anyone have any experience micro dosing and have any stories about it?
Micro dosing mushrooms
some guy on /ck/ said that people don't get the munchies from mushrooms but when I told him he was wrong about munchies because I get the munchies when I eat mushrooms I was made fun of even though he was 100% incorrect about saying people don't get the munchies because I do get the munchies so why was I made fun of about talking about the munchies when I was the one that was correct and he wasn't made fun of for saying people don't get the munchies even through he was wrong it's not fair because I said I do get the munchies even through he said people don't get the munchies from mushrooms
I microdosed LSD. Didn't really work, I think it's mostly placebo.
Took a full hit later on. Made a way bigger change in my life than the microdosing.
I ate 6 grams of shrooms last week alone.
Same. One hit of LSD is pretty mild and you can still function normally and go about your day. It puts you in a great mood and maybe laugh about something that isn't really funny.
One hit of lsd is not that mild. You must have gotten trash
yeah bitch, I've done it. I've done all the drugs every way possible. this morning i poured a beer into my ass and then blasted a nice hot batch of heroin between my toes.
I was microdosing on them for about 1.5 months. I took ~300mg every other day
One hit royally fucked me up and I was hallucinating and rocking back and forth on the floor and shit and couldn't function. Lasted for like a whole day too.
I want to try microdosing ketamine next
would you say its worth doing?
I've microdosed lsd for the past few months. It's nothing like full trips but it still makes you feel more awake than normal and puts you in a more happy and whimsical mood. I've found it also makes you more aware that other people are people, if that makes sense.
For what purpose? Antidepressive effects? Studying?
just want to see what its like, and here form others about how it went for them
He thinks he can amuse stoners by making a thought loop joke.
Worked at ski resort, rode daily. Micro dose shrooms occasionally- nibble a stem all day. Take 1 nibble every hour or so. I believe it improved/enhanced my performance. I did not get high or feel that effect. I thought it enhanced my vision, depth perception as well as my reaction time. This was only slightly but noticeable.
Visual clarity was the most prominent effect.
The potency or dosage could not be accurately controlled so we nibbled very small quantity over a good length of time to prevent getting high. Until the effects could be noticed then stop.
in my experience there's a threshold where you get effects and small doses wont really be noticeable. You're either tripping or you're not, there's not really any halfway "kind of tripping" thing. I've taken small doses of shrooms and experienced no real effects. I've taken slightly smaller but almost a full dose a few times and got pretty similar effects to a full serving. I will say however, that going higher than your average blotter or eighth of shrooms will (again, in my experience) intensify what you experience.
I used to know a girl in longisland NY who was going to school to be a chemist and was active in the rave scene. She'd distill her own acid using everclear and whatever else, and sell drops from an eyedropper rather than blotters or gummies. Drop for 5 dollars was usually the game. There was a time me and some friends picked up from her in our car, i'm in the back seat with her and she goes to eye-dropper me a single dose into the nostril. She accidentally squeezed out three or four. That was a wild fuckin' ride and also the moment I decided to not touch hallucinogenic drugs anymore. It lasted around 36 hours, and then another 12 hours afterwards of feeling weird, followed by a month of feeling "off" mentally but with no symptoms related to the drug.
I feel like hallucinogenic drugs are intense, but overrated, and if you're trying to achieve some lasting change to your psyche from them, you're better off going the MDMA route.
All of that finding god and anxiety cured shit people attribute to them seem like bullshit to me. Best case scenario for me was having an intense, fun experience. Worst was disassociation lasting a month and suicidal depression on the comedown (happens to me with shrooms for some reason). Just my opinion though. I'm not an expert. Just relaying my experiences of having an unlimited supply of lsd and occasionally shrooms for 5 years. I'd recommend mdma instead.
Yeah it helped me do certain things that I had trouble doing before but if you don't have motivation to begin with it won't help. You gotta be really willing to want to change.
I work at a ski resort and have for a few seasons now. One of my fellow supervisors micro doses on shrooms 2-3 times a week. I dont get the appeal personally, but lots of guests get pretty fucked up too.
I have no experience microdosing shrooms but the trips itself kept me far enough from the idea to try this. Your kinda talking to a professional idiot here. It`s been 8 years since destiny brought me home to my kitchen picking the "wrong" shrooms and next weekend I´ll join a hippie festival, but you should get clear about the advancement in your thinking you expect.
Fuck this guy. MDMA is the most underestimated drug in damage potential for the already troubled mind. When you fuck up with opioids or benzos you`ll get into addiction but have the option to take less to be normal, but when fuck up your serotonin household with mdma, good luck finding a therapist next month.
sounds like you're mdma is cut with garbage
It`s been over 4 years now but I had enough different stuff to rule that factor out.
Why is Max Verstappen crossdressing?
I've done it; the problem with microdosing any serotonergic psychedelic is often rapid tolerance increase. You're better off taking a low dose every week or two instead of something like every 1-3 days. Otherwise you're going to noticed diminishing returns real quick.
Another thing is having to dial in the dose - lots of different factors can affect mushroom potency; things like growth environment, species, degrees of dryness, etc. This means that not only do you have to account for your own personal, subjective, innate tolerance to psilocin, but also account for the fact you don't know how strong this batch is compared to the last one you bought. So microdosing mushrooms involves a lot of trial and error. LSD is a little bit more consistent as long as whoever you're buying from is ACTUALLY truthful in telling you what the dosage is (or even knows what it is himself; lots of dealers don't). But, of course, LSD affects you differently and lasts you much longer. What you'd probably want to do is grow mushrooms yourself (it's not that hard as long as you pay attention and aren't retarded), but on the flipside you'll probably have way more mushrooms than you know what to do with. Maybe sell them, make some extra cash and use that to buy your food for the next few weeks or something. Up to you.
As for it being worthwhile? Depends on you, and, and what you're hoping to get out of the experience. Different drugs affect different people differently. Like I said earlier, microdosing is largely about trial and error. I liked it, but after a while there was nothing I gained from the experience that I couldn't otherwise gain from mindful sobriety. Cheers
Fuck him, you're right, and people are probably just trolling you.
You are not going to function normally with one hit. Good luck with that. Unless youre hit is like, 10µg
I used mdma literally every day for an entire summer, had no ill issues. Maybe anecdotal but you're not going to experience serotonin syndrome from dosing here and there responsibly. In fact, i've never heard of it happening without taking huge quantities or mixing with other drugs.
P.S, opiates can cause serotonin syndrome, and the withdrawal, which i've been through, can ruin lives. Benzo withdrawal can be fatal. Even hallucinogenic drugs carry risk of you doing something retarded and dangerous while on them.
You're absolutely retarded if you think a modest amount of mdma is going to fuck someone up so badly. I'm not recommending binging on it. I'm recommending small doses. I -have- binged on it and had no consequences from doing so. With doses of up to 1.2 grams in an afternoon. I'm going to guess you read somewhere about serotonin syndrome and got scared. That is very unlikely to happen unless there's a drug interaction. And also, there's a very legitimate reason it's being studied for treatment of depression and other psych problems. It's been pretty promising for treating them (when combined with therapy). Like any drug, it has risks and benefits which you should weigh accordingly. Demonizing it is dumb, especially with your mention of benzos and opiates, two horrendously more dangerous drugs, which are both prescribed like candy in the U.S.
It affects people very differently. I once needed to keep an ADHD type of guy from suicide on 50mcg while other more introverted types seem to be able to normally communicate with you on 400mcg+. Nothing in here but anecdots only telling the one lesson that it`s hard to judge from the outside what keeps people going on the inside.
and a brief part two that I forgot to mention :
A far more legitimate concern than serotonin syndrome, which is rare and uncommon, and can be induced by many drugs and drug combinations, is getting impure mdma.
That's going to be the biggest issue if you want to use mdma recreationally. A lot of it is mixed with amphetamines or worse, just isn't mdma at all. Test kits are necessary. I don't advocate for irresponsible drug use. I've been down that route myself and delayed getting my life in order to deal with it.
But the thing that sticks in my mind in regard to drugs and their danger, is how many people i've known gotten personally fucked over by each.
I know plenty of meth heads who spend their days running around all schizo.
I've known plenty of opiate addicts who died and or ended up homeless.
I've known benzo addicts who literally cannot function because they've taken to being fucked up 24/7, and one who nearly died from quitting (seizures).
I've known a kid who ended up with a psychosis that lasted years from LSD.
And lastly, the only person I know of who had an ailment from MDMA, was because he decided to mix it with a large dosage of DXM, and was on psych meds as well. He ended up with serotonin issues, yes, but they were resolved in the end. Use it responsibly and you'll be fine. That means test kits, and no drug mixing, and responsible doses, and not dosing excessively.
That also means not taking it if you have heart issues or high blood pressure, and that goes for all stims. And lastly, not taking it in excessive heat. Don't drink booze with it either, which boosts the neurotoxicity to high enough levels to do damage.
>I used mdma literally every day for an entire summer, had no ill issues.
I know I`m a kinda neurotic type of guy and I`ve seen this drug helping people but It disgusts me seeing you happy go lucky types promoting it like this. It`s not a physical problem that can be fatal, but the depression afterwards that can kill people.
I've microdosed shrooms to study physics once a few years ago.
No idea if it helped learning or retention but it made the subject matter more interesting.
I just go with caffiene+theanine. Fuck munching down shrooms shots nasty.
>I know plenty of meth heads who spend their days running around all schizo.
>I've known benzo addicts who literally cannot function because they've taken to being fucked up 24/7, and one who nearly died from quitting (seizures).
>I've known plenty of opiate addicts who died and or ended up homeless.
All this goes for me two, but if I had the choice between a tilidin level opiod addiction and the days after just 50mg of mdma. I know what would be easier for me to overcome and the public perception of one of these so damn fucking naive.
Are you bullshitting? LSD isn't able to last 36 hours no matter how high the dose. If you really experienced that there was something else in that solution haha
Anything with a lysergamide structure is visually done in 18h with heroic doses. Not counting psychotic reactions from exhaustion though. What was the trip like?
1 hit of 'cid according to most people is ~100 mcg. Believe me you can't function normally on that, or anything >50 really.
>36 hour acid trip
Sounds more like DOx or nBOME to me
Microdosing is such a soiboi silicon valley bullshit thing
Definitely DOx never heard of a nBOME that lasted that long
Maybe he got super (un?)lucky and got bromo-dragonFLY
Or wait, FLY would be more like 72hrs
i feel you man i feel man
yeah i microdose acid and its good
user, the trip lasts four hours, max, why even bother microdosing?
That being said, shrooms are enjoyable for me, I try to take one once or twice a year. It feels like it resets my brain chemistry or something, but the first time I took it did wonders for me.
you might do too many drugs or something, your post is fucked
>every retard thinks his choice of drug has no drawbacks and thinks every other drug is horrible for you
Guy I knew in high school was a dealer and sold LSD. One night at a party the cops rolled up and he panicked and swallowed his entire stash...over 100 he wouldn’t get caught with it. The cops ended up taking him to jail for something was minor...but he had to sit in a holding cell for half the weekend while tripping balls on over 100 hits of LSD and trying not to show anything was out of the ordinary to the guards.
Man DESTROYS the rules of GRAMMAR with one SIMPLE POST. English teachers hate him!
Jackie Kennedy really looks retarded
Fugg meant to link
I wholeheartedly had different results.
I microdose 3 month periods with 1 week breaks every 3 weeks. You're not supposed to feel the acid that defeats the purpose of microdosing. Literally destroyed my depression and completely changed my life and productivity/habits. I MC'd shrooms twice and it was nice but shrooms are something you just take an 8th of to trip and ground you to the earth.