Why do beta males prefer having daughters?
Why do beta males prefer having daughters?
because they're afraid of not knowing how to raise a son, thus releasing another beta into the world
Why do women prefer having sons? I think they just like it.
fpbp, but just to confirm it, its because they know they'd either raise another beta, or they would find out their the odd one out in their family when their kid ends up a chad that embarrasses them constantly like all their school bullies, like they dont want to live too vicariously through their kid
because they hope that if they have a daughter, they can rail her when she is of age
They don't, you're just an aspie
I imagine it's an ego boost for your son to be a Chad. I'd imagine most betas would want not only a son, but one more alpha than them, not that there is anything wrong with that.
You see this is nature as well. If an animal is low in the social hierarchy it will spend more effort raising female offspring, because female offspring can generally always mate with a high ranking male, whereas a low ranking male will have a hard time mating at all.
Girls take care of their fathers in old age you fucking out of touch retards.
It's very clear most people on this board have horrible family structures.
I ama beta who had a shitty father and now I have a male son. He is still a baby but I wonder if he will grow up and resent me for being a loser or a manchild. I'm trying to give him lots of love and spend a lot of time with him now to form a strong bond.
Is that girl supposed be good looking ? Square head and receding hair line?
it might be an ego boost, but it might also backfire in a couple ways
>he realizes he's the alpha and has been from the start, stops respecting you
>continuing this theme, actually grows to resent you because he cant understand how you're such a beta and he isn't
>is so alpha everyone doubts you could even be the father
There are more but I forgot I had this thread open and I kind of moved on in my head and forgot what I was mostly going to be posting in here
eww no you sound like my dad. How about teaching some discipline and leading by example. You don't bond with your son by acting cuddly and loving, that's what the mother is for
like the guy who already replied to you said, he'll resent you more for being a second mom.
Your kid doesn't know you're a complete beta, at least act like you're kind of cool and he might respect you enough to try hard in life and impress you
>It's very clear most people on this board have horrible family structures.
Thank you, Captain Obvious.
As a beta male id rather have a son then have some retarded foid and slut as my children
Teach him some useful skills, things that your shitty father never taught you.
Heck, go to community college part-time. Learn a trade, then teach it to your kid. Could be carpentry, auto mechanics, plumbing, machining, welding, whatever. Then you could do projects together like building machines, or model airplanes/boats, furniture, house renovation etc.
That way, even if he turns out to be a beta male, he will still get pussy because he has learned a trade and is useful for women.
Can I get a citation on this
I'd fucking HATE to have a daughter.
Not because I hate women or girls, but because 24/7 I'd be fucking worried.
Fucking hell, that explains why I always wanted to have a daughter.
Not that it was ever going to happen, since you need penor in vegana for that to occur
yeah and she is also almost naked ewww
They know they can't be good role models for sons.
The alpha son probably even isn't the beta male's.
i dont want another me
I prefer being dead.