According to feminists the guy on the left is a sensitive confident man with a great personality and the guy on the...

According to feminists the guy on the left is a sensitive confident man with a great personality and the guy on the right is an evil toxic man with a bad personality who deserves to be bullied. It's so unbelievably backwards.

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youre searching for what youll never find

no user, that's not what feminists actually think. They'd say the guy on the left is an embodyment of the toxic masculinity that harms both of them.

and yet they still fuck them. they're full of shit

Well sure, but they fuck them in spite of feminist theory, not because of it.

what does that say about the feminist theory?

hmm its almost like its a shit test?

>toxic masculinity

it's called being an asshole, masculinity is about being strong, competent and reliable, the guy on the right could use more masculinity not less of it.

the closest thing to "toxic masculinity" i can think of is moralfaggotry

that most women don't follow it, or even know what it is? Your actual problem is dumb roasties have never read a book in their life claiming to be feminists but still adhearing strictly to patriarchal principles. Obviously this is encouraged by feminist theorists because it gives their opinions more social leverage but you're barking up the wrong tree.

That's why it's specified as toxic masculinity, specifically the harmful aspect of masculinity. Mouthbreathers don't seem to understand the distinction between saying there is a toxic side masculinity and that masculinity is toxic. Nobody thinks that traditionally masculine principles like standing up for yourself or telling the truth are bad.

how is bullying masculine? You are literally just kicking someone who's down and unwilling to fight back for your own pleasure, is it like XP farming for bullies? The "why don't you pick on someone your own size" phrase proposes a good question.

No no no.
The one on left is a dominant, assertive, ambitious, go getter, real man. The one on right is a beta, creep, nerd, weird, incel.

the left one is grug who is more likely to sell drugs and get shot over trash in an ally way and the left actually has potential to be successful in a post-cave dwelling society

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There's a difference between being manly and being masculine. Attacking the weak, using physical violence and feeling the need to prove yourself to others at the expense of others isn't manly but it's definately masculine.

>bullies fail at life and the bullied win in the end
OHNONONONONO, somebody's been watching too many 80s cartoons. The bullied kid usually ends up as a mentally ill shut in at the bottom tier of society, the bully usually mellows out later on and focusses on their studies as they become more important.

whats the difference between being manly and being masculine?

>OHNONONONONO, somebody's been watching too many 80s cartoons. The bullied kid usually ends up as a mentally ill shut in at the bottom tier of society, the bully usually mellows out later on and focusses on their studies as they become more important.

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Well nah, because the dude being bullied is black. Liberals aren't racist at all so your statement is invalid

Manlyness is the traditionally good side of masculinity as seen by men, for instance being strong, being secure in yourself, being selfless ect. Masculinity is basically just anything that's associated with maleness. The idea behind toxic masculinity is that a large portion of what is associated with men is harmful shit, feminists will argue until the cows come home about how much is bad, what parts exactly are bad and in what way but they all agree that a portion of it is.

>The idea behind toxic masculinity is that a large portion of what is associated with men is harmful shit

like what? Wars? Most wars are necessary. Bullying? Girls bully too and often times in more fucked up ways. Building civilizations? Not very bad either.

>insane domination fantasies
>no evidence

You are mentally ill, dont project that onto others

he's not white so no
he being opressed

Usually things like needless self sacrifice, bottling up emotions and refusal to ask for help. If the bullied kid asked a teacher for help he'd be shamed to shit for not adhearing to masculine principles. Girls bully each other too but it's not seen as being nearly as shameful for them to ask for help when they get bullied or attacked.

>most wars are nessesary
Name one.

Thank you oh great feminists for saving us from our ways! Thank you for telling us right from wrong!

what do you mean by this post? Are you upset that people have ideas about what's wrong with society?

I'm upset that feminists shut men from being able to have opinions on society because of privilege while at the same time acting all high and mighty about what is better for everyone, fuck you

Sick strawman, dude.

>Strawmen: The thread.

How is it roasties fault that we have a pecking order? They have it too. I was bullied too, until I stood up for myself. Then I was left alone.

You're allowed to have opinions on society, people will just laugh at you if "Feminists bad" makes up the entirety of your political outlook. Have you ever expressed specific opinions and been told you weren't allowed to hold them because of your privaledge?

fuck off roastie

Toxic masculinity refers to the toxic aspects of masculinity that are more harmful to men.
Things like the social pressure to be emotionally stoic.
That plays a pretty big role in why some men stay quiet until they snap and shoot up their local school/mall/pizza parlor.
It's all the aspects of being masculine that a lot of men feel pressured to follow along with, that really make them worse off.

You get called racist, mysoginists, etc if you deviate from their narrative, you're not allowed to have opinions on minorities (or anybody else really) because of your privilege as if that automatically stops you from having empathy, menwhile the whole feminist movement is about finding flaws on the behaviours of men, but you know what? THEY'RE NOT MEN

I think it's worse than that. It's not just feminists who are down on the guy on the right, it's our entire society, and ESPECIALLY our therapeutic and educational classes.

>The kid on the right must not understand social cues
>The kid on the right must not have any empathy
>The kid on the right will be a school shooter some day, it's natural that his peers reject him
>The kid on the right has a developmental disorder and is a cripple

100 years ago, people had no trouble understanding that some people are just immoral, and those people like to abuse others, because they find it fun. Today, we *pathologize* those who are the victims of such people, reasoning that if those victims just weren't *defective*, they would have been able to handle their abusers and turn them into friends.

>fuck off roastie

I used to defend weak faggots like you in highschool. I don't regret it one bit-- even if you are an insufferable prick and a brainlet.

congratulations, this is the most retarded post i've ever seen

There's absolutely no credible evidence that stoicism is harmful to men. None. The statement that it is arises from ideological presuppositions, and it deserves to be dismissed out of hand.

Thank you dear feminist now I finally understand! :)

They're all shitheads

>feeling the need to prove yourself to others at the expense of others isn't manly but it's definately masculine.

Quite some masculine females around then around 90% of them roughly

>women do it so it isn't masculine

Then why associate the behaviour to males

Nothing really, but you lack the critical thinking skills to understand that.

because it's associated with males by society

Well no, the other user already told you that's not true

no he didn't though, his personal observations of women do not dictate society's opinion of masculinity. Women fart too, but that doesn't make farting feminine.

This is so true it hurts. Thanks to the ideology of capitalism no one can be a victim anymore. The normies tell themselves that every person has control over their destiny.

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The point is that is a problem not exclusive of men, I do believe that is very hypocritical of feminists to use binary language for an unendered issue, I mean its really advantageous for them, in this way they can keep blaming men mostly but is not very honest

Blacks can't be incel muh dik bix nud muhfucka

It's not ungendered though, girls don't have to worry about backlash for snitching anywhere near as much as men do.

Says who? Your anecdotal evidence?

>Thanks to the ideology of capitalism no one can be a victim anymore.

I think it's the reverse. When the ideology of capitalism was at its height, the DSM didn't exist.

It is the left that holds it as axiomatic that groups are good, the collective is good, and that all problems can be solved by social participation and communication. So when group dynamics play out the way they always do, and immoral people torment anyone around them that they can get away with tormenting, the left can't accept that it's *collectivism itself* that's at fault. It's got to be a pathology on the part of the victims. They plain old lack a faculty and everything would have worked out and everyone would have been happy, like in a folk song or a socialist realist painting, if only those defective individuals didn't lack that faculty.

I think it's illustrative that they present individuals who succeed *against* the group as defective also. It's not only the bully's patsy getting his head beaten into a locker who "lacks empathy" and "has a disorder". The successful person who doesn't want to contribute to parasites or the collectivist scam of the moment also apparently possesses this same "disorder".

Fucking truth.


>Says who? Your anecdotal evidence?
You must not've hung out with guys or played team sports in school or college. There's a reason why things like disliking sports, shedding a single tear when something hurt like hell, or snitching are called "girly" or breaking the proverbial "guy code." Why? Because this is usually seen as shit that only girls do. Not picking sides here, as I'm a fence-sitter on this, but most guys have heard this shit a couple dozen times since early childhood.

And most feminists nowadays like to "joke" saying that all men are trash, rapists, etc. That's just tribalism which is a moot point when both genders engage in a behaviour that feminists choose to label as toxic masculinity

the joke is that men get angry whenever anybody criticisies masculinity when that includes things like rape and murder you utter brainlet

The joke is that feminists choose what things masculinity includes.

are you saying rape isn't masculine?

>the retarded incel visibly doesn't get basic feminist concepts
do you ever get tired of looking retarded? Looking retarded is like one of my least favourite things

well no i wouldnt necessarily especially considering how often men feel obligated to have sex with women when they dont want to but arent willing to speak up about it. Unwanted sexual advancements happen to everyone but only women speak up when it happens to them, if men were to speak up when it occurred to them it would seem a lot less imbalanced in who is doing it and who its happening to

>thinking feminism, one of the oldest and most variable schools of thought has a singular perspective on a hypothetical scenario with numerous unspecified variables
OP your brainlet is showing.

Anyway, in my general experience, chads tend to be pretty gregarious to women, even if they're not necessarily politically correct.

>be me
>hiding in the corner at one of my Chad brother's parties
>see his friend's sister passed out on the couch
>guy sits down next to her
>starts to touch her breasts
>I'm 5'3 and weight nothing so I can't do anything
>tell my brother
>he gets his friends
>they grab my dad's gold clubs from out in the garage
>start screaming and charging at this guy
>he bails
>rushes outside and starts running
>my brother and his friends all run into the car
>start chasing after him in our mom's SUV
>he runs into the nearby woods
>they follow after him with gold clubs
>I have no idea why but I run along behind them
>basically this Smash Mouth looking mother fucker was hunted by 6 gigachads who were taunting him and swinging gold clubs
Honestly? I wouldn't mind this becoming normal practice.

>be me
>get invited to a party at my brother's frat
>my brother isn't there, just his friends
>they invite the whole neighborhood
>I get a drink
>see a kitten on the couch
>leave my drink to pet the cat and take it upstairs where dancing people won't step on it
>come back to my drink
>finish it
>half an hour later feel super weird and drunk
>makes no sense considering I only had one drink the whole night
>have a hard time moving the muscles in my fingers
>start to panic
>tell the fraternity brothers
>two of them take me upstairs and let me lay down on the couch
>leave and lock the door behind me
>a few hours later I regain the feeling in my extremities
>one of them walks me to a cab and hugs me

Obviously these are not representative of all chads, and definitely some are predatory, but I have had infinitely worse experiences with self proclaimed "nice guys".

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Yeah we get it, you like to call others brainlet to feel smart

a white kid bullying a black guy? how unrealistic

A white kid named John used to bully me, and I'm black. A bunch of Chads and Tyrones defended me tho.

It's because the guy on the right thinks that being bullied entitles him to nice things later on in life.
>be me
>in class
>can't figure out this program
>ask the TA
>chubby manlet a bit shorter than me with a massive jewfro
>he has no idea
>"If I figure it out, I can text you?"
>"Text me?"
>"Email. I mean email you."
>give him my professional email
>go back to work
>figure the problem out

>next morning
>check email
>at 2 A.M. this guy solved the problem for me
>thank him very much for the help
>feel really bad

>couple weeks later
>after midterm
>he hands back my test
>I got a not-so-great mark
>"Great job, user!"
>he doesn't do this to anyone else

>next morning
>got a massive email from him the night before
>basically saying that he really likes me and wants to get drinks sometime with his phone number attached
>holy fuck who does that on a professional email
>and I'm 18
>this is a first year class he must know this
>he's a Ph.D student so he's at least 24
>call him
>"Hey, it's user, got your email and I appreciate the offer, but no thanks."
>"Why not?"
>"I just don't want to."
>"But why?"
>"Well, uh, I usually want to be friends first."
>"Let's be friends."
>"Why not?"
>"Because I know you see 'being friends' as a stepping stone to dating me."
>"No I don't."
>"Look, you're my TA, it does not look good for me at all."
>"Yeah but you're not even getting good grades."
>Negging? Really?
>"Yeah, and you're behaving really inappropriately at your job."
>"I'm sorry."
>"It's okay."
>"I am so sorry I did this to you, I'll quit my job tomorrow. I'll never speak to you again."
>"Woah woah woah, hold up, you don't need to quit you just need to not ask me out and insult me."
>"So we can be friends?"
>"I mean you can talk to me or whatever, it's fine."

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well its very easy to call others brainlet when theyre visibly wrong about what theyre saying, how about next time you make it more difficult to be called a brainlet you fucking brainlet

yeah yeah we're in awe of your intelligence user ;)

whoa you got all that just from looking at a picture?

>over the course he continually texts me now that he has my number
>keeps asking me to hang out
>calls after me when class is done and chases me to the subway
>if I go out with friends he follows and they all ask why a Ph.D is following freshmen
>whenever I try to tell him to leave me alone he starts to cry about how hard he has it, how he was picked on, how mean my friends are, how he'll quit tomorrow, how sorry he is
>always feel bad and let him tag along after me

>saying goodbye to friends after a dinner he sat in on
>hug this guy I like
>TA dude jumps in
>"Don't I get a hug?"
>why don't you fucking choke
>I laugh like he's joking
>he fucking grabs me and starts hugging me
>pretend its a joke
>later text him saying that I didn't freak out to avoid embarrassing him but not to touch me again

>he goes it another time
>text him saying to stay the fuck away from me

>after class
>I'm studying
>he sits next to me
>starts crying about his parents' divorce and shit
>don't respond
>he keeps asking me to respond
>"Fucking bitch."
>walks away
>leaves me along for the rest of the semester
>always feel sort of bad, guilty, that I was mean to him
>constantly questioned if I was shallow for not liking him back

>2nd year
>friends with freshman
>she tells me at field camp this guy flirted with her, and when she said no he photoshopped her face onto amateur porn and distributed it
>use reverse image search to trace the pornographic images he used as a basis
>give her all my emails and texts from him
>report him to the professor leading the camp
>he mysteriously isn't there next year and I know he didn't graduate
>don't feel bad anymore

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good maybe youll learn something from observing my superior intellect, bow down before me you brainlet

Nah, I got that from OP's whiny post.

Obviously if you're a genuinely nice person (1) my post wouldn't bother you and (2) you wouldn't deserve to be bullied.

that's right goyim. the world is a perfectly fair place. haven't you ever heard of the just world hypothesis? if you're bullied it's because you deserve it. never complain. never rise up against us. good goy.

>literally say that nice people can be bullied and that they don't deserve it
>"nice guy" responds with cliche antisemitic remarks strawmanning me

Dude, don't you have a Morrakiu song to polish your samurai sword to?

>bow down before me
OwO l-like t-this..??

spoopy as fuck

yes now lick my shoes until they're nice and clean maybe some intellect will rub off on you through my soles

Females are just fucking cruel.

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That's the thing. When incels are entered into the example people suddenly act like personality is the factor that is common in the reason that someone is a virgin.

For example talking about terrible they are as people and that being the reason they are lonely while actual people with terrible personalities fuck as many hoes as they want. Then when you claim you're not mean or rude, they accuse you of being a nice guy. You can't win.
If an attractive man were mean or nice the result in relationships would be the same as it would be if you alternate between the two.

Make someone unattractive and even giving the benefit of the doubt, their 'terrible personality' is a direct result of being unattractive (Since people get bullied for things like that). Doesn't matter how nice, how mean, how inbetween they can be, to others they're always on the end of each spectrum. How convenient is that?

While averga, above average, and good looking guys of all kinds manage to get relationships. Must be personality. What a weird coincidence that personality is directly correlated with looks. Crazy, right?

> they accuse you of being a nice guy.
It's always funny to me when they complain about "toxic masculinity" while in the same breath berating men for not being Chads
>Men need to be more soft!
>Ewww, this creep wants to befriend me, that's, like, literally rape
>Men need to be more emotional
>Oh my gaaawd, this creep just explained how he's mad at society or something. He's so entitled, it's, like, literally rape

> The bullied kid usually ends up as a mentally ill shut in at the bottom tier of society,
This. The idea that the jocks and bullies peak in high school and become failures shortly after is a meme. Most of my high school bullies are now successful Chads with Stacy girlfriends and wives while I'm rotting away as a socially retarded 32-level wizard in my parents basement. I still feel myself withering down in shame and avoidance whenever I see them.

>feminists choosing a white guy over a black guy
Ok buddy

this reveals more about your BBC fetishes than anything

>no one mentions anything about sex
>hurrrrr BBC
I think you have some personal issues to work out

>projecting this hard
just get on hormones already you sissy boy

Oh, it's a retarded discord shitposter