How are people satisfied with living such a shitty existence
>go to school
>get grades
>get job
>marriage (optional)
>kids (optional)
>save for retirement
Might as well just kill myself because I am bored already at 21
How are people satisfied with living such a shitty existence
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My train of thought daily, just hoping something good will happen
Its your choice to do more, to go farther than that user.
Marriage would be great. I would love to have a loving wife.
You user are as predictable as a nigger
Not passionate about anything so how can I achieve good things when I do not give a shit about anything.
Not saying I am a great guy but what is the point in trying to be a good guy when women are at an all time low in terms of decency at least on the west anyway.
Nobody says you have to achieve "good" things. I find a life with constantly changing paths, that i'm not sure where they lead, to be preferable to a life that is predictable and mundane in certain ways. Not that the other option is not mundane in its own ways too.
You can't say it's a shitty existence for sure until you've tried everything there is to do in this world.
do research on everything to find out what you are interested in
video editing
you also need spice of life. meet people outside
take notes
There really is no point to life at all. I'm 31 and have done everything a normie would do but none of it made me happy or pulled me away from the aforementioned truth.
if only you niggas knew how tight things are gon be
Drugs, alcoholism, degeneracy, and vidya are what most people use for escapism. Pick your poison, user.
i wish i could be just bored but when you find out how our economic system works and that the world is ran by literal psychopathic pedophiles and that no one gives a fuck about it you no longer feel bored you feel downright trapped and depressed.
I wish an asteroid would just wipe us out already.
>inb4 edgy
Could not care less tbqh
it's what you have to do to not freeze to death on the pavement
How? The technological singularity?
>I would love to have a loving wife.
So would most married people
If you aren't happy with those things. It's up to you to do something else. We aren't in a black mirrors episode. You don't have to do just those things.
and people die with thousands of dollars in their bank account which makes their lives in more purposeless
The fact that I can't seem to feel any pleasure most of the time makes this existence worse
Being a manchild is a low tier existance.
Non-sequitur spottet
Oh god this I can't escape this perpetual existential horror and I know the only option is death but I'm too much of a bitch nigga to take that route
someone help
Suicide is too painful. Just eat and fuck around until you die.
this is how i got a lengthy lecture from an adhd bro a long time ago, i have now dedicated my life to feel as little guilt as i can
It wasn't like that 80 years ago. You could grow up training to fight on the eastern front killing communists and dying a meaningful dead knowing you served your nation and folk
>You could grow up training to fight on the eastern front killing communists
...are you german?!
10/10 my sides
...What the fuck is this LARP you're talking about? My house maid, when I was a boy, was an eighty year old German woman by the name of Mrs. Maria. Her husband, Gustav, died on the Eastern Front and she was almost cut down by a P-51 during a fly-by. There is nothing romantic to recall back from that era. She lost the love of her life to a mysterious vacuous hole that the Eastern Front was and the love she had for him was sucked into that black hole with absolutely no return.
Bored allready and im lmost half your age cunt
Shut the fuck up brownfag
She cried about it? What an entitled millenial bitch. He died a meaningful death for his country, didnt he? Why isnt she proud? Wow.
She didn't cry in front of me. When I was eight, I asked her where her husband was. She said she was married to man named Tony. I asked how long they had been married. She said about ten years. I asked her who she was married to before that. She said a man named Gustav. I asked her what happened to him. She said the Russians took him. No tear or even moisture in her eyes if I recall. But she was also a very stoic woman.
Poignant tbdesu
you can't say its a good existence for sure until youve tried everything there is to do in this world either
The first question of any social/economic system is, what do you do about the assholes? Communism's answer is, "assholes? that's just an artifact of class." Capitalim's answer is, "assholes? don't you mean gods?"
OP is the one making the claim. Personally I think life is shaped by our thoughts. For example you could be the happiest person in the world but be a retard who sees meaning in tarding around and making people uncomfortable. But the bigger secret is that we can actually control our own thoughts. You can call it brain washing, mind control, whatever it is, it has been done and it is the most effective when done by yourself, because you know the targeted mind inside and out.
some people suggest that we've got a huge fuckup comparable with Great Depression coming
Your fate is not yours to decide. You were born to be a slave, and you will die a slave. Stop struggling against the natural order and submit.
>Went to school
>Got grades
>Got job
It sucks man. All I want to do is rest and live a peaceful life by myself. I hate toiling every day working for normies. I just want peace of mind.
>i wish i could be just bored but when you find out how our economic system works and that the world is ran by literal psychopathic pedophiles and that no one gives a fuck about it you no longer feel bored you feel downright trapped and depressed.
1. become one urself, kill or be killed
2. find something u like and just concentrate on that
3. quit the game and dont play
4. accept your place in the shithole. if u dont do anything abt it, it means u dont really want to change that badly and are just looking for something to blame ur circumstances on