Is the carnivore diet dangerous?
Is the carnivore diet dangerous?
What's really dangerous is the food pyramid. Did you know it's funded by the whole grains industry? The ancient greeks thought grains were food for slaves. But go ahead, eat your 18 recommended serves of whole grains per day and only 2 serves of meat. Did you know that since the food pyramid came out, obesity and diabetes have gone up? Checkmate, "balanced" diet fags
It's dangerous for (((plant-based))) faggots and their ideology.
shes almost 50 eating carnivore for 20 years
She was probably a vegan for the first 30 years of her life so that's why she looks so healthy. She probably had a bad breakup at 30 and became severely mentally ill.
carnivores btfo
It is for my dinner.
I feel like shit when I eat too much meat. I keep it about 250g per day, some would argue that this is also too much but it feels fine.
Every now and then, I think to myself " This meat sure looks good, I should not be a vegetarian" but then I remember that meet is fucking disgusting and I don't regret not eating it for the last fifteen years at all.
The food pyramid was created by the US department of agriculture, not the department of health. Guess whose interests they have in mind.
dont eat kidneys, fucking disgusting
I guess it`s safe to say you`ll die someday from it.
cant be proven
What kind of "meat" do you eat?
grainfed bullshit meat?
>Shill does not listen to his own instincts that has been developed over thousands of years
why? I'd rather eat kidneys than liver
She is probably just a fake carnivore and secretly eats plants. Every carnivore is either fake or running into serious health problems within a couple of years.
You can do it short term but in the long run your body will be depleted of nutrients. All these Youtube carnivores eat plants off camera.
nutrients like what? also I'm sure almost any carnivore would admit eating seasonal local fruit and berries is okay.
Grain is not the natural diet of those animals and is why they get sick so easily and have to be fed antibiotics.
what? Carnivore has every nutrient you need, I don't think even vegans deny this.
Why does it always have to be one or the other. Why wouldn't you just eat both meat and vegetables/fruit to get all your nutrition?
Well because believers of the carnivore diet advocate that fruits, nuts and seeds are harmful and cause inflammation
Mankind did pretty well for something like 100,000 years killing and eating large mammals. It’s literally what we were made to do. Domesticationof grains allowed for the creation of “civilization” and it’s been downhill for “man” ever since.
Vegetables and fruit are both man made gmo shit for the most part
dangerous? no.
it's a meme though.
I always felt like I had to shit, but nothing would come out when I sat on the toilet.
always felt like I was on the verge of shitting myself.
movements never felt satisfying/emptying.
and gym recovery was worse.
felt so much better when I added fruits and dairy.
>muhh ancestors
you think a hunter wouldn't have eaten berries he found while on the prowl? lol
you think the hunt would always be succesful? lol
you think the women and children would just sit idle at the camp while the men hunted instead of gathering any edible plants nearby? lol
Is it normal not to shit for a month on carnivore? I eat 2,500 calories a day of fatty meat and I literally have not shit once in a month, but I don't feel constipated at all.
>spend all day hunting nutritious meat
>meanwhile women are feeding poisonous berries to your children
Enjoy your colon cancer
What would adding fruits into your diet provide other than sugar and a few calouries? You can have dairy on the carnivore diet also...
Of course it's a meme
90% of their evidence is anecdotes and ass-pull "muh ancestor" shit
you shouldnt shit once a month, should be shitting a few times a week.
>hundreds of thousands of years eating meat based diet
>suddenly its bad
Where would you get your vitamin C? Carbohydrates? I'm not saying don't do it, but I would rather go more towards the paleo diet than try this all-or-nothing opposite of vegetarianism diet. Seems kind of like Jow Forums meme fad material to me.
few times a day*
Vitamin C reqirements are next to none when not consuming carbs. Theres plenty of vitamin c in animal based products.
But yea theres no real reason to go full carnivore unless you have intolerances.
Probably. Either way it's retarded and impractical
You can try eating more fat. But yeah you're not going to shit as often generally. I also don't sometimes shit for a few days but I feel light all the time, not bloated or backed up.
Then they aren't carnivores.
you do realise shit is just waste product of the food you eat right? If your shitting a few times a day pretty much all the food you're eating is not being absorbed or digested at all.
>muh ancestors
Do you think wild animals never get sick?
They're much more vulnerable than our livestock even without antibiotics.
if you're shitting only a few times a week it doesn't mean your absorbing more food, means your bowel movements are slow, some people have faster bowel movements.
The issue with restrictive diets like vegan/keto/carnivore is that they often attract people with 0 discipline that are looking for a "magic pill" that's gonna solve all their problems.
I'm opposed to all forms of restrictive dieting, I think the BEST diet for any lifter is one that they can reliably sustain and tailor to their goals. For most people, a restrictive diet that cuts out certain macronutrients is gonna develop a terrible relationship with food.
The carnivore diet in particular is unsustainable for the majority of recreational lifters, not everyone can afford to eat grass fed beef every fucking day. Its health claims are also dubious, see Shawn Baker's blood test results on the JRE podcast.
there's vitamin c in meat, it wasn't tested for though which is why none of the databases reflect any.
there's no such thing as an essential carbohydrate. your body creates glucose from fat if you don't eat any.
Wild animals do not get sick. Have you ever heard of a wild carnivore getting I'll?
no. Lions do not get ill, nor do humans on carnivore diets as we become immune to inflammation.
Lmao wtf is wrong with you retards.
It's not normal to go days without shitting. Also how DYEL are you that you aren't consuming enough food for at least one shit a day?
I've yet to see a single one of these carnivore trolls post a body pic. Clearly it's done wonders for their physique
The comical part is they will cite high meat Innuit diets as "natural."
Ok, look at hunter gatherers in the jungle and dry regions of Africa and LA. They eat mostly plants. Innuit are adapted to an extreme enviornment.
Being a carnitard seems to coorelate very high with thinking global warming is fake and that Africans are just genetically dumber, explainining their poverty.
1. Evidence for global warming is great, and even aside from that, 95+% of meat is grown using grain feed and that is definitely environmentally destructive and leads to retarded land use (inb4 99% of Jow Forums only eats $20 a pound all grass fed, free range meat produced on ideal grazing land).
2. If Africans are less intelligent (good evidence for that) then it is because Eurasians evolved higher intelligence. Why? Because they lived in larger more complex agricultural societies. So they evolved different skin color, eye shape, and intelligence over 15,000 years, but then no changes to adapt to an agricultural diet?
Innuit and other peoples who were HGs until the 20th century have insane alcoholism and diabetes rates because they never adapted to agriculture. Why do retards think their body is naturally adapted to extremely high meat diets only found in peoples who spent thousands of years in the Arctic?
>immune to inflammation
>wild animals never get sick
go feed a lion a salad and see what happens
>Wild animals do not get sick
Yes they fucking do.
Diseases and viruses existed long before us.
even cats eat plants bro
you're a brainlet.
the sick animals are the ones that get picked off by the predators.
the reason the predator doesn't contract the illness is because the stomach acid is strong enough to neutralize most disease.
not him but hes right. You never see an animal in nature dying to sickness or disease because they're immune systems are perfect for the enviroment they live in
>immune to your bodies natural healing response
have fun not healing without inflammation lol.
>the youtube man said he felt good on carnivore so its good for you
So this is your brain on meat
you never see an animal in nature dying to sickness because your not watching animals in nature lmao. All you ever see in nature documentaries is animals that can be captured, not the ones dieing in a hole.
I pretty much live on a diet of chicken/salmon/cod and Jasmine rice/sweet potato and I feel fantastic all of the time. I’ll have smoothies with greens in them from time to time.
When hunting season comes back around I may try carnivore, but honestly I don’t know why I’d want to give up jasmine rice it’s so fucking good
only about 25% of grains grown globally go to livestock, the majority of that being grains deemed unfit for human consumption due to quality control.
>You never see an animal in nature dying to sickness or disease
You fucking do. See pic.
Also don't pretend you're not samefagging, you made the same grammatical error in the previous post.
>95+% of meat is grown using grain feed
>inb4 hurr disease spread by humans.
50 years old. Lifetime vegan.
Also, doesn't smoke, drink or dude drugs
Damn africans throwing grains and corn at lions
Enjoy being frail, nutrient deficient and low test
If it ain't broke don't fix it; carnitards are way too extremist. Most are dyel as fuck without roids as well.
All Irish meat, and pretty much the same can be said for UK meat is grass fed free range meat, only america is cucked by hormone fed shit meat, have fun eating cancer amerimutts. Here in Europa we have the good shit, yet again Europa +1 US of Mutt -1
I eat meat moron. Just not "only meat"
so how would the population suddenly decline to disease if disease has always killed them?
Lemme just go observe an animal population for months or even years to study their mortality and reproductive rates. You don't see sick animals because they are SICK, they are either naturly obscured from your car window view or dead. It may occur far less often than factory farm animals who are always in such close proximity to each other and epidemics spread quickly.
Disease was always a problem but increased due to the other stressors.
t. vegan myself, but know its an unnatural diet
>see Shawn Baker's blood test results on the JRE podcast
Baker talks about his results at length in this podcast:
'Natural' is a meaningless buzzword anyway
>human interference
they're not living naturally anymore. I wanted proof that viruses and disease existed before us or even before civilization. Anything?
exactly, other stressors have caused a rise in disease. Lions havent always been dying to disease so frequently
Pls post body OP.
I need a good laugh and want to see what kind of gullible retards follow this shit
Yeah, and it's pure cope and denial
>Yeah, I have the test levels of a 100yo, b-but that's actually a good thing!
why so? A natural diet is what you evolved to eat meaning it is therefore the best diet for your health.
ofc but without the convenience of modern day luxuries like supplements and worldwide fruit and veg imports veganism would be impossible.
>bring me proof of biology pre man or I stand correct
Astounding logic and reasoning
This is why nobody likes vegans.
>It's not normal to go days without shitting.
Eating undigestable fiber causes shits. When you eat carnivore almost everything gets digested and used. Waste is expelled via the breath and urine.
>I wanted proof that viruses and disease existed before us or even before civilization
It's all here
They have caused a rise in the prevalence of disease, but the diseases were always there to begin with.
Lmao "natural" look at the world around you lil boi aint nothin natural son
In nature you eat what you can, not what is ideal for health or longevity. If you die at 50-60 because of your shitty diet but pass on your genes well before that it doesn't matter.
Lmao pls post body
I want to see what such efficient digestion can yield, your clearly onto something