>33 year old virgin
>seeing 37 year old woman I met online
>brought her over to my house for the first time
>she saw my hobby room
>she was completely taken aback
>later that night
>cooking dinner for both of us and we're talking
>topic of my room came up
>she told that I'm too old to have a room full of video games and toys
>she told me I should get rid of it or sell it
>I told her I didn't want to do that
>she continued to try and convince me to it
>said absolutely not
>ended up having our first argument
>she said I'll never get anywhere in life if I don't grow up
>I told her if she hates that part of me so badly then she can leave
>she asked me if I was serious
>I told her yes and asked her to leave
>she called me a little boy then left
>thought we were over forever
>a week later she contacts me
>she said she was too harsh and apologized for what she said
>she says she won't bring it up and wants to get back together
Should I give her a second chance?
33 year old virgin
no dont waste your time on such trivial shit
Yeah sure, why not? If she's willing to accept you, then that's fine, innit?
she sounds like a nagging bitch, who will do that until the end of time; so no, dunk that roasty in the trash.
Absolutely not. She's right though, but she's fucking crazy and should of just v not said anything and politely left later like a rational logical woman who didn't want to get chopped up
This thread has been made many times, it is a copypasta
She's right you know, stop being a manchild.
Definitely give her a second chance. Are you guys planning to have sex soon?
do newfags really not recognize this pasta
We were probably going to that night if we didn't fight.
Why do people do copypastas just to troll newfags?
Trips of absolute wisdom
Yes, at least fuck her and lose you virginity and then decide wether you still want to be with her or not.
Women are like that sometimes, she was just trying to see if she could control you.
If she brings it up just break up on the spot with her.
You could just post evidence and the thread. Show the original. If you can't then shut up and stop shitting up every thread.
No you sure as fuck shouldn't.
Find someone actually worth your time, what you spend your free time doing isn't her business.
dude why do you have a room full of video game stuff anyways? just play vidya, whats the merch for?
yes, give her a second chance in my opinion. you should get rid of that shit
Why should he get rid of any of it? Legitimately curious, give me a solid justified reason.
Fucking shit tests. I think women are hypocrites for pulling that manipulative crap.
She doesn't deserve a second chance, really.
She's only coming back to you because she knows she's old and dried up and you're one of the few men who's given her a chance.
She WILL bring up your "hobby room" again, and she WILL bitch about it and try to convince you to get rid of it. It's only a matter of time.
If you actually do decide to take her back, only do it until you lose your virginity. Then kick her out again.
i dont think the real issue is the videogames and toys, she just wants you to assume the role of the man when you will need to. she just sees videogames and toys as a red flag on that regard.
although you should grow up, dumb anime shit.
Depends. Are you trying to marry this girl or just fuck? If its the latter, just ignore it, have fun, and toss her aside when you're done. Shes not marrying material.
Having a room full of useless clutter is generally a bad thing. Playing video games is fine but keeping an entire room full of plastic will become a burden.
She doesn't accept him and she never will. She hasn't known him long enough to know that he has a room in his house dedicated to a hobby of his and she's telling him, the night she finds out, that it's stupid and he needs to get rid of it? Fuck that. If they stay together she will ALWAYS be insecure about his the things he is interested in and getting him to stop will always be in the back of his mind.
OP you did the right thing. There are women out there who will support your hobbies and interests without denigrating you for them, find them.
Its not useless to him though, it makes him happy.
copypasta or not, I'll answer genuinely because this can be applied to different things.
yes, give her a second chance if she actually is okay with it. tell her there's nothing wrong with asking about it but she was prudish to demand you drop your hobby, especially when you only met recently. explain to her why you value your belongings (without going off on an autistic tangent). if you have stuff in your hobby room that's of little importance and/or could be sold for a lot of money, consider selling some of it to show you are capable of compromising with her.
Outside of the video games, very little of is video game related. I have a lot of old Transformers, G.I. Joe, Lego toys and miscellaneous anime stuff, mainly robots. I like mecha. I also have a lot of D&D stuff.
That was a legitimate reason and it didnt even involve shaming OP for his hobbies. Copping out by mentioning how it makes him feel is pretty cheap of you.
nope, keep as many assholes as you can out of your life.
fuck no nigga
she's just butthurt that u disregard femoids to play vidya and masturbate to anime. there's nothing wrong with that.
OP do you have a job and do you live with your parents?
It wasn't though because you missed the point of a hobby. All hobbies were worthless wastes of time and money, that's not the point.
I have a job.
My parents are dead.
I didnt say he had to quit or stop altogether or have to learn a skill. It seems like you missed the point.
>33 year old virgin
At that point seriously consider visiting a high class prostitute. Spoil yourself and bust a nut in prime pussy. (should you happen to be american dont pay four digits for it you might as well fly out to east asia/europe at that point)
>seeing 37 year old woman I met online
Dont date women older than you and especially dont date women in their 30s they are all mentally ill with their biological clock ringing like crazy
good to know lul
Like almost anything, it depends on context.
Does OP want a gf or wife? That shit has to go unless he finds the perfect woman. Relationships are about sacrifice.
Is OP content with an occasional fuck or no relationship at all? Let him keep his autism room. It brings him more joy than some bullshit relationship would.
Wait I'm not OP but I'm into older woman hundred percent, why is it bad to be with them? Need honest advice
>women in their 30s they are all mentally ill
anonymous, everyone could probably be diagnosed with some sort of mental defect if you really look hard enough.
>any girl that tries to give you an ultimate
>she is stupid enough to do so before you even got sex with
lol wut?
You should bang her, but no dice on ANY sort of relationship beyond fwb
older women are just as bad as younger thots. to add to that she will have taken a million more dicks by that point in her life, she just doesnt have the option of going after chads due to hitting the wall. she will still want him though
It doesn't matter if you prefer it or not as long as you're not planning on having kids with them, I guess.
There could be stuff I don't know about, though.
>relationships are about sacrifice
I make the money, I buy whatever I want
also they know they arent as young as they used to be so they are aware they can still at least pull people in who are into older women and they will exploit that
Western women are certifiably insane because they live in a bubble during their youth simply because men wanna fuck them and go along with their bullshit.
When they hit the wall during their 30s and suddenly the reality of things kicks in along with being the old slut in the club, her body going crazy from the hormonal shift its a really ugly site to behold.
There is a reason suicide rates in women during their 30s is rising
Hey man, that's totally your right. Just don't expect to bring someone into your life and accept you 100%.
fuckin copypasta, haven't seen it in a while though OP
Based, you put that bitch in line and now you have the upper hand in the relationship.
You should take her back. This is isnt like some cheating red flag where its cucked to concede. No she had to concede to you, its game on.
Id say yes, she clearly wants whats best for you, she was just too direct about it.
People keep saying this but there's nothing resembling his post on the archive or on google.
GTFO your basement
i am
by Jow Forumss standards i would probably be considered a normie/chad. bitches are completely insane. not surprising since they were lied to all their lives and now its all crashing down on them
>>she told that I'm too old to have a room full of video games and toys
30 year old girl here. fuck me instead. i want that room. what do you have in it? id loooove to take your virginity. I love a nerd because then we'd have interests and hobbies in common.
That's because its not a copypasta. Things just happen to multiple people. This isn't even a rare enough occurrence to yell copypasta. This is just a hag being a hag.
please pay attention to my post OP.
what in the actual fuck is going on
>30 year old girl here.
okay why doubt??
Not him but I have a few glass cases for my blu rays, gundams, figures, and games, plus a few framed albums.
Doesnt sound like much but its pathetic how much money ive poured into it
Are you a girl or a girl (boy)?
Hilariously not an original comment.
Well what other options does he have? Will those women who enjoy things like that, ever find him? Will he find them?
I have my doubts, considering where we are and OPs age and virginial status.
This sounds an awful lot like the plot to The 40 Year Old Virgin
yeah dude you stood your ground and didn't give into her shit test, she came crawling back it means she likes you. this is how women work I'm afraid, welcome to the shit.
If she is not willing to take the fact that you have these interest leave her
No it sounds really impressive
Tomboy girl.
>37 year old woman
>took her a week to realize she didn't have any option other than to settle with a guy whose hobbies she's disgusted by
You're a 33 year old virgin. So, yes, yes you should.
>Should I give her a second chance?
Yes, she wanted to see if you would let her own you. You didn't and passed the test.
Now this is bait
Origggy diggy
>Nobody asked for pics of the room
Post hobby room, op
Nah man, what happened was that she evaluated her other options, they didnt work out and now she is hitting you up for a second round. Dont fall for it my guy
yea she admits shes at fault. give her a chance man
Bone her honestly she is clearly down
>Should I accept someone who doesn't accept my lifestyle without some reservation and a need to reconcile difference over time
Yes, this is a normal relationship, OP. You did the alpha thing by telling her to leave and she respected you for it. Take her back and act like it never happened.
God, you sound like a controlling sociopath who reads too much war theory... I kinda like it
No one fall for this story, OP is just retelling the plot of the 40 year old virgin
Holy shit I got GOT
Well played, OP
no, what a fucking bitch, any woman who is going to judge you over something trivial like this is a fucking looser
year old virgin
>>she told that I'm too old to have a room full of video games and toys
Hmmmmm, could there be a connection.
naw OP you asserted yourself and she respects your dominance in the situation. take her back. She knows you're in charge and now shes better than ever because shes not gonna question you.
This is literally the plot to 40 year old virgin