Consciousness comes from the brain... according to the brain

>Consciousness comes from the brain... according to the brain

How do we know it isn't lying or misleading us, exactly?

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Cuz your gay reeeeeee

I suppose you can't ever know, huh? muhgod

>I suppose you can't ever know, huh?
Yes, it appears to be the case.

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>the body is merely a mechanism and vehicle to keep the brain alive
>everything you do is for the sake of keeping the brain functioning
>the brain is a parasite and your body is the host

the brain doesn't have independent agency, so it's only going to tell you that if you believe it yourself

Because we can see that all the electrical impulses that control the body come from the brain, a lot of the chemicals that decide how we feel come from the brain, changes in personality can be reflected by different chemical balances and electrical signal patterns in the brain.
Look at athletes who get tons of concussions over their career and how much it changes them personality wise vs some diabetic the day before and after he gets his foot cut off cause he's too fat.
We're just a brain driving our body around, get over it, if any other part of the body had as much clout as the brain there wouldn't be artificial hearts, people wouldn't be living with one of each of their doubled up organs, or half of whats left of the unique ones.
Even if it is 'misleading us' I'm pretty sure its in charge whether we like it or not

If it is lying or misleading I think we may never know, it's one of those questions without answer really. Maybe the brain itself doesn't know

consciousness is an alien botnet. the aliens created us and they're storing every thought we've ever had in their alien computer

it actually comes from the heart, the brain is just the mediator and lies about it

If the brain were so simple we could understand it, we'd be so simple we couldn't.

So it's cloud computing huh

well who knows OP....
Maybe your brain is betraying you by thinking about your brains betrayal. And those nightmares that became replays of your daily lives? Oh hohohoho, i would watch myself if i were you before it brings it to kill yourself, OP.
Youve been warned.....

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That's some pretty scary shit, if we don't even control our brains then what are we?

Nothing in our world is explained, we only have predictions for phenomena. These predictions appear accurate so far, but that's all they are. Keep asking a scientist "but why" and you'll eventually hear the answer "we don't know, but it fits the models"

Makes more sense than
>skyman make grug and grugette, make big tree, not-allowed fruit
>grug eat food because grugette take first bite
>skyman anger, but he know grug and grugette would eat
>why skyman mad
>skyman feel bad after killing lots of grug descendants
>skyman send grugs skyson
>skyson is hippy
>skyson make upper middle class mad
>no work ethic
>stupid hippy carpenter, Roman grugs will kill
>grug say that skyson born from grugette have no sex
>someone pulling grugs leg

Where does the skyman come from?

Probably something in between the brain itself and the rest of the body, not quite in perfect control of what the brain does, since we cant just magically cure our depression or whatever, but not complete slaves to it either because you can accomplish whatever goals you want regardless of if your depression makes you want to just stay in bed.

>skyman always be, before sun's and moon's set
>skyman go wear skyson as meatsuit to make business
>skyman brutal ass grug

he just always was, dumbass

Why do you need a skyman in the first place?
You could also say that the universe was always here and you cut out a big junk of your stupid story.

ITT: Philosophy 101

in all honesty, I want a skyman because he teaches kids a half decent set of morals and to listen to their parents and shit, if you dont go too far with it its nice to have people who were at least raised christian.
Some people take it too far, but I'd rather not raise a bunch of sociopaths that don't give a fuck about anyone but themselves because mommy and daddy just taught them to worry about money and all the other stuff grownups know is really whats important while feeding them their jaded worldviews and nothing else

you need to define "consciousness" first

supplies!!! we have no absolute definition nor any concrete one scientific or otherwise.

therefore asking "where does flubawoopoo come from?" is an equally valid question; ergo not valid at all.

Nothing has contradicted it (so far)

Your consciousness is the only thing verifiable in the entirety of Existence, since a consciousness not recognizing itself is a paradox. It's Descartes' cogito, and it's the basis for absolutely everything, and I say EVERYTHING, philosophical and scientifical that can follow.
Then we have Parmenide's Existential paradox. If a thing ''is'', it cannot ''not'' be, for then we'd have no basis whatsoever to even contemplate it. Furthermore, saying that something came out from nothing and will go back to nothing is equally illogical, since nothing is logically impossible. So we have to assume that everything always was, and always will be, albeit not in the same form.
So what happens then? What happens is that your consciousness, your capacity to synthesize and accumulate information, or what is commonly known as the soul, whether it was inside your body or completely separate (the question is utterly irrelevant here) always was, and always will be, logically, which leads us to believe that there was a Before as well as there will be an after for every verified consciousness (i.e. you as the observer and synthesizer of this text), there is an afterlife, and there was a before-life.

>skyman teach morals
>other grugs talk morals
>talk about skyman not giving morals to grug
>grugs found morals alone
>where skyman?

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>>Consciousness comes from the brain.
Are we sure about that?

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Because you can have all other organs replaced by donors without changing personalities?

I wasn't implying consciousness might come from anything in the body

Atheism doesn't explicitly say about those stuff, it's just not believing there is any way a deity could exist and control everything we do like most religions say.
That most atheists believe that is another thing, but cope with your religion and care about other people being, in your opinion, cringy. Not that most of them aren't, but you are as pathetic as actually giving them attention.