How to assmax?

How to assmax?

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this is how i'm tryna be

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Hip thrusts, fire hydrants

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Explosive exercises, heavy romanian split squats, heavy hip thrusts.

Aren't you a bottom

are fire hydrants that good?
I assume you'd use a resistance band, right?

Yes? I'd love to have something to grab onto while I gobble your cock up.
Also big glutes = big thrust

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That would work for girls since most of their body fat is around that area naturally. No way can you get that good of an ass with a meme exercise (most guys use it as a warmup for glute activation).

Progressive overload is implied. Hydrants work the flanks of the glutes, and give you that round look.


Fire hydrants?

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You get on all fours and raise one of your leg up like a dog taking a piss besides a fire hydrant. Do it with resistance bands it's great for warmup

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this can't be real

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how do i properly activate my glutes during the squat? I always shift forward slightly when coming out of the hole, indicating my quads overcompensating for my lack of glute strength. I've been attempting to isolate my glutes more, I feel like my squat would increase dramatically if they were stronger.

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Squat lower faggot

You're squatting low bar wide stance, right?

on god

This is literally what my ass looks like.
I'm nervous if girls even like fat asses on a guy, I'm considering skipping a few leg days because my ass is getting so huge.

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No you fuckin faggot.
Bitches love a big ass just like we do, they love to spank it and cling to it while fucking.

Post glutes.