Do femanons Iike being choked?
Do femanons Iike being choked?
according to these test results - yes.
women like to be dominated by alpha males
She loves it. You're just jealous you can't.
yes. absolutely. without hesitation. you don't even need to ask lmao
Yes, obviously. Why wouldn't i like choking?
my ex loved it, every time in sex she'd put my hand in her neck and beg to be chocked... this alaways scared me.
My ex didn't like being choked, I did it to her a lot and she begged me to stop
I mean she does have low self-esteem, you'd think she'd enjoy it. Also rope neck memes
i agree, choke Yuri, she's the kinky whore of the bunch.
No and find the guys who like it repulsive.
Maybe choked until I pass out.
Other than that I prefer getting hit.
No, but I like doing the choking.
In my experience they do and wish you would do it a lot harder.
>the rest of these hoes
I hope not.
The thought of doing that to a girl makes me very uncomfortable.
Yuri is bestgrill
cash me outside punk
I'd try hitting you, where do you live?
Safety tip anons; Squeeze from the sides for pleasure, squeeze the front for pain
I agree with you but it's generally more the women who like it. There's a reason feminists are so hysterical and have so much genuine hatred for women (themselves) within their ideology
I had one who liked being hit and choked.
Lol fag.
>always scared me
kek man up
my last girlfriend and i was heavy into this she liked to being choked and to choke aswell shit i remember one time we were both choking each other that was some intense orgasm you could even feel the pressure on his pussy
This, i could go with like spanking but the idea of blocking off her airway and maybe killing her is not my cup of tea.
Most women I've ever known have a thing for it. One move that really drove the last girl I was with nuts was when we were cuddling I'd flip her around so we were both facing each other, then I'd slowly slide my hand up her back until I got to her neck and then give her a good squeeze.
I want to tie you up femanon
thanks for the advice
Most women do, in my experience.
In my experience women like being choked more than guys like choking. You basically have to learn to like to choking bitches as dude because so many women like it.
choke me mommy uwu
>mfw I feel the same
this is my take on it as well.
I went into sex at 15 with the sense that women enjoyed romantic sex, sensual, lots of petting and kissing etc.
I am now 29 and 38 sexual partners later, the vast majority of women want to be degraded, choked, slapped around, spat on, being called whores and fuckpigs, manhandled, etc.
I was uncomfortable with it at first but I have learned to differentiate sex and lovemaking the more experience I got. Women do enjoy lovemaking as well, especially if you are in a commited relationship.
When you "choke" someone you should actually look to put pressure on the arteries that go to the brain, that's what gives you that floaty and intoxicating sensation. pushing down the actual airway is painful and unless they're a massive masochist they won't enjoy it.
You can try it yourself with only two fingers. just gently press on the area in pic related and in about 10 seconds you'll start feeling lightheaded, even though you can perfectly breathe
>try it yourself
im already retarded enough, thanks.
Another women are good for only one thing thread. For your sexual gratification and any perversion or violence you can inflict.
Making a guy choke you during sex if he is uncomfortable with it is sexually objectifying him. Prove me wrong.
Why would I prove an obviously correct statement wrong?
>Do femanons Iike being choked?
Yes but only if it's from someone with muscles, or either strong forearms, or at least someone who is fit.
Getting choked on by some skinny laknet isn't hot, it's just slimy and disgusting.
>stop liking things I don't like
I can't speak for anybody else in this thread, but for me personally, the appeal of it is that the woman trusts me enough to put her life in my hands. I have no desire to hurt women and I don't like seeing them in pain or distress. I wouldn't try something like this without consent and I wouldn't pressure her if she wasn't comfortable with it.
Not me personally. I'd happily strangle any boyfriend though.
Be honest with yourself, you wouldn't want to fuck a skinny lanklet anyway.
I would if he was a sissy or a trap.
Ex liked it. one time I choked her too hard and she couldn't tap out woah
I can't get off without being choked
>would fuck a sissy or trap
Trannies aren't women, you disgusting mutant.
>His pussy
user, u wanna tell us something
even if a girl doesnt have a specific choke fetish, most girls do like being manhandled during sex. sex is about power and submission and many girls enjoy having someone bigger/stronger than them throw them around
trash you're trash
Why must people always soil the things we love, brothers?
I've never been choked before, but I doubt I would like it because even wearing turtlenecks makes me feel uncomfortable and like I can't breathe, even if they're not that tight. I probably have a touch of the tism
My sissy likes being choked and spit on when I'm slamming his boigina
I'm not into that aggressive porn shit. Probably because I have both my parents in my life and a healthy self esteem. My bf and I just have normal sex lmao
>I can literally see the Bartow county jail from here
This is what I like to hear
What's funny is I found a twink off of Grindr who loves being choked and sexually abused must be common
What is your fav position being the bottom? What one of you has the bigger penis?
ahmmm.. not my thing.
Its not in my nature to hurt women. Why cant we enjoy each other without resorting to violence?
Redefine violence.
>Its not in my nature to hurt women. Why cant we enjoy each other without resorting to violence?
If only hadn't been shut down...
According to my tests, yes as well. That's why I could never be with a beta- I want someone to make me feel protected and overpowered.
Yes! Tied up beaten tortured I love it. But not spanking. I hate that
Lol I got the same results as you but the opposite as in instead of masochist, sadist, I've got weird fetishes too damn
Be my gf and I'll do that to you
Reminder that both men and women who are not switches and only want to stick to one role are boring
>Do femanons Iike being choked?
yes they do
no I do not, not even a little
Do you want a bf?
>Do femanons Iike being choked?
Wow same, I even have difficulty sleeping if the blanket is lying on my throat.
>user...that you?
It's not about hurting her, user. See