Indian style
>onion rings and squid fry
>Parotha(like Indian naan/roti)

What do you think of soups and stews? I think of starting cooking em since bland dry chicken breasts are the fucking worst and I think it will turn out great in a soup. Tried this on a cut?

Best post-workout breakfast?

Need some new ideas bros. Help me out.

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fucking based holy shit

Nice, eating good Organ meats on a I suppose carnivore Diet.

I have not read much into it, but coming from a Keto background I ask myself why do some Carnivores eat Honey?

It's an "Ànimal Product" I get that. But it's pretty much just a bunch of different carbohydrates mixed with a fuckton of different Trace Minerals, enzymes and Vitamines etc but in extremely low quantity.

When you only eat Meat, Fish, Organs and the likes, you will certainly go into Ketosis pretty soon. Why keep yourself out of it with the sugars from Honey?

Or is it some kind of post workout targeted Keto where you "fill up Glycogen" with the Honey?