Premature puberty in girls explained

>Many personal care products contain chemicals that are known endocrine-disruptors. A new study shows that prenatal exposure to two common chemicals, diethyl phosphate and triclosan, may be linked to earlier puberty in girls.

Attached: Alix Bromley.jpg (600x449, 37K)

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and what turns men into low test sissies?
what's going on?!

How old is this picture now? Her tits have been seared into my mind forever.

Probably the same chemicals, although this study does not prove it.
But there is a shitload of chemicals in our water, in our air and in the food that act as xeno-estrogen (the body cannot distinguish between these chemicals and estrogen). Bottled water, to name one example. Onions-based food another.
Men today also spend less time in nature and less time in physical activity. Strenght training has been proven to increase testosterone. Which means that men who don't exercise will have lower testosterone than men in the past, who naturally had a lot of exercise through physical labour.
I would also argue that the abundant access to pornography is causing a demasculination of men through their addiction of pornography and masturbation. Abstaining from ejaculation has been scientifically proven to increase testosterone.

TL;DR: Stop watching porn, stop eating processed food and water, stop eating onions, exercise every day, and meditate to cleanse your body and mind.

Attached: iron pilled.png (699x854, 224K)

of course, if you're not familiar with this, "onions" is wordfiltered from the word S.O.Y

>all products contain estrogen
>no products contain testosterone

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Also look into EMFs. You keep your cellphone on airplane mode when you're not using it, right anons?

This guy makes it seem like the apocalypse is around the corner, which might be a bit much. But it's still good information to be aware of.

Dude, you have to stop blaming the jews for everything.
Because Mossad is watching you.

Diethylphosphate is product of metabolism and of environmental degradation of Chlorpyrifos (CPF; a commonly used diethylphosphorothionate organophosphorus (OP) insecticide) and are routinely measured in urine as biomarkers of exposure.

Antibacterial soaps and body washes, and fluoride toothpastes are considered OTC drugs. If an OTC drug contains triclosan, it should be listed as an ingredient on the label, in the Drug Facts box. If a cosmetic contains triclosan, it should be included in the ingredient list on the product label.

>He thinks all the food isnt poisoned in the US, and not just basedshit

are these the same phosphates that are injected into Norwegian fish by Chinese industrialists before shipping it back to Europe?

fucking hell this is probably why my entire life got ruined they should start supplementing testosterone to boys as soon as they hit puberty to save them from ending up like me

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n 2016, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) issued a rule stating that over-the-counter consumer antiseptic wash products containing many potentially harmful antibacterial active ingredients - including triclosan and triclocarban - can no longer be marketed to consumers. These products include liquid, foam and gel hand soaps, bar soaps, and body washes.

Triclosan is also added to certain clothes, cookware, furniture and toys to reduce or prevent bacterial contamination, but these products aren't regulated by the FDA.

The ruling follows recent studies that have raised questions about whether triclosan is hazardous to human health. Research has shown that triclosan:

Alters hormone regulation in animals
Might contribute to the development of antibiotic-resistant germs
Might be harmful to the immune system

When you use a product containing triclosan, you can absorb a small amount through your skin or mouth. A large 2008 study, which was designed to assess exposure to triclosan in a representative sample of U.S. children and adults, found triclosan in the urine of nearly 75 percent of those tested.

modern civilization is literally giving roasties breast cancer lmao

maybe this universe isn't ENTIRELY without justice...

newsflash, endocrine disruptors are not exclusive to women, they are gender agnostic.


>stop eating processed food and water
what do you mean by processed water? you mean tap water since it has a shit ton of chemicals?

the worst they can do to men is turn them into cute twinks or femboys and since prostate cancer drugs are generally anti-androgens, one could argue that having less testosterone is good for men...

>Premature puberty in girls explained
>may be linked


boys are exposed to the same chemicals and they never make it out of puberty until they are in their 30's. Explain that

because they need to opposite hormone your dumbass

This is a test origi

You were doing alright until you started going off about exercise and porn. Neither changes your hormone levels significantly. And you can't really avoid the contamination either, because once you finish puberty, the damage to your body is done. The only solution is to raise your kids in the countryside.

>stop eating processed food and water
does tap water count as unprocessed, or do you want us to drink raw water?

drink glass bottled spring water

>raise your kids in the countryside.
Bad move, they'll be exposed to even more feminizing pesticides than in the city.

>Swan SH (2006) Semen quality in fertile US men in relation to geographical area and pesticide exposure. Int J Androl 29(1):62-8.

I'm sure you can find some clean areas if you spend some time looking and have lots of money to burn like Varg did.