What was your worst hiking experience, Jow Forums?
I went once so i guess that's technically the worst one. I did pictured rocks with my dad and my sister. My dad is 54 and out of shape, I was getting into shape. So we went a little slow and had like 6 hours of down time when we made camp before bed. I was so fucking bored. But the hiking was cool
Slipped off a cliff and landed face first on a rock. Cracked open my face and chest. Thought I was dead. This happened in October and I still get a weird PTSD when going down steep hills.
6+ hour hike that was brutal and grueling
About three hours in my brother starts to say he wants to quit and is asking the group if we can turn around and go back. I tell him there is no quitting because we're already three hours in and have a few to go. We took 30 min break a few times and just kept going no matter how bad the hike was.
After the hike everyone was hungry and dehydrated by that point so we stopped at a rest stop and bought food/water
What made this bad is people literally started to quit and give up after a few hours and not realizing if they turn back it will be another 3-4 hours down hill
Why not keep going up this hill and be done when we're done...
Worst hike I've been on really. Other times I fell down into a lake and have a scar on my hand and legs. Cut myself open and still had to hike as I had no choice but tough it out
Stung by a scorpion, took some benadryl and knocked out a while
Hiking Inca trail two summers ago. Had to shit so bad, like couldn't even walk right. Worst part is we just passed the sun gate and were only a few miles out from Machu Pichu so there were hikers everywhere with no good spot to shit. Eventually I found a spot and let it rip. Not really a terrible experience but I felt like I was going to blow up for about 45 minutes.
was in similar situasion just a week ago, went to a long walk day (lokal event) for the first time with my mom and sis
it's 40km long and has 4 hills, took us almost 13 hours whit just one lunch break, and there was only two stop for water refill, at the end I was so dehidreted I was sweating just salt cristals
the best thing is there were a lot of people who came to run the whole trail and were done in 6 hours
Probably the 10 mile hike I took that I didnt pack any food for. Had plenty of water though
the time i had to physically stop two young kids from killing a bunch of frogs they found in a creek, i pulled one so hard by his arm i was a bit concerned i pulled it out of its socket
You're doing gods work.
Smoked a bunch of weed and started a 7 mile Trail i I thought was 1.7 miles in the evening. It started getting dark and i kept going around corners expecting it to end basically for 5 unexpected miles. Didn't have my gun with me and i was inebriated and felt vulnerable
That sounds horrifying. I've done the same shit sober and get extremely anxious
One time I went rock climbing with an asian friend of mine and she blindly reached upward and instead of grabbing a rock pulled my pants down.
lol id love to see a photo of that
The time I took my ex girlfriend all the way out to white sands New Mexico and all she wanted to do was stay by the car and read a book instead of exploring. 10 hour drive for fucks sake
Hiking with my crazy uncle, got stuck on a slope that was a little too slippery. Lost my footing, slid about 30 feet right into a cactus. Better than the alternative of falling about 20 feet into a field of them.
Overestimated myself and scoffed at a 12 mile hike with ~5000 ft in elevation climb. Plenty of water but ended up with just a sandwich for the entire hike. Felt like my body was eating itself. Also went late and ended having to hike through shit mountain trails in the dark.
Would do it again.
Moved to Colorado in 2015 and tried winter hiking. It was a cool 2.5 hours but I lost the trail. Then I was walking along and suddenly my leg sunk up to my thigh in snow. I remember thinking that was it. I did get some video of a squirrel being loud as fuck
Well what part of Colorado bro
My favorite hikes where through a blizzard last year and in the spring time when the snow melted
The leg sinking brings back memories... I miss falling through the snow when a hill gets covered completely and you're trying to hike it
Theres always next season
Was she cute?
>that pic
Well there goes nofap
first real hike I ever did was in scouts and I've come to discover it's meant for 'experienced' hikers. To get to the top of the trail is 7km up hill, then about 500m to the camp site at the top of a mountain. Nobody tells you this, nobody asks if you're prepared to hike this. I can easily do it now, but a 9 year old, never really hiked before and unathletic me wanted to die and never do anything like it again.
Planning to go there again next year. After the long slog up the hill its really fucking sweet up there. other than that my only fear while hiking is being run over by mountain bikers who don't whistle or let me know they're coming, or running into feral cows on the range and a bull decides to charge me. not really worried so much about bears or coyotes.
I lived in Estes park for a while, small tourist town that exists because of the national park
Went on some great hikes around town and in the park
I'd ride my motorcycle in for $10 and I'd go past hundreds of minivans to the motorcycle parking areas that were as close as you could be to the trailheads
Pic is trail ridge road, woke up one day and decided to ride up to 12k feet
Man, if only someone had a camera!
I did a hike that was 5 miles each way and 2750 feet of elevation. I had a pack with about 35# of gear for camping and fishing at the top. It was exhausting and I was having to stop a lot the further up I got. It was worth it though, the lake was gorgeous and I had a strong sense of pride in myself when I got back out.
80 mile hike in the mountains. Rucked in gear and camped out, no tents. Just strung up a tarp for a hooch and filtered water. Maximum comfy with the bros.
Are you from /out/ by any chance?
I spoke to someone there from Estes park area before so not sure if same user
late fall in Virginia, it was still fucking humid and swarming with bloodsuckers. didn't shower for 9 days and all I could rely on were these baby wipes.
bugs still made their way inside my tent and fucked my sleep up.
Where in VA? I do Shenandoah sometimes
Did something like this with my buddy near his family cottage when we were 16. We were drunk and decided to walk to the nearest town for some snacks in the middle of the night. We thought it was maybe 5km away. Got turned around so many times. It took us like an hour just to find the main road, and wegave up after a few hours. Didn't see a single person the whole time and it was super creepy. The next day we found out it was actually around 25km away. We did not get our snacks.
>on world-class hike (literally) in rockies, not like the crappy hills east-coast virgins "hike"
>see a moose on the trail ahead, staring contest
>know that these fuckers will impale you
>after a min, the moose slowly leaves
>head on swivel for next 10+ km
>latter up, hear rustling
>oh fuck moose has come back for his revenge
>rustling for the next 5 km, moose seems to be following me
>find out its a deer that wanted food
>realize that this trail is inhabited by mouthbreathing retards that literally feed wildlife
>people get killed when animals associate them with food or providing food
Left that day with some good memories but an overall disgust for tourists. I also hold contempt for our parks because I can't carry any means other than bear spray to defend myself, and in these parks it's often too windy for the bear spray to work (not kind of breezy ... like 40mph sustained winds with gusts).
If you stopped at loch vale and didn't finish the trail you missed out
A snake jumped from a small hole on my neck and bit me. It wasnt poisonous tho
>be me
>decide to do an 18 mile bushwack along a riverbed to some unknown pond
>rogue bear in the area for the past week destroying tents and packs so we have to haul a heavy ass bear canister
>thinking we could hop from rock to rock in the stream the whole time
>water level was too high from rain the past few days so we had to walk alongside the river through thick brush that was soaked
>my rain jacket is soaked through in the first 15 minutes
>dont reach our intended campsite until 2 hours after the sun had gone down and using shitty headlamps
>set up tent whilst completely drenched in the dark
>didn't bring legit sleeping bags only thin liners because it was summer
>didnt bring change of dry clothes to sleep in because no rain was forecasted
>temp drops to around 40 degrees whilst we shiver the whole night
>worrying about bear the whole night
>get up the next morning and had to do it all over again just to get back to the car
Fuck that was miserable
Would do it again though
fort picket senpai
Pics of face?
>Last week
>Went hiking, wearing shorts because spring is kicking in
>Walking through some dense brush
>Look down
>It's all poison oak
>Warn the rest of the group, so nobody else gets it
>Spent literally all week on the couch because my entire leg is covered in rashes and blisters
>Doctor prescribes steroids but not the good kind like you want
>If I had gains they'd be gone
Enjoy my artfully lit blisters
I killed so many frogs and toads and snakes when I was a kid.
That's like 70 miles in weed miles
lul me and my siblings are all immune to that shit sorry bro
I wonder if this seems more difficult than an identical climb in 1 mile. I was dead by the end. Wonder if it would have been more tolerable if it wasn't as steep the whole time.
>can't carry any means other than bear spray to defend myself
suddenly my "hills" don't seem so bad
I backpacked 48 miles in 42 hours, the last 5 of which or however many were on a sprained ankle. I don't know how long that last stretch because the signs going both directions added up to different distances entirely.
Also, on a hike eight months before I had to turn around because there was a snow storm and my trail was gone
>spring break
>go to smoky mountains with a couple friends
>hiking day, expecting ~4 hr hike (a friend of ours had done the same trail before)
>foggy as hell, rained day before
>trail ends without us realizing, becomes a different trail
>continue up, keep thinking we're almost done
>hours pass
>reach a sign, 2 more miles to peak
>fog slowly clearing, sun beams out
>ice everywhere
>finally reach peak
>fog is below, most gorgeous view we've ever seen
>pic related
>take pics, rest
>begin descent
>fog is gone, get to see everything in a new way on the way down
>everything hurts
>keep descending with just flashlights
>keep thinking we're almost done
>hours pass
>finally reach car
>skin on heel the size of a quarter is torn
>limping around
>tightest calves I've ever had next day
That's how my friends and I hiked the highest mountain in Tennessee as amateur hikers, with only 4 water bottles, a few sandwiches, and some granola bars
In 9 hours
Can you pop them at least?
It's not really good for them, but unfortunately several did already... esp old yeller there. I'm gonna have scars for sure.
Here's a fresh pic
>10 years ago
>Father thought it would be a good idea to take me (14 at the time), my 11 and 9 year old brother on the west coast trail
>We all had zero experience hiking and were really unfit
>Brother got air lifted out day 1 after falling and hitting his leg on a rock and the other went with him
>I went on for another day and ended up being taken out by boat
>Little brother got a really bad infection and couldn't walk for a while after
Done the same thing on the inca trail. By the time I got to Machu Pichu I was so sick of altitude sicknes and diarrhoea I didnt give a fuck and wanted to get back to cusco
>Meet a girl online
>She says she LOVES the outdoors and loves hiking
>Already have a solo hiking trip planned, decide to invite her along
>She says she doesn't have equipment
>Tell her she can borrow my mom's or my cousins, since they're both into it but too busy to go with me
>She agrees
>We meet the day of
>She's wearing sandals
>Tell her she can't wear those and ask if she has any other shoes
>Luckily my mom's shoes fit her and were left in the car
>It's a 3 day hike
>She complains literally the entire time, about every single thing
>She complains that the backpack is way too heavy
>Okay, whatever, I'll carry both
>Breaks every 30 minutes because "my feet hurt", "I'm hungry", "I'm thirsty"
>Get to camp first day
>She's freaking out about the rats, even though they don't do anything
>Complains about the food not tasting good
>We're alone, which is insanely fucking rare on the AT
>No sex because "I'm too tired..."
>Second day is the first nice view we get
>She takes all her selfies for instagram
>"Is that it?"
>Is what it
>"Is that all hiking is?"
>contemplate pushing her off the side of the cliff
>have to cut the trip a day short because "My feet hurt too much, there's no way I could do another day"
Never again, bros.
Nice digits, also perfect example of why 3D is not a viable option
you better ave left that bitch in the fucking car and enjoyed the scenery you pussy faggot
Why did you guys do that to yourself? Don’t you have any vehicles?
Just wondering, did you ever get poison ivy or poison anything as a kid? I got into it a lot as a kid and now it doesn't bother me.
Girl in my group fell in a river and I had to give her all this motivation and sweet words so she wouldn't stop. Gave her my gloves and had chilly hands. :( In the end though she didn't make it into the final team for ten torS (55ile walking challenge in the south west of England over two days)
I've gotten it several times over my whole life. Never this bad but usually it's just a brush on a leaf, not like my whole goddamn leg in a bush.
Also, I once got it really bad on my junk. That was special.
Climbed pico mount in azores. 4h climb, 1 vertical meter for every 3 horizontal meters. Almost passed out on the last 30min (it turns into climbing the last 200m)
Most beautiful sunrise of my life