Should this type of bench press be allowed in competitions how does this make you feel?
Powerlifting debate
Looks so retarded
Heels need to be on the ground.
Not to mention your ass has to be planted on the bench. This would be red lighted.
Actually you FUCKTARDS this type of bench press allowed because of how hard it is to keep your arch it's NOT some flexibility trick that people usually get mistaken by it's a feat of skill not like ANY of you regards have any lol.
Actually as a powerlifter like myself although you guys might not see it as real strength it is very difficult to pull of regardless of it not being full rom
It's not supposed to be some gimmicky trick that requires skill. It's a test of raw strength, these faggots aren't that strong. And arching your back reduces the range of motion that you push. And with how his shoulders are angled, he's basically doing dips while laying down.
Bullshit. Maybe also do deadlift from knees or a fucking rack pull and call it a deadlift. Pathetic.
To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Power Lifting. The technique is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the technique will go over a typical DYEL's head. There's also Rich's nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation - his personal philosophy draws heavily from Leaving Mankind Behind, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the strength to truly appreciate the depths of these techniques, to realize that they're not just strong- they do something deep DIPS. As a consequence people who dislike Rich Piana truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the wisdom in Rich's existencial catchphrase "FOUR SCOOPS CMON," which itself is a cryptic reference to Arnold's "no pain no gain" I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those DYEL manlets scratching their heads in confusion as Rich's strength unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools... how I pity them. And yes by the way, I DO have a Rich Piana tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It's for the ladies' eyes only- And even they have to demonstrate that they're within 1 plate of my own deadlift (preferably lower) beforehand.
This is what you sound like when you say shit like "as a power lifter myself"
I don't care, powerlifting is lame.
when you bend the rules to get an advantage you only look cool to other people who do the same and look retarded to normies
>ass not on the bench
that's a failed press
>Posts Richard and Mortimer pasta to mock powerlifters
>Talks about the late Rich Piana
It wouldn't, because a proper powerlifter has an ass that's big enough to touch the bench in this position.
IPF tried to ban 'excessive' arching on bench and the notion got shot down by the medical team. You either set up the rules tight enough and deal with it or ban the lift alltogether.
>deadlift from the knees
So basically those powermidgets doing sumo pulls?
ITT: little faggots with a shit bench. post body/stats you emasculated fairies.
Absolutely not. This is just cheating. Same goes for sumo deadlifts and ultra-wide strance squats. Shit like this is the reason why normies think powerlifting is boring.
420lbs bench with no arching.
620lbs conventional deadlift
520lbs squat
250lbs OHP
Now you post your body.
Nice, thick, solid
Frogposter eternally BTFO
shit's fucken gay and is part of the reason why everybody thinks powerlifters are fags
but nah let em do what they want
literally nobody else cares KEK
BTFO poltard frog poster
It;s a cheat move, you're basically positioning yourself as a decline everyone knows you lift heavier on decline, give it 10 years then we'll start seeing see damage caused by this technique
Retard cope
Is that a fullmetal alchemist tat on your chest? If so, based.
Lmao dyel powershitter btfod hard
>meme tattoos
Shut up faggot you got btfo
If the wide stance parallel lowbar squat is allowed then so is this.
It’s the sumo squat/deadlifts of bench. Not to be taken seriously.
Ass isn't on bench so.... don't feel any way about him missing his lift.
Weak bait
>tfw you will never have a flexible gf to lick your nuts while slamming her
Why even live bros
Arching is important to put your shoulders in a more anatomically favorable/safe position and also allows you to use more strength from your pectorals. If you bench with a flat back, you're guaranteed DYEL
You're a big guy.
You could fuck all of her holes in that one position
competitive powerlifting should not exist