Ever been hugged by a girl, Jow Forums?

Ever been hugged by a girl, Jow Forums?

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Only my mom originally.

This and originally

Yeah. I think I've hurt quite a few by backing off, though.

once, as a goodbye on a summer camp a few years back
too bad i was blessed with being born gay

Yup, by accident.

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Wtf type of incel question is that? Here in brazil it's a traditional greeting for girls to do a small hug and kiss in each cheek when mating another girl or a man, meanwhile men handshake each other.

Jow Forums is for white people only

i got a pity hug before but that was about it.

Yes. It was humilating, the girls in my high school dared one of them to hug me. Made me realize that I'm a freak.

Never. I'm okay with that.

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in brazil it is also traditional to have more murders per year than half the rest of the world put together

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Brazil is the exception, especially here.

>traditional greeting for girls to do a small hug when meeting another girl or a man
We do that here in America too, but usually only for family or attractive friends.

Also, Americans value their personal space more than many other cultures do

>american value personal space
When I was in the US, strangers made eye contact constantly. Some even greeted me, and a couple tried small talk. What kind of third world shit is that?

>eye contact and talking is the same as hugging and kissing
Are you from Finland or something?

It's the same in Spain. That said, i've seen girls purposely skip the betas/fatsos/spergs when doing the 2 kisses on the cheek. Roasties are mean.

I'm kidding, but you're as close as can be. Sweden. Talking really is considered invasive and quite rude, and you should only give people a quick glance when they look away, at most.

No but I remember 2 years ago I went to dinner with some family friends and when we were taking a picture the girl my age came right next to me and put her arm around my back and her body and legs were touching mine. I froze completely and got a massive boner. Her legs were so soft.

yes,i got hugged by my crush,my soul was in shambles when i found out she didnt like me

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well yes it is like this in the barbarians countries, they are quite crude, not civilized like east asia japan or finland.

Yeah, but only when she needed the hug, never when I needed it. She was only using me.

I'm sorry. Same here.

The last time was from my oneitis in my birthday last year.

Who I wasn't related to? One, a friend of mine.

Yup, one of the class bullies hugged me while the other took a photo. Kind of like that mew2king picture except the girl was covered in scabs and skin grease

How else should I greet or disband my female friends?

With a slap on the ass, the American way.

A non-family member? Nope.

My oneitis last june, hugged her for like 20 seconds. Ill never hug another girl in my life.

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I have European heritage, German and Portuguese.

Very based
(in an original way)

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>Americans value their personal space more than many other cultures do
Are you aware that other cultures perceive Americans as loud, boisterous, objectively-friendly-but-still-fucking-annoying and having a propensity to intrude on people's personal space? Sure other countries may be worse but what you just said was delusional

I've worked with a lot of flips and gooks in my time and they definitely get way more intimate when it comes to personal space than most white people.
I also have a greek uncle and he is a serious close-talker it's almost comical. I 've heard a lot of greeks are like that.

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Yeah, one of the only girls I talked to at my old job used to ask for a hug from time to time. I asked her out but she made up some lame excuse then was dating some dude from another department. She tried to keep me around as a back up plan I think but I'm not going to be made a beta orbiter so I just noped the fuck out of that one.