What's the worst astrological sign to be born as. I say it's Pisces. (I'm a Pisces).
Also pls no bully
What's the worst astrological sign to be born as. I say it's Pisces. (I'm a Pisces).
Also pls no bully
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What are you, some type of retarded faggot brainlet?
this is literally cancer
fuck off faggot
Back to /x/, with the utmost of originality.
>implying it is much less retarded then overly analytical MBTI believe
>implying you can a robot if not even your sign reminds you you are a virgin
Self-proclaimed BRAINS being abused by their ego's mechanism of self defense. You can try again next death. I do not mind.
dont listen to them OP, star signs are truly the grid of our universe, all major religions you follow are based off astrology. Close-minded
>believing in religion
Back to /x/
>not believing in religion
Back to r/atheism
capricorn is the top-tier sign. All others are for beta faggots.
/x/ here, I'm a scorpio and it's pretty shit
>most sexual sign
>also an incel because born ugly
I'm also highly emotional but come off as cold because of capricorn rising. My life was fated to be shit from the start.
well if you dont consider your upward and your moon it doesnt matter which is your sun, i'm gemeni and cancer upward so thats a lot of emotions to get by which is shitty sometimes but makes me a social butterfly..who cant keep friends
im a virgo but fellow capricorn rising
so i know that feel
>a goat with no legs
>an insect
>the virgin sign
Scorpions are arachnids you retarded nigger
look for sun and moon combination as it gives more information.
t. virgo sun and aries moon
Scorpios. Fucking spergs
virgo sun
capricorn moon and rising
triple earth sign ftw
having venus opposition saturn will contribute to your robotdom
>Love and money will always be taken very seriously. Expressing affection is difficult, not because they don't want to but because they fear rejection. In order to connect romantically with another, these folk often prefer to go through a third party or flirt from behind some form of barrier. A third element serves as a protection shield for Venus/Saturn. IE; They court their partner online or through a friend who acts as a matchmaker. Simple shyness is the most common problem with these hard aspects. Feelings of unattractiveness or unworthiness are often over-compensated for by working very hard on their self-worth.
You might be onto something.
We already have an MBTI thread.
im 5/20 can i catch a break?
I see what ya did there
>i dont know anything about it and feel inadequate so im gonna call it astrology
you are a taurus you are cool unless you are a possesive type if that fuck off
>can't take a joke so he resorts to projecting
What's with MBTI tards and their pussy-like behavior?
Typical of pisces, I guess.
try again
Astrology was created so women could lessen feelings of cognitive dissonance by blaming certain actions on things outside their control
No, you are not a Gemini. Your kind and polite nature will grant you a swift and endless end to your suffering when the Gemini take over.
most notable astrologers are men.
i consider myself to be a minimalist in every sense, so im taking this as a compliment. crazy thing is im right outside the gemini cusp and my twin died in the womb.
over my dead body the geminis will take over they're going to self implode
your are welcome dude taurus is a good sing they are caring and loyal but sometimes become controls freaks, dont let your stuborn get people away stay away from that
>the bull
>literally fucks white women all day to generate cuck porn
The equivalent of male feminists trying to have sex with girls
Why are you so defensive mr. user?
REEE i dont know how to talk to women so anybody who enjoys astrology do it just because of that REEE
dude chill if you dont like astrology is okay but come on
Is Aquarius the robot type?
>Is Aquarius the robot type?
it's weird conspiracy guy type
this is the truth FUCK CANCERS
Vote up for your Sun and Moon combo
It's because I am cancer
isnt the cancer the fierce protector of family?
>be me
>supposed to be one of the most chad astrological signs, is the absolute most sensual astrological sign
>18y/o khv
The stars tell me im supposed to be a 10/10 sex warlord but ive never even held hands or kissed. What have i done to deserve this anons?
that depends. you might have shit aspects and planetary positions. sun sign on itself tells little.
Where are my Sagittarius bros at we are the Chad's of the Zodiac
Aries is the bigger Chad
Is sagittarius the coolest looking one or what?
>Literally the virgin
>Aquarius the Water Bearer
>Air sign
I think Aquarius can be the best or the worst. My brother and I are this sign, and he's a Chad while I am a robot.
>My brother and I are this sign, and he's a Chad while I am a robot.
Whats his and yours moon sign?
He's a Gemini and I'm a Scorpio if I got it right.
Leo actually
More complex than that.
>Sun sign
>Moon sign
>Planetary aspects
>House based aspects
>House strength
>Dispositor functions
>Decans and terms
>Essential dignities
>Temporal strength
>Directional strength
>Functional malefics
>Starved benefics
>""Spoiled"" planets
>Rogue planets
>Lunar Nodes
Maybe in a decade you'll understand half of these. All charts are a fingerprint, then they evolve with time to through progressions and harmonics.
>not even proper, wierd, overly complex astrology, >just newspaper birthsign tier shit
fucking faggot
>Chad Gemini
>robot Scorpio
Does this make any sense?
why do women like this zodiac shit?
Not at all, more like:
>the Chad Aries or Leo
>the robot Virgo or Cancer
Try that.
Aries, Leo, Scorpio
Libra, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Taurus
Gemini, Aquarius
Virgo, Cancer, Pisces
Here is Trumps accurate birth chart.
>Virgo Ascendant
>Sun in Gemini
>Moon in Sagittarius
>10th house Sun
definitely career orientated person
The Sun is starved because the dispositor Mercury is in enemy sign and in a bad segment within Cancer, it is the last 8 degrees of it that are good for Mercury to be there not the first 8 where it is.
Also the North Node eclipses the Sun makes it distorted. You get someone constantly pushing for fame and constantly failing at it.
His Moon with its aspects makes him prone to suicidal ideation, he is probably on ssri.
Fucking noobs are noobs in astrology.
Can you post some guides for this?
Do these have the opposite meanings when talking about moon signs?
not really. moon signs are more about personality, sun sign is just a general view.
I've never met a gemini irl (that I've known of)
I'm a Libra and hear that they are very compatible.
Fitting that cancer is one of the signs, since that's what astrology is in general.
They're ok, sure.
Leo, sag, gemini, aries, other libras are good.
But libra is pretty much the best sign. No homo, but we should totally fugg
That would mean I have the personality of a Chad and my brother has a personality of a weirdo. It's quite the opposite in reality.
>Fucking noobs are noobs in astrology.
what do you expect on r9k?
Gemini women are cunts get away for them
Those fucking twisted maniacs
That depends on natal chart placements.
I've noticed that I get along with those sign very well, even with other guys.
I'd have to get to know you first :^)
I've dated a Cancer woman before and it was horrible. Too emotional even for me and could never joke about anything without being ridiculed for it.
What was Gemini woman/women in your experience like?
We got a /x/enophile over here.
Ooooh! spicy
My sign is ligma. What does that say about me?
Two faced bitch always lying, or hiding stuff, or playing with the double meaning of things.
Manipulative, selfish, egocentric. Really in need of the attention of others and want to be friend with everyone while being too petty to really have a close relationship with anyone (except for dumbass who fell in the lovebombing trap).
Cancer are a pain too with emotions (overflowing like a tsunami or hinding it in a fort know kind of fashion). Not the worst tho.
Cancer can break your heart but Gemini can fuck up your mind.
>thinking astrology matters
Do you know how gay,retarded,and overall useless that all sounds?
Go back to grindr and we'll see who here is the gayest, mate
Virgo INTJ here. Dont get on with Pisces Aries or Taurus.
hmm interesting, the Leo I know seems to be a very chill person. I think that I only know one other Libra and yes I am.
No actually I would have to say it is u.
You know,I used to think all that garbage meant nothing. But then I read a few libra quotes and they totally describe me so I guess it's legit.
never heard of that one, can you tell me about it?
Well I you say so maybe you're right after all. Maybe I'm gay. Maybe I'm super gay.
If I take a close look at it, I remember that while reading stuff about the stars, astrology, signs and houses, I started to crave cock. I have this huge urge to put a good dick in my mouth and suck it, lick the tip and shake it up, enjoying the taste and warmth of that fine penis until all that tasty salty hot juice come out so I can swallow it.
Every time. "Libra... Oh god I want to suck dick" "Tenth House... oh god I have no time I must take a cock in my behind'
Yeah mate astrology made me gay.
It's certainly correct about a few things but just like MBTI, I don't base my whole existence around it.
somewhat but depends on how you were raised. my life has been shit for about 70 percent of it
this describes me well lol
our sign might be the most unpredictable. all of us are unique but similar at the same time and add a dash of mentally ill for a lot of us. it's weird
It's a new sign they found awhioe back ago. People born under ligma are usually the ones with the most balls and are willing to do anything to make themselves happy and more often that nit like having their testicles played with in a sexual manner. A phrase they like to say is "ligma ballz, biiiiiiiitch".
topkek mein negger
So I'm Scorpio Sun, Virgo rising and Pisces moon.
what does this mean anons
>Great intellectuals and usually studious, they will be successful as artists or writers too. They are creative but they need to know themselves very well before working with their talents. What brings them down is their anxiety and worrisome character. Cautious and kind, these guys will never cross others in order to get what they want. They would recognize a mean and malicious person from a mile away. Because they like playing different roles too much, it's essential they try to be themselves more often. It's easy for them to forget who they really are when they are acting just like every person in their life requires them to. And the answers they are looking for can't be found elsewhere than deeply in their own mind. Not that too much soul-searching is indicated. Such behavior would cause them to no longer socialize and to forget they even have friends.
Virgo rising makes you appear more detached, organized and practical to others.
>"Because they like playing different roles too much, it's essential they try to be themselves more often"
it's like looking in a mirror, user..
Quite the opposite, Pisces is actually the sign of Vishnu. You should feel very proud of that, Vishnu is ruler of the highest heaven.