Guys I need Vday gifts for my sister, mother, girlfriend, aunt, and my girlfriends mother what do I get?
Guys I need Vday gifts for my sister, mother, girlfriend, aunt, and my girlfriends mother what do I get?
Get a dick casting kit and send them (you) shaped dildos.
dicks not big enough sorry
why the fuck would you need valentine's gifts for all those people? your mom and gf should be enough
wrong every women is queen
you normie faggots ruin this board. go to advice retard
who hurt you user
show me where
Pic related is a pretty good gist if you remove the scratches and replace them with a nice card.
you trying to smash your sister?
would you an imouto?
he already told you blind as nigga!
normie faggots.
and it's not just him this whole board/site has become infested with normie trash.
My sister is 40 and dying alone and i feel bad so I've been getting her gifts for the past ten years now
>Valentine gift for you mom
In which culture is this acceptable? Am I the only one who thinks that you only give to your love interest.
you know what fucking hurts me? it's the fact that no girl wants to be my fucking girlfriend, and it fucking hurts. It fucking hurts when I have to see all these posts on this board about girlfriends and how fucking wonderful they are. It fucking hurts I can't go anywhere without being reminded that I am a hugless, handholdless, touchless, virgin. It fucking hurts
>not having your mom as a love interest
Does it make your gf jealous that you are cucking her with all of these other women?
i bet you forget to get your mother a mothers day gift and birthday gift
so why didn't you answer the question?
are you trying to smash?
Ok senpai heres the plan
Mom - Giant chocolate bar
Girlfriend Mom - Giant Chocolate bar
Girlfriend - Oral
Sister - Jewlery
Aunt - Jewlery
I wish someone would get me THIS for vday but idk anyone who gives out money like that.
This can be arranged if you're willing to become my butt monkey
sounds good but you need to switch your sister and GF.
your sister probably needs it more.
>Girlfriend - Oral
No, that's cheap. If he buys jewelry for the other women he needs to get something for his gf to go with the oral. He doesn't want to make her feel like their only meaningful connection is through sex.
Whats wrong with oral?
It's something you do every time you have sex, why would it be special?
No its not I just take her to pound town
what boyfriend legit gives his girl oral on the reg like nigga u gay