Be me, 9 years old

>be me, 9 years old
>get minecraft for the first time, best game I've ever owned
>after school I'd grab my dad's laptop and play minecraft for hours
>play until dinner was ready then would climb into bed later
>sometimes I'd play minecraft at night on the weekends

I fucking miss being a kid now. Having zero worries as you load into your first singleplayer world with pure happiness when you see it. I want to experience it again, but knowing I'll never.

What changed anons?

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As a 9 years old you couldn't really do the following

>Get laid
>Go travel in awesome places
>Do massive amount of drugs
>Make friends in remote/urban places around the globe
>list goes on...

All in all, it's all perspective. you ain't locked where you are at. If you decided tomorrow morning the leave where you live to go fulfill your could. It's just really scary to do so.

That was my childhood but with world of warcraft, greatest time ever, no responsibilities but raid night and getting somewhat passing grades. No bills to pay, no work just easy school days with friends and late nights with my guild

We grew up user, I'm sorry

3 out of 4 of those are garbage reasons for why things have changed. The only one that makes sense is making friends. Superficial events and occurrences that happen in your life; travel, sex, psychedelics, they're all meaningless without truly being happy first and foremost. These things bring nothing but a temporary rush of dopamine, the only thing you really have to ask yourself is why are you unhappy.

The only one that makes sense is making friends.
>Yes which travelling helps with. If you're stuck in a town and can't make friend or in game you can't make friends anymore then what do you do?

they're all meaningless without truly being happy first and foremost
>Yes and no, These event helps sometimes going through rough moments. and can and will bring temporary rush of dopamine but can also alter the way you see things and life (mushroom for example)

I am not saying that these things aren't valuable or helpful at times, I am saying that they have no fulfillment towards you being truly happy. Even friendship sometimes cannot help you, the only aspects of finding your way to happiness is understanding how to be happy to begin with. Drugs are merely a placebo, and yes, sometimes they can help open a gateway to thinking, but they are not that every time, and often enough people find themselves on a darker path in life because of them, a never ending addiction and handicap that merely lets you escape reality. As for sex, it's a meaningless dopamine rush without the dynamic of a partner you care for, love. It's merely a crutch or addiction that will only end in your destruction when it serves nothing but iniquity, especially if you cannot control it. Travelling I can somewhat cede on, but travelling really does not matter to how you can make friends. The internet is not quarantined place (at least if you don't live in Europe or China), so you can make the best of it and play a new game, go on a new website, find new people in other crevices of this virtual space. And anyone can travel to other places, have you ever heard of walking?

I wish I could go back to 2006. I was a comfy year and the last year of blissful childhood for me.


I'm too old for this fucking site

underage b&, minecraft came out in 2011

Thought the same thing and I'm only 23

I miss that like hell. I'm gonna go back for classic and I'm gonna be psyched and all my friends from back then are gonna say "what the hell, user, why would you ever want to do that?" I miss when we were all losers back in 2007 and we could stay up till the servers went down. None of them miss it, they all found shit they like a lot better in the real world.

Feel the Boom.
t. 32

I'm a youth leader at my church, and I tell the youth there to cherish their childhood while they have it. Responsibilities suck.

As if any of the fags on this board are going to do any of that.

>Minecraft was in open development as far back as 2009

I feel you friend..its going to ruin my life and career, but it's okay, I'm okay with that because I'll be happy

I wish I could have raided back then but my mom had a habit of calling me into the other room for something completely stupid and if I didn't drop everything and run right then she threw a screaming fit which often led to me being banned from the computer.

I didn't even try, even asking her for any amount of time undisturbed made her livid and reply 'if I call, you WILL answer me, no exceptions!'

I messed around with a girl of the same age when I was 9.

Itll be back soon friend and you'll experience true wow, not this selfie camera, panda faggot bullshit, you'll experience all of it in it's TRUE glory

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I"m too fucking old for this site.

I can only hope, I haven't played since wrath (where I did raid a little as I was in college at this point)

the world is yours, you just forgot it out of being sheltered... go camping for once...

Do not worry, you will

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