Does anyone else casually talk about sex with their female friends?
Does anyone else casually talk about sex with their female friends?
I used to have a female friend that I did that with. She was a promiscuous free spirit, and had no boundaries with stuff like that. She's the only girl I've ever kissed too, but we still were only ever friends. We haven't talked in a while now because she was stupidly progressive/liberal, and we often argued about politics, so I wanted to distance myself from her. Also, I started worrying about falling for her, as, again, she's the only girl who's ever shown me any romantic affection.
uhm, no. no one here has real friends, let alone "female" friends
there are a few, yeah. the conversations get awkward after a while, though. just depends on the person.
The difference with me is that we've been friends for years, so we're platonic friends and she has a bf. Still if I bring up sex we'll talk about it like it's a completely normal conversation.
Never thought I'd be possible to be just friends with a girl.
Yes. Sometimes we used to send each other porn. We stoped. I think she might've felt uncomfortable. Great faps though. Would've loved to watch porn with her or something.
Yeah, my wife and I talk about putting it in her pooper all of the time.
Your hand has a pooper? Weird.
That is great to watch porn with a girl. I watched porn with a Muslim girl online before.
No, but I do put my hand in my pooper too, sometimes.
>female friends
What are those?
fucking normies, with their fucking whore friends and wives
That shit haram my dude, she's gonna go to hell now and it's your fault.
It's when you've been friends with a girl for so long you can't really see fucking with her for one reason or the other. Like a bro with a vagina.
Females who are safe to talk to because they're in a relationship and they know you're too much of a beta male to try to steal them away.
Also, .
It's a normal thing to do, everyone does it
I can't help it, I have a craving for Arab/Muslim girls.
some chicks wanted to measure my dick once in my senior year of HS and i didnt really care so i went with it.
i was apparently in their top 2, which was neat
>tfw only measured 2 guys
I had a friend like that in high school. She was an alcoholic stacy with a man's frame of mind. We'd talk about porn and shit like that. I miss her.
>for one reason or the other
Like being retarded and/or unattractive?
Yeah, so being retarded and/or unattractive.
What's the point of being friends with girls? They kinda suck aside from the whole bobs/vagene thing
>having friends
kill yourself normalfaggot
>only women suck
true enlightenment comes when you realize the entirety of humanity is just shit
Only with one who I have that type of friendship with.
>female friends
If a female friend openly talks about sex with you and you're not fucking or flirting then that means you're completely emasculated in her eyes and she views you as sexual non-entity.
I'm on good terms with my ex and her new gf. We are all quite open about sex. Had them over for drinks last week, my ex got me a bunch of condoms because they are trying to get me laid. Planning on clubbing with them this week. The three of us also have plans to go to a stripclub together which all of my friends find really fucking strange
but i don't even got any male friends...
The only time I had close female friends was in high school so we didn't have much to talk about aside from the fact that we were both virgins.
dude brah sex lmao
>Does anyone else casually talk about sex with their female friends?
sex and relationships is pretty much all we talked about when we were not dealing with school or work.
I have no female friends and no sex. The only people I casually talk to at all are anons.
I use to. I guess I just fuck women if it's convenient if I'm drunk or something. If they want a relationship they can just go make someone else miserable. I won't talk about that sort of thing if I think they want a relationship.
Is this a larp thread or has Jow Forums changed demographics this much?
That's not being just friends, she sounds like a promiscuous progressive "live and let live" hippie bitch that will never settle down and will age into a miserable human being. Good riddance.
I don't have any female friends. im a fuckin wizard
please god give me sauce
One of my female friends likes to casually talk about sex with me despite being well aware that I'm a virgin (I make jokes about it semi-regularly). She told me the other night that her and her boyfriend are trying to quit having sex so often but they broke down and bought some rope at Spencer's.
I sometimes wonder if she hangs out with me solely because she knows how sexually frustrated I am.
Maybe she likes to tease you
Yes, and every time I feel dead inside cuz in Mf virgin
Yeah, probably. I try to jerk off to it when I go home (she likes touching me a lot, but not in like a sexual way) but all I can think about is how good she's getting fucked by her whitebread pussyboy bf and it just turns me off.
I fucking hope the retarded incels who only talk about hating women and comlain about being incels are gone
Yeah they are annoying but why are a bunch of dudebro college kids using this board to talk about their vibrant social lives?
Not disagreeing, but I also didn't say only women suck
Regardless, in my experience, men tend to make far more entertaning company
But I'm a guy, so we generally share the same interests/hobbies
Yes. I joke about it with her because I secretly want her really bad and I make jokes about making her cum which she thinks is a joke but somehow satisfies me somehow
>Was going to mention how I only talk to a female friend about sex maybe twice a year
>Remember posts about how people here haven't spoken to a woman in a decade
>Remember a guy in a bar tell me he can't even say hello to women after he see's me talking to one for 3 seconds
I'm bi and I casually talk about sex with everyone
Only the ones I'm fucking.
Some dude posting his gf on /b/, here's the only other i got