Jow Forums is actually incredibly dumb. Show up with a little bit of sanity and they spill their spaghetti.
Jow Forums is actually incredibly dumb. Show up with a little bit of sanity and they spill their spaghetti
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What were your posts?
Pretty much just not accepting their bullshit beliefs and arguments
More often they not they just ignore your sanepost and continue to sperg out
What were the beliefs?
he posted the same thing here. guess he posted it on Jow Forums when no one gave him attention
Jesus. Race mixing evil. Jews. People saying shit like "once you've seen what I've seen" when they've only seen infographs. Just generally not buying into any of their crap.
Lol you'll get disillusioned eventually low test faggot
Link bread pls, im curoius
Jow Forums and Jow Forums is the same shit everyday, Jow Forums just thinks theyre special for being nazis and romans. most the faggots there are underage edgy bros with the occasional boomer.
>implying Jow Forumsmutts are Roman
It is by far the easiest board to troll. It didn't used to be that bad but its full of idiot Trump cultists now. That is not to say all people who support Trump are also cultists. The cultists are the idiots who refuse to use logic in their arguments. They defend Trump no matter what he does and their entire political ideology seems to be sucking Trumps dick and then running around the internet owning the "libs."
Its a sad state of affairs but it will collapse like a house of cards eventually.
Its literally 80% reddit now lol
Jow Forums is a mix of Jow Forums incels, /x/ crackpots, and just plain retards.
Weren't the Romans' like super into race mixing ..Arabs,blacks,Jews
They didnt care. They did not discriminate based on race. Race held no importance to them. They judged people solely based on their person as an individual.
Btw, this pattern repeats itself in every succesful empire. The Mongols had the same outlook towards race, so did the several Chinese empires and so did the Ottomans.
That's just /nu/pol. Old Jow Forums was full of unironically Nazis who at least knew what they were talking about or some ancap libertarians. The new wave of neocon Redditors is mostly hated by them.
..but.but my pure Germanic Anglo genetics
I mean I'm not saying racism is necessary but many successful Empires were racist. The Umamyads, the European colonial empires,etc.
They all fell and are having devastating affects of the Europeans
So did said successful empires who supposedly judged individually...
Well the Umayyads fell because of internal coups by a previously powerful family. I suppose you could make that case for the British Empire though it took 3 centuries for them to give in.
>Listen here liberal
>get out of your safe space and get a job
>now can some one please build a wall around me so I can feel safe
>liberal destroyed
I can get the sentiment behind the wall but I think Trump is going way overboard trying to get funding.
I mean physiologicaly ppl in Britain still have this "the empire was great" kind of mentality and still think the uk can still compete with the big boys look at Brexit the moment they leave the EU thier gonna get flooded
Have you heard of planes user ppl use them to get over borders
By what? Immigrants? I thought Brexit was stopping immigration to some degree.
How would it stop immagrants they still need low skilled workers in almost every industry you'll actually see an increase in immagrants . Flooded by American companies and cheap African agriculture
Yes but a border wall could stop at least some of the immigration. That's why I'm saying Trump is going way overboard to acquire funding.
What is Brexit even about then?
Upsetting Eastern Yuropoors who will get their gibs slashed.
It's pretty awful. First off I want to clarify that after /news/ was axed by when it was eventually brought back as Jow Forums it was not all Nazi types. That's was the libertarian era. When if first started blowing up around when double chan broke off, moot bombing the place with cuck posting, moot leaving, and well into the elections the chaos was fun and fertile ground for funposting and even interesting if ridiculous discussions but it got way worst. It go so very much worse. The userbase now seems totally foreign and it's filled with retards who respond to even the most absurd copy pastas with full sincerity. Maybe it's just the board is so large now that by simple law of averages they're are a lot more dumb people around but I don't think that's all it is. There is some irony to be found there considering their stances in that they are themselves outsiders who took up residence somewhere they were unwanted and displaced the original inhabitants and killed their culture. Also the blatant /x/ shit is intolerable.
Jow Forums is not the problem, Jow Forums leaking to other boards is. Same with /lgbt/.
The Umayyads actually got overthrown by a multi ethnic rebel force, and the empire that took their place lasted far, far longer than they did.
This. But we must acknowledge that you cannot have a board in containment. It doesnt exist. Any board that has a regular userbase will spill over. Jow Forums and /lgbt/ need to be ended.
Yes but you can't ignore the political background of the Empire. They were basically formed after the closest companions of Islam's Prophet were assassinated and even fought wars against Ali,one of the Prophets closest friends. They also had an extremely unIslamic second king who burned down the Kaabah and killed most of the Prophet's family. That was the main reason the Abbasid family decided to kill the Umayyads.
Well you could ask for evidence or the source. But you started bitching
Truly A nigger
Give an example for an argument you had
>they did not discriminate based on race
Are you a nigger though?
OP wants to circle jerk with other intellectuals. Leave him be.
Maybe take a look at these infographics instead of getting triggered. Most have a source listed under them. You should try to actually see and understand the opposing argument.
LOL sure bruz
OP masturbates to classical music exclusively because of his 200+IQ
Literally half of the board dislikes trump and think he is a tool.
Only american redditfags get butthurt about people mocking him.
Walk down the streets of Philly whitey
>israel can have a wall
>but not america, its racist
>also give bilions in aid to israel
>but cant afford free college in america
Come the fuck on.
>an empire that enslaved foreigners for wealth didn't care about race
>an empire that called the German people nigger barbarians didn't care about race
OP is so intelligent he doesnt believe in conspiracy theories.
Except that all white people conspired to enslave blacks then oppress them for centuries for no reason other than they are evil.
And all germans conspired to exterminate Jews for absolutely no reason except mass propaganda by a conspiracy of just a few political figures.
Oh and cops roam the streets looking for innocent black men to kill for no reason.
And the FBI fraudulently provides statistics about crime.
And modern wars are all for oil or something.
But other than that, OP is an intellectual and logical and rationale member of the human species who is informed about the truth, particularly from entertainment media, not some wacko conspiracy theories.
OP microwaves ironically
The complete opposite is happening, low skilled labor isn't as needed as before because machines can do more things automatically. Jobs like truck drivers or assembly line workers won't exist in a couple decades. Also, the EU is what demands Britain to take immigrants, not the free market.
Found the brexiter. EU doesn't demand UK take immigrants, you are doing it all by yourself. What other lies were you fed by Putin to vote for more paki immigrants? How's that 350 million to NHS coming along?
Forgot to add: How could leaving the EU lead to an increase in immigration? At the very worst immigration could stay the same, unless it leads to economic prosperity which in turn leads to more people wanting to get there
The EU does pressure countries into accepting immi.grants, that's why they have beef with countries that don't take part of the burden of immigration, like Poland.
Are you a retarded brit or a retarded pole?
You will keep taking in immigrants. Instead of poles you will import pajeets. Voting for brexit is literally voting for more brown immigrants.
Polish immigrants would be better than arabs, but nevertheless, there aren't many polish immigrants. Also, I already stated that I don't see how leaving the EU would lead to more immigration
There are millions of polish immigrants. Poles represent the #1 nationality of people in UK jails.
Actually in the entire UK there are just under a single million poles as of 2017 and I hope they all go back to Poland, but I don't seel how that affects brexit. If anything it would also make it harder for poles to migrate, less immigrants from all fronts.
Of course they're fucking dumb. Try talking about the history of the left in Japan and watch how fast you can shut down a thread. The only thing they believe is some college kid "saved" Japan from the left when it was CIA slush funds and pic related. But you know the actual person with the Japanese education doesn't know what he is talking about. God people on Jow Forums are fucking dumb and it's not getting any better. What happened to people such as beaverposter and the like those people where cool.
His general is page 1-3 until bump limit everyday, stop lying.
Interesting sentiment given Christian zionists want walls for both Israel and the US
>Neocons and ancap libertarians are not the same group.
Oh fucking please. Like leftishits don't do it even worse. You fuckers straight-up ban people who disagree with your little echo-chambers.
Did it ever occur to you that you're a fucking nigger?
>durr hurr even just talking about politics that will get you banned literally anywhere else is a circlejerk
Idiot. We at least know the people on the planes are coming into our countries. We have fucking airports they have to come through. People overstaying their visa aren't as much of a priority because they're just people overstaying their welcome. The big issue is people crossing the border without any processing whatsoever, ergo the wall.
Wanna know how I know you have a Facebook?
It is now. Youre basically arguing with trolls and politicos from Reddit now. Old pol would have owned your ass. Too bad all those guys are being gang stalked and possessed into offing themselves now. While a nagger like you roams free.
Jow Forums fags really are retarded, they like to say stupid crap smugly like
>facts over feelings dumb liberal
But then when anyone makes them even slightly question worldview, they sperg out just going
Jow Forumstards hang yourselves, your ethnostate is never happening, and 85% wouldnt even meet your white standards
of course you would know leftypol shitstain
LMAO what a fucking nigger gtfo you stupid coon
It's strange that you felt a need to point that out as if every person on this board worth talking to didn't share your opinion already