User why do you have pictures of shirtless men in your phone?

>user why do you have pictures of shirtless men in your phone?

Attached: istockphoto-183256494-612x612.jpg (612x420, 27K)

I'm homosexual, is there a problem?

It's me you stupid whore

The fuck you going thru my phone for, bitch?

*backhands her*

Now go fetch me and ice water, WITH ICE

because of women like you
the female sex used to be something I wanted to fuck and marry
but since feminism you've becoming a disgusting slug
i now fuck men, I dominate them.
It rases my testosterone like nothing else and I dont have to deal with your crazy shit all the time
fuck off whore

Attached: Gintoki-Toshirou-gintama-31729501-360-260.gif (360x260, 284K)

>feminisim made me gay
thats gonna be a _____ from me dawg

fuck off tranny

If your masculinity appears to be so frail, then a girl just might ask that. Otherwise, no, she would know you are not gay.

>inb4 projecting
my ass

>If your masculinity appears to be so frail
women are not allowed here

it's not gay to admire the majestic muscular male body bro, what are you? a faggot?

Based and boipilled

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You get the rope faggot

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Faggots will be left to drown

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> razes testosterone

brainlet fail


>tfw your cringe revenge fantasy is spoiled by a homo just like last time

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tfw I only have pics of braphogs

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Ok schlomo

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Those are my pictures dumbass.
And why in the fuck are you looking through my phone, I told you to not touch my phone without my permission.

Absolutely based. Faggots need to leave the board

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this and dont forget the water

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How to achieve this mode?

God what I would do to the girl in OP's pic...

I only have pics of Mommy:)

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>no ebba akerlund
eh 6/10

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Fuck off back to plebbit

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Because i’m bisexual
>mfw in reality i’m straight but women for some reason drool after lgbt men

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Stop spending so much time online retard. No woman wants a faggot for her boyfriend.

> not being gay
> anno domini

I guess they like what they can’t have


Nothing based about being a fag you nigger

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>user, what are all those fat women doing on your phone
>don't you like me the way I am?

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Why? Would you like it to have some of yours naked photos on my phone? I'm won't mind tho.

>in my phone


>fat in my phone

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wink wink

I have pics of chubby women sorry

Attached: 1457720290265.png (700x678, 313K)

I have 1554 pictures of muscular half-naked men
I will not apologize

Who the fuck are you?

god I want to FUCK Gintoki